The Plane of Tortured Souls (16/06/2000)
*** Mission ***
Jean-Paul, Nova and Maul have all been resurrected. Jean-Paul immediately returned to his duties as Josephine's body guard.
Nova retired to his (heavily shielded) apartment in the Tower of Roaring Flames and has begun catching up on his research.
Despite being the most powerful Fire Mage in the College, he still doesn't appear to be interested in a teaching post. The
only sign of activity is the muffled boom's coming from his laboratory. After a brief bout of in-fighting in the Temple of
Might, Maul has re-established his position. Several memorial services for Priests of Might have been held over the last few
days. (Such services are normally short and along the lines of "X is dead. He wasn't as good as he thought he was. He'll not
be missed.")
Speaking of memorial services, one was held for the distinguished Pathfinder Iilson. All Pathfinders and Guards attended this
service, which was only marred by the missing body of the fallen hero. He will be sadly missed.
The Druidess Pimpernel has had several long meetings with the Baron which have included several ranking members of the
Kingdom and the Eagles who have recently arrived.
It appears that the one surviving Arch Druid "Palpatine" has turned to Necromancy to defend the woods. Some of the few
remaining Druids and Lay-Druids have joined him, but most have formed the Druidic Resistance. However, Palpatine has been
actively recruiting Necromancers and Dark Druids to expand his power base and has been building an army of Orcs, Goblins and
He's also researched a number of unique rituals. These include the production of Undead creatures which are part plant, such
as the Wood Ghouls and Wood Zombies the party met, and also a way of joining together several creatures together.
As he grows in power, Palpatine is corrupting the woods, making it dangerous for anyone who is not part of his power base to
enter the area. No course of action has been publically announced, though patrols along the border have been stepped up.
*** Points ***
Base 69 Dude!
Tarrack +5
- (+3) Holding the line and getting stuck in every day.
(+1) Good use of miracles to enhance the party.
(+1) For smacking Mara when she fell asleep on duty.
Mara +6
- (+2) Fairly good use of Fire Darts, especially on the Wandering Spirits on the Plane of Tortured Souls, but generally on
all the Bad Things.
(+4) For roleplaying G'Mord after the "Body Swap Incident".
Fidallo +3
- (+3) Solid Guard performance, holding the line on all three days.
Hawkeye +3
- (+2) Keeping the Ghouls amused on Friday night when the entire party had been paralysed.
(+1) Taking on the Knight of Death on Saturday night even after it had Drain Life'd him.
Carabas +3
- (+2) Leaping into combat to heal party members.
(+1) Fairly good all round use of miracles.
Telann +5
- (+3) Good use of Extended Ice Blades for the party. They very rarely had to ask for a powered weapon.
(+2) Roleplaying the being blown about the camp by the Air Sprites.
G'Mord +5
- (+4) Roleplaying Mara after the "Body Swap Incident".
(+2) Roleplaying in the Swirling Fog on the Plane of Shadows.
(-1) Leaving most of the Warriors attacking the Knight of Death on Saturday night. It doesn't matter if he couldn't hurt
it, as the Guard Leader its his job to be there and _defend_ his troops and also to drag their body's out if the die.
Mathonwy +3
- (+2) Gratuitous amounts of healing and keeping the party going.
(+1) Party leadership.
Simkin +6
- (+2) Probably the best maintained and played character.
(+1) Reasonably good use of spells.
(+3) Roleplaying Mad Jim after the "Body Swap Incident". If not
quite as obvious as G'Mord/Mara, it was still well done.
Mad Jim McFeegle +1
- (-2) Berserk? I don't think so. I'm possibly influenced by the quality of Mad Jim's previous berserk's, but most of the
time I could tell no difference between normal Mad Jim and Berserk Mad Jim. Mad Jim's discovered the "Peeved" Rage, a more
controllable version of the "Berserk" Rage.
(+3) Roleplaying Simkin after the "Body Swap Incident". If not quite as obvious as G'Mord/Mara, it was still well done.
Physog +5
- (+5) Probably the best Guard performance, from the lowest ranking one there. Physog bravely defended the party from "The
Man with No Name" despite being unable to damage him. He also defended the Druidess Pimpernel at the tree from both Troll
and mad Goblin bombers and was one of the few people who actually joined Maul, Nova and Jean-Paul in the line (though
Mad Jim tried).
Kendal +4
- (+4) Very brave and well executed Throat Slit on "The Man with No Name".
Iilson +0
- Who knows what valuable contribution that this most puissant of Elven Scouts would have made if a tree hadn't fallen on
him. May his memory live longer than he did ;-)
Base 35
All +3
- Various sprites, both nasty and nice, (especially the chasing people around the campsite).
ArwenP having to think quickly when the party unexpectedly resurrected the dead Druid on Friday night.
Elvis/Lord of Shadows [the King is not dead after all :-)].
Ent chasing the corrupted sprites around the camp on Saturday.
"American" tourists on Sunday.
Goblin pine cone bombers.
*** Comments ***
Barony Games (11/06/2000)
*** Mission ***
Due to the heroic efforts of Highland hero "Mad" Jim McFeegle, the true
cause of the recent decimation of gladiator numbers in the Barony has come
to light.
A near-dead Jim dragged himself to the gates of the Barony outpost at Upper
Bogglehampton last night, sporting a broken arm and leg. When asked how he
was feeling, he replied, "Ach, it's onlie a flesh wound! But I ripped that
bastard's heart out, so I did!" He illustrated his point by holding said
organ aloft. We believe he was referring to the gentleman who's head adorned
the end of the beserker blade he was carrying at the time.
Further questioning over a round or ten of not-so-wee drams revealed exactly
what had happened. "Och, weel," said Jim. "I got this card thing with the
gold around the edges, an' it had all this writing on it. Not having time
for all that poncy reading stuff meself, I got Dougal to read it for me. He
said it was an invitation to some kind o' Highland Games thing, only not in
the Highlands o'course, 'cos that were last month. Now me bein' somethin' of
an expert at these things, I had to go along to show those wee lowlanders
how a *reel* man does these things." At this point Jim started singing
something. Fortunately, we couldn't make out any of the words. Eventually,
though, we managed to get him to tell us more about what happened.
"Oh, aye, the games. Well, it were me against a whole load o' them gladiator
people, y'kno, the ones who wear all that poncy armour - except me mate
Feyd, o'course, but he weren't there anyway. But there were all these games,
which had things like hitting people lots, which were good, and one sneaking
around one, which was a whole load o' crap in my opinion. A proper fighter
shouldnae go hiding in the bushes! Anyway, me being a proper fighter an'
all, I gied them all such a kickin', and I were winning, when the two who
were organising it suddenly started hitting people for real! There were
people droppin' like people all over the place, and then gettin' up as
orrible zombie things. I canae remember much after that, just that I gied
them such a kickin' too. An' then this witch doctor walked oot, and he was
this old McFeegle who'd been bad and stolen one o' our clan's beserker
blades. Noo we canae have such things happening, so I chopped him into itsy
tiny pieces, even tho' he were a coward and got some dead people to hide
It would appear, then, that the ex-McFeegle witch doctor had been holding
these gladiatorial games in order to gain himself an army of highly-skilled
undead. But with the witch doctor gone, this huge threat to Barony security
has been vanquished. The thanks of all of us must surely go to Mad Jim for
his actions.
by our War Correspondent, Kate Firstadie
*** Points ***
Base 9
Mad Jim +5
- (+3) For actually bringing out an existing character,
and running the risk of being zombified.
(+1) For doing far too well at every game we ran.
(+1) For a very impressively fought last battle,
despite being on the point of collapsing from
Base 9
DavidS, DavidW, MikeH +2
- (+1) To all three for doing really well in the games,
and putting up with being, basically, the play-testers for them.
(+1) For managing to give real character to the pre-
statted gladiators we gave them - it's a shame
they were so (necessarily) short-lived.
GavinL -7
- (+1) For a brilliant performance as the ex-McFeegle witch doctor
(-8) For being late.
*** Comments ***
Encounter at Coomb Deep (04/06/2000)
*** Mission ***
Congratulations on a fine mission.
Your work today will make a fine addition to your careers
with the Barony and I can only wish that all of my patrols
were as competent.
It seems that you gave the orc raiding party a very bloody
nose and they've withdrawn. Initial reports say they are
scouting in the opposite direction and seem unlikely to
bother us for a while.
The reference to a red triangle tattooed into the forehead
of the orc shaman is still under investigation - many
tribes do use such marks to identify important people but
the College are suggesting that their may be more to it
than that.
Humact Saul's solution to the tree goblin nuisance seems to
have been taken to heart, especially after you rescued the
tree goblin's headgoblin.
We believe that thanks to your efforts to mislead the
mercenaries that the Brethren had hired to retrieve their
brother Lantz, an all out assault on Jameson's Village was
avoided which undoubtedly saved Barony lives, even if
Jameson is a pompus twit.
The Leonic Sword was found exactly where you said it would
be and the named guard has been thrown in the brig and will
be facing a military tribunal within the next couple of
The sword has been placed in a more secure location and is
under constant guard from my most trustworthy troops. It
may however, be made available to patrol members if they
are deemed responsable enough and the need exists.
A combined force was despatched to arrest Lord Bane but
only found a small chest at the meeting point with a
parchment inside with the names of you five patrol members
on and quite a good sketched likeness.
The obvious conclusion from that is not good and I
recommend you watch your backs.
Queries into the whereabouts of a Chaos Priest known as
Angmar are still ongoing. Any information will be passed on
to you as and when it becomes available.
Once again, congratulations on a job well done.
*** Points ***
Base 10
All +1
- For completing numerous minor goals appropriately, for intelligent
roleplaying and interactions with both friend and foe all day and
for coping without any party wound healing without my having to add
any unstatted healing encounters (the potion was dropped in but I'm not
going to count 6 standings worth of healing as anything
more than a trifle in that game).
Saul +1
- For some wonderful ploys laced thorughout with fervent prayers for
forgiveness for lying and for coming up with an excellent non-violent
solution to the Tree Goblin problem.
Carabas +0
- Fulfilled the function of both back-up healer and back-up warrior admirably.
Some nice use of Dexterity 2 miracles too.
Kestrel +1
- For surviving and contributing as by far the weakest member of the party
and also for some nice costume (esp. the bandanna though we still think
the jewels were cool) even if I can't claim it put me off as much as it
obviously did AlexT. Btw, did you ever find out what I was contemplating
for the Tree Goblins? ;)
Hunter +0
- Generally useful as ever, though still needs to be a touch more wary.
Fidallo +0
- Capable warrior work, even once diseased. Would have been nice to see the
guard take charge but I know it takes effort to override the masterful
presence of the priests of our system. ;)
Base 5
All +1
- For characterising people and creatures fantastically, for roleplaying
when expecting fights, for kitting up for fights then standing around
gormlessly as the party talked their way past and for generally being a
really good and reliable monster team.
RichardB +1
- For a great Dark Bear druid who used the combined prayers really well
and just as I'd visualised them, though you need to shout the big Drain
Life number louder, and also for throwing yourself into the NPC roles
despite exhaustion.
WarrenJ, AlexT +0
- Good performances from both but that's covered above. Glad you got to
have fun with the bow eventually!
*** Comments ***
Training Mission (28/05/2000)
*** Mission ***
Task: Prior to the full campaign into Draxia and in order to
fully prepare our defenses against invasion we need to
gather further information about the Kaarth and Saar, a key
goal in this project is to gain possession of specimins of
these species, preferably alive but dead will do, we can
always try to resurrect them in controlled conditions if neccesary.
Outcome: Although Kaarth and Saar specimens were not recovered, key
information to aid in future expeditions to Draxia has been gathered, this
information however is classified and the patrol members and all involved
are reminded that details of the mission are not to be discussed without
express permission from Captain Vareeen or Grand Seer Annias.
"Considering the inherent difficulties faced by such a
small party especially the lack of a scout and a life
healer, I feel that you performed your tasks admirably. The
information gathered from this mission will be of great use
in preparing the next sortie into Draxia where we hope to
sabotage their shipyards and supply facilities. The
reliance on my support during the day was as voiced
previously worrying as I will not be able to accompany
future missions to draxia as I have been draughted into
training new recruits. here are some individual comments
i have to make about your performances below."
General Arkteer
Mad Jim - You need to be more cohesive with regards to the
party structure and not be lulled into feelings of
immortality. Unfortunately you learned this lesson the
hard way as you had to be resurrected on no fewer than 3
occasions during the mission. That said you performed well
and your deaths were often such that they shielded the
other members of the party from attack.
Feyd - A very impressive performance your swordplay was
certainly skilled and I hope you will be able to help me
instruct the new recruits. You were particularly pivitol
in breaching the enemy's fortified wall to assualt their
spell caster thereby saving the party from much punnishment.
Volkar - Considering your lack of experience compared to the
likes of Feyd you too worked well protecting Alquadiris
from attack while supporting Feyd and Jim in the combat line.
*** Points ***
Base 7
Mad Jim +1
- Kept to the spirit of the game.
Feyd +2
- Ditto, and competent fighting.
Alquadiris +2
- Put up with a game rather adverse to priest involvement. Kept well to morals.
Volkar +1
- Solid performance as an under ranked character.
Base 6
GavinL +1
- Statting plus great characterisation of the ghoul, try not to kill Jim so often in the future though.
IanH +0
- Even if you did play the hardiest mage of all times.
VictoriaM -3
- Shame you left early you set the game off to a great start.
*** Comments ***
1) Due to the nature of the game in particularly the fact that it was put together very late, and my poor organisation I have
split monster ref points amongst the monsters particularly to GavinL who helped stat encounters, the base also includes a
bonus for all monsters for their roleplay during the day.
2) Otherwise known as the LATE larp, which stands for Live Action Training Exercise. General Arkteer with the help of some
volunteer guardsmen, (unfortunately the actors guild could not spare any men) to conduct some training combat scenarios. In
this manner Jim only died simulation deaths.
Cult Wars 3A - The Far off Menace (21/05/2000)
*** Mission ***
Outcome: On the return through the cave Annias stops at the fork and examines the floor and some small tracks. He then
sighs and continues on through the portal not revealing what this was about even when pressed. (Hunter couldnt smell anything
useful and only observed small claw marks across the floor). On arrival through the portal you leave the cave and the portal
vanishes behind you. You return to the goblin camp where Annias speaks to Skumble. Skumble gives some orders and the goblins
pack up their things and a team of goblin scouts run off in the direction of the cave. You return to the barony.
"Thank you for your news although I wish it was of a better
nature. Grand Seer Annias has provided me with the
information he gleaned from the cultist library, it
revealed the basic history of the Cultists of Ny'Darch
and the role of the Kaarth and Saar, as well as the new
revelation regaring the Dark Ones, a detailed report can be
obtained as per request.
The Kaarth force is much stronger than we feared. The camp
described seemed very organsied and well provisioned and
your notes revealed that the Karrth fleet will be ready to
sail in just over a year. Even without the current
problems in the barony and the unresolved issues concerning
Lanister and Brassk who have been strangely quite of late
we would be hard pressed to strengthen our forces
sufficiently, as it is (sighs and shakes his head). The
army is made up primarily by the Lizardine Kaarth but they
seem to be reluctant to involve in battles leaving that to
the Saar, which from reports are as strong as ogres and
quick of mind, and their human mercenaries.
The college and priesthood are looking at your revelations
regarding Karrth's affinity with poison and hope to be able
to develop some form of antidote. It is a shame that you
were not able to bring back any specimens for study however
as such research is limited to samples taken from your
armour and weapons. Annias seems troubled by something he
obseved in the Kaarth Cave and is researching the cultists
library further. The goblins have proven once again loyal
and Skumple is most apologetic for Thaggraxa's treachery.
Annias has taken a few guards along with him and together
with the goblins they are setting guard on the portal
against Kaarth infiltration. Further transport through the
portal is forbidden until further notice. Once preliminary
reports are gathered from our research we may need to send
a further mission to try to recover some specimens for
study or ideally to sabotage their shipyards, your help
again would be greatly appreciated if this comes to pass.
You are dismissed...Oh and one last thing, be wary of the
Dark Ones from your reports they seem emmensely powerful
and seem to only be working with us now as it suits their
purpose, we can only hope they destoy each other I suppose"
General Arkteer
*** Points ***
Base 9
Mathonwy +1
- Another solid mission, I especially liked the kick in of
the weakness after been paralysed. As much as I hated the
looming pear that followed sticking to your morals of truth
was done well, as was your reaction to discovering Ventus was unliving.
Brothers +1
- A Particularly brave choice to go it alone with the Argyle
group, however your brotherly dichotomy broke down a few
times. Despite the fact that you are wearing lots of
armour you still need to react to blows a bit more.
Ventus +2
- Good performance for a substantially lower ranked
character. Good roleplay of the unliving scenario, and
good use of air blasts. Very good reaction to the terror affects.
Hunter +2
- Good roleplayed reluctance to accept the mission while
still being polite to Gerneral Arkteer. Marvelous flight
and avoidance of the demon...even if you did lead it back
to a meditating party...still that wasnt your fault was it.
Nice dive into cover from the approaching monster ref (even
if I was out of character and looking for the party to make
sure they didnt get themselves killed)
Annias +1
- Good show from Annias, explained the findings in the
library well (was a bit more well Turnipy i.e the blowing a
rasberry at the banshee incident than I imagined). Good
input at the decision making re the Argyle group, leaving
the final decision to the militant party.
Base 5
CarinaS, NatalieW +1
- For the banshees, simply marvelous.
MikeH +2
- For the demon chasing hunter as well as general help during the day.
MarcusO +0
- For helping organise encounters, and getting
consistently beaten in as me as the Dark Ones. However
getting out of bed late did you no credit.
MatthewA +1
- For the fire mage that simply didnt could
he be the last monster standing? Makes no sense and the
Paper, Scissors, Stone bit.
LudwigK +1
- Solid show for a monster who was happy to play
the little monsters all day (oh you did the death
knight) and for helping set stuff up.
JamesB -1
- Point total for being lazy and only getting here
to be killed by the dark ones. Still point for showing up
despite lateness, now thats commitment.
*** Comments ***
1) First just a general comment to say that I think the
experiment of a fully invite only party (with the late
addition of Ventus) worked out well. As I've mentioned to
MikeT I'd like to re-clarify that the status of non-barony
memebers is dubious and can (as long as done sensiblily)
be interpreted by the GM. In this case the brothers and
Hunter were non barony members. Hunter accepted the
mission afer a suitable bribe (O.K the barony couldn't find
any other scouts OK!). As far as General Arkteer was
concerned the Draxia campaign is a fully military mission
and once accepted the members should abide by barony
heirarchy and that means listening to your superiors
politely. However, I think the brothers got the point and
their initial reaction was roleplayed well.
2) The party base has basically been dropped because the party
had to be bailed out by the Dark Ones at the end and hence
really couldn't finish the game (yes, I know you had power
left but the Dark Ones didn't and you just might have
needed them). The reason for the Dark Ones arrival or
flange intervention was two fold. Although you salvaged
the brothers all alone situation quite well you also
compromised the mission somewhat by revealing and then
leading the nasties to the rest of the party. The riskier
but possibly better choice would have been to try and take
on the Kaarth then and sneak back to the party. As it was
you had to fight both groups of Kaarth at once.
Secondly Mathonwy's healing potion was forgotton and
remembered (by Mathonwy who was unconscious?) during time
out. Had such an eventually been prepared for then the
party with Mathonwy's healing could have held out against
the Kaarth. This probably would have meant the death of
AlexT again though?! As it was you missed the big fight at
the end and failed to exploit the emergent secondary
mission (see debrief).
Another reason was the messing about in the cave. The
party has seemed to become obssessed with blessing undead.
Why bother when the banshees and shadow were not frightening
people (except poor Ventus) and were being bounced by the
brothers. You would have done much better had you just let
them regen and beat them in then and there.
Vampire Returns - Part I (14/05/2000)
*** Mission ***
*** Points ***
Base 11
Jeremiah +1
- For holding together a party in difficult circumstances.
Fiddilo, Simkin, Llandriel +1
- For being brave enough to submit to the "unlocking of potential" ritual.
Mathonwy +0
- An average performance, but no memorable actions.
The Raven +0
- A strangely subdued performance for the Raven.
Chase -3
- (-1) For failing to react to blows. Ok, most hits you
were only taking 1 or 2, but 2 is still a dagger stab,
so it should get some reaction other than a disdainful shrug.
(-1) Unheroic roleplaying. Paladins are supposed to be
paragons of virtue and holiness, taunting an ally is
not at all heroic.
(-1) For snide out of character remarks. This isn't the
first time its happened, all it did was get all the
monsters pissed off. As has been said before, if you
don't enjoy it, don't come.
Base 6
*** Comments ***
1) Firstly, I think this was the first game that excluded
a class of player, in this class Humucti. This wasn't
deliberate, I just happened to write a game that when
it was written was unplayable by Humucti. In game
terms, the Baron (or one of his subordinates) decided
that sending humucti on a mission to negotiate with a
Vampire would be a little stupid, so simply didn't
assign any to the mission. I know that this means that
anyone with a humucti wouldn't be able to play them on
that game, but you can't expect to always be able to
play what you want. It was after all, just one game.
What do other people think about this?
2) Secondly, it appears that once again I've gained the
reputation of being a party killer, so I'll explain
this to those who missed it, or didn't get the drift
of what went on.
Basically, in a roleplay encounter with a Vampiore,
instead of the party giving the Vampire any respect,
the party proceeded to take the p**s. It felt like the
players were seeing just how far they could go,
thinking I couldn't kill them all. Wrong, like I said
at the start of the game, I'd have no qualms about
killing someone if they did something stupid, and
winding up a Vampire (in his own crypt), is a very
stupid thing to do. If the party did attack him, he
would have killed them all.
Then, outside the cave, Chase gets into a fight with
the Vampire, after taunting him. He survived because
LudwigK was unsure what to do, so teleported away.
Then came the interesting part, after a battle with
several undead, the party turn to the vampire (acting
through one of his minions) to perform a ritual to get
the party home. Basically, all the monsters agreed
that there was no way Chase would simply be allowed to
go home, after the fight, so we (the monsters) had to
decide what to do. After a long discussion, we decided
(all the monsters, it was a group decision) that the
vampire would allow him to go home, but would kill him
on the way, (and as Chase was allowing the ritual to
be cast on him, he couldn't stop it, or he wouldn't be
teleported at all). So, the party arrive back at the
Barony with one dead Chase. Moral of the story: Don't
tease a Vampire.
Lady Mordilla (07/05/2000)
*** Mission ***
Task: The Western boundary of the Barony has been successfully pushed further
back through some orc-held lands. The orcs have been obliterated and the
Barony has reached the edge of a landowners estate.
The holding is owned by one Lady Mordilla. She has agreed to join with
the Barony in exchange for a favour. The favour involves dealing with
what Lady Mordilla calls "a small problem". Although she says the problem
is small she has warned of undead in the forests which form part of her
lands. The Humacti have been contacted and hopefully one or more of their
numbers will be able to join the mission.
Upon returning to the Barony, the party meet with Area Commander Narmy.
Marshal Mathonwy is asked for a brief on what happened.
The party members are contacted a few days later...
Area Commander Narmy Reports:
Congratulations upon what can only be described as a successful mission.
Not only did you acquire for the Barony Lady Mordilla's lands, but also
her manor house.
The Butler Tomkin, although of dubious racial origin, has requested to
join the guards, and due to his obvious skills in combat has been given
the rank of Drill Captain.
It appears the weapons improved by the blacksmith have retained the
physical improvements made upon them. As the people concerned are not
affiliated with any kingdom guilds it has been decided they may keep them.
The Manor House has been thoroughly searched and contains many valuable
items although most seem old and fragile. Each member of the group is to
receive a cash bonus when the monetary forges are established. This is to
be equivalent to three months pay for a guard lieutenant.
The College has expressed an interest in the magical field surrounding the
house and have sent people to investigate.
The Temple of Freedom has sent representatives to examine the library of
the house. Initial reports suggest that many of the books are
written in ancient temple runes, some of which are unrecognised.
The lands surrounding the house seem verdant and will be put to good use
as farmlands. The forest seems void of any animal life, except a river
which contains a jovial group of water sprites.
The size of the river combined with the lack of bridges makes an ideal
natural boundary, and patrols are being set up to patrol to this extent.
On a more serious note, I and my superiors were alarmed by the
complaicancy in allowing Orcs to roam in Barony lands. No damage was
really caused though and the Orcs were quickly captured. It seems you were
lucky this time.
The Temple of Life has expressed a concern for those who were bitten by
lycanthropes. They are to go to a temple to be checked for possible
The parties quick thinking in a situation contrary to the known facts has
lead to success. My congratulations and thanks to you. I shall bear your
names in mind if ever I require a specialist group in the future.
Area Commander Narmy
Later on, Commander Narmy contacts those on the Witch mission with some further
The College has completed its study of the "barrier" surrounding the manor
house of the late Lady Mordilla. The barrier appears to prevent
full-blooded orcs from entering the building. Half-orcs seem to be able to
pass through unhindered. This has made the house of military interest and
it is currently being renovated into a fortification. This work is
expected to take upwards of three months.
The Temple of Freedom has been able to translate all of the Runes found in
the manor library into current Barony script. However some of the oldest
tomes, cannot be read still as the language is not known. The Temple have
begun some research into translating it.
Several scrolls have been recovered from the library and some books
detailing the history of the family and the area. Details will be
appendixed to this report. The cellar has also proven to have a large
store of wine.
Wildlife has returned to the forest and the Pathfinders report that the
lands have so far remained peaceful. A working relationship has been
forged with the sprites there, and the Temple of Freedom has agreed to
provide some scrolls with information the sprites find interesting
whenever patrols need to pass the river.
The one person who reported to the Temple of Life regarding lycanthropic
bites was given a clean bill of health. The temple is glad that only one person
was bitten.
Thank you again for your recent efforts.
Area Commander Narmy.
Lady Mordilla and Lady Druella were the only children of the previous Lord
and Lady De Windermere-Knightley. The lands have been the families lands
as far as the records show. Orcs were apparently prevalent in the area
until a spell was cast to drive them from the lands. The spell worked but
at the cost of Dame Fruciscia De Windermere-Knightley's life.
The barrier on the manor house is believed to be the last remnant of the
The orcs were driven beyond the hills to the far west and have not been
seen since. Whether or not any remains of the Broken Skull clan exist is
unknown. The family had built a strong export business as the fruit grown
on their land was known to be a powerful aphrodisiac. With no male heir to
take over the business, the family had lost most of the trade. The sisters
were not interested in the business but in the spells and magic of their
late grandmother. The records end shortly after this time.
Who the trade was conducted with is not detailed in the books that have
survived, only that they lived downstream of the manor. As this direction
leads to the sea, the trading partners could be almost anywhere.
The family lineage spans back for about 700 years prior to the current
day, and they do appear to have been genuine nobles. The estimate of 700
years includes an approximation to the date of the runes found in the
newest books, which would mean that the sisters had been alive for nearly 250
*** Points ***
Base 12
Saul +3
- (+1) Costume: Simple but effective. I like the cross.
(+1) Roleplaying: Incredibly no audible swearing, opportunistic quoting. Good
humacti roleplaying avoiding non-undead things.
Involvement: Always at the front finding things out.
(+1) Singing: For in tune-ness and keeping the rhythm.
Ezekiel +0
- Costume: Nothing individual or outstanding.
Roleplaying: Nothing outstanding.
Involvement: Would have liked to see more on this front. Especially if you're in the Temple.
Bregan +1
- Costume: Nice as usual.
Roleplaying: Stupid stupid Bregan. We like him. Shame he died.
(+1) Involvement: Fatal amounts.
Mathonwy +0
- Costume: Usual good standard.
Roleplaying: (The Healing Beacon) Needed to make his authority known better as leader.
Involvement: There when needed, but rather shouted down by the Humacti.
Zanthris +2
- (+1) Costume: Keep wearing the hat thing. I think it needs an 'annoy sprite hat' lammy.
(+1) Roleplaying: Grouchy as always, but very obedient to leader.
(+1) Involvement: For pushing the witch into the river.
(-2) Safety: For pushing CarinaS down a (steep) hill and not heeding warnings on pulled blows (over several events).
(+1) Singing: For reading difficulties.
Turnip +2
- Costume: Didn't smell enough:>)
(+1) Roleplaying: Good effort with the accent.
Involvement: Quietly doing things from the back. Useful with Magic Sight. Nice interaction with witch.
(+1) Singing: Very scotish
Mad Jim +3
- (+1) Costume: Great as always. Still remembering the "inept". Especially considering the temperature.
(+1) Roleplaying: Please teach me to shout in Scottish. Tried very hard to kill the witch.
Involvement: We feel sorry for him being unable to kill things. (see, he does need Dougal - let me back!)
(+1) Singing: Very scotish
Kaylin +0
- Costume: Good standard.
Roleplaying: As effective as ever.
Dryak +1
- Costume: as above
Roleplaying: as above, plus good r/p of protecting (the at the time dead) Bregan from the witch.
(+1) Involvement: Good interaction with sprites. Showed bravery.
Hunter +0
- Costume: Boiling to death bonus.
Roleplaying: Standard.
Involvement: Good information finding (as always).
Base 6
MarcusO +1
- (+1) For roleplaying the bribe.
(-1) For annoying the GM by taking a bribe.
(+1) For singing, for in tune-ness and keeping the rhythm.
CarinaS +1
- (+1) For witches.
JamesB -1
- (-1) Late
PeterW +0
LudwigK +0
MarcD +0
PaulT +0
MikeH +1
- (+1) For terrifying the party as an ent.
*** Comments ***
1) Most miraculous event: TimS calling Divine Intervention and it worked (wolves encounter).
Involvement: This is to do with involvement in the plot. Not just are you at the game.
A New Larp (09/04/2000)
*** Mission ***
It was the morning after Christmas,
and all through the Barony,
Not a creature was stirring,
Not even G'Mord...
Upon waking up on Boxing day, you all have monster hang-overs, but are
otherwise no worse for ware than that (Saul hasn't lost a death threshold).
It all seems to have been a mass hallucination / dream / nightmare. The only
real puzzle is that both Mara and Telann retain their items (which the
college and the life temple ascertain are soul stones, and allow you to keep).
The only embarrassing thing left is memories of the night before... :
Saul +10
- Consuming 2 Sunday's worth of Communion wine, followed by 10 Hail Mary's
and 10 Our Father's for penance.
G'Mord +10
- (+3) Blubbing to Fiddilo whilst being grossly drunk.
(+7) Doing an impressive "Hat Dance" wearing ONLY the hat.
Telann +10
- Beating G'Mord in an arm wrestle (Causing G'Mord to blub).
Mara +10
- A jaw dropping and trouser raising table dance and strip tease.
Fleidre +10
- Getting a naked Mara to Tango with him without having to knock her out first.
Fiddilo +10
- (+4) Winning the "How far can I projectile vomit" contest.
(+6) Getting a tattoo on his left arm (Bonus point available for
displaying proudly, a good and amusing tattoo.
*** Points ***
Base 0
Saul +2
- (+1) Excellent role-playing as a gladiator.
(+1) Superb costume. Nice one. Handled being blown to pieces very well.
G'Mord +1
- Mad costume, and well timed item use.
Well role-played, esp. chasing the ewok.
Telann +1
- Hilarious use of command spell to beat the peasant at wrestling.
Mara +0
- The elven cannon, well done.
Fleidre +0
- Again, a most dangerous individual against Storm Goblins.
Fiddilo +0
- Nice try at commanding the party, a little more force required, but otherwise, well
done. Nice monkey, good monkey...
Base 5
StephenE +1
NatalieW +1
AlexT +1
MikeT +1
- All monster bonuses for putting up with three inexperienced monster refs,
and the ever-changing capabilities of the Storm Goblins.
*** Comments ***
SIC TRANSIT BINKY (26/03/2000)
*** Mission ***
Thanks to the party's efforts, it appears that the problems with the
Death cultists in the Chumley area have been dealt with - at least,
there have been no more reports of problems in that area.
What we do find confusing, though, is how a mission that was expected to
last *at most* 2 hours (given that Chumley was under 30 minutes' walk
from the keep) actually took 3 days. Moreover, nobody in the area seems
to remember seeing any of you in that entire time.
As such, I would very much appreciate reports from every member of the
patrol, especially the Guards and the Pathfinders, explaining these
Guard Captain Legume
Chumley Area Watch
*** Points ***
Base 12
All +1
- For the sausage in a bun incident.
Adiuvo +1
- For good leadership in the rolepaying encounters.
Fleidre +1
- For putting up with being a zombie and being dismembered by Bowen.
Iilson +1
- For a very well performed Rite of AshKente.
Bowen -4
- (+1) For good leadership in the fights.
(-5) For attempting to sabotage the game from the outset. It
appeared, from the monsters' point of view, as if you were
deliberately setting out to spoil the game for everyone
else. The main points raised were:
* Lack of roleplaying in what was advertised specifically as a roleplaying LARP.
* Trying to tell the monsters what they ought to do.
* Whipping hits and drumrolling.
* Snide, OOC comments all day.
Lothlann +0
- (Gets 10 base monster points, for leaving early)
Base 6
GregP +1
- For a masterful rendition of Greebo.
LudwigK +1
- For the dragon summoning ritual.
(Gets 1 base monster points, for arriving late)
RoyA +1
- For Herne the Hunted.
VictoriaM +1
- For excellent roleplaying all day.
IanH +1
- For being Blind Io all day, and coming up with some amusing
effects for spells and miracles.
MarcusO +1
- For a very good Bursar, and for getting one of the answers
right in the UU Challenge (despite having never read the books)
(Gets 5 base monster points, for arriving late)
DavidS +0
- (Gets 5 base monster points, for leaving early)
*** Comments ***
1) If you don't expect to enjoy a LARP, please don't bother to turn up.
Those of you who have GMed will know the time and effort that goes into
writing and statting a LARP - please don't cause that to be a waste.
Into The Woods (19/03/2000)
*** Mission ***
*** Points ***
Base 14
All -2
- (-1) It was the general concensus amongst the monsters that
the party was dragging its feet, so don't really
deserve full points for time wasting. "OOH, a spider,
lets watch it for about half an hour" being a prime example.
(-1) This one's for mission failure, or rather for a very
half hearted attempt, that failed. Although the pool
was purified (to a point), the party failed to notice
that the pool was still generating monsters after the
liquid was poured in (and this was pointed out). They
also left the Dark druid completely unharmed, so he
was able to recreate the pond with relative ease.
Hunter +1
- This is for being the only one brave enough to get
close to the pool, and actually purifying it.
Zanthris +0
- (+1) for good scouting.
(-1) for unpulled blows
Mathonwy -1
- For unpulled blow and repeated blows to the hands, which
_really_ hurts, especially when its cold. TimS was unable
to hold a weapon in the last fight, as his hand was too sore.
Base 7
*** Comments ***
The Beast Of Blackwatch Castle (12/03/2000)
*** Mission ***
Debrief: The patrol is commended for it's success. You
achieved all your mission goals and gained some unexpected
successes as well.
Area Captain Avon is pleased to report that Treeleaf and
Biter have contacted farmer Giles and passed on a message
conveying there gratitude for the patrols help. They've
also kindly offered to ressurect Simple, Farmer Giles's son.
The contact with the Council of Nine group is also being
proclaimed as a first step towards amicable relations
between the Barony and the Nine, though aiding the Warlock
against the Tree Goblins at the edge of the forest might
have been a good next step.
Patrol command, however, understands your actions given the
first comments from the Temple of Might on the item that
you captured and your descriptions of some of the items
On a less happy note, the Rabid Rabbit tribe of goblins
appears to have moved into the area permanently and will
require a major patrol action to drive them out. For
now a state of extreme hostility exists between them and
the Barony. Farmer Silverleaf has already seen off a couple
of raiders...
*** Points ***
Base 9
Vikarna +0
- A short and violent introduction to the world where the bad guys have Animal
Leap too. Perhaps next time you have an opportunity for healing (and from a
fellow druid too!) you'll take it. Impressive use of Thunderclap, but need to
learn more precision with it.
Balatan +0
- I didn't see much of the bat druid except passing by with claws at one point
harrying zombies nicely though.
Cyrac +1
- Always in the front line and driving the party to further action. Some good
roleplaying of a priest of Might - the party would probably appreciate
him meditating on the wisdom of preserving party members in
case they can be made into something useful later.
Kestrel +0
- Always in the thick of things and being generally useful.
Volkar +1
- Sometimes a one man front line, including throwing off exhaustion to fight
the (pathetic?) zombies whilst the rest of the party lay around either
medding or resting. A good solid warrior performance.
Turnip +0
- Some good moments and some nice mixing of barbarian tendencies with the
intelligence of a witchdoctor in training.
Ventus +0
- A good combination of combat skills and magic to form an effective back-up fighter.
Base 5
IanH +0
WarrenJ +0
MikeT, AlexT +1
- For zombieing repeatedly in the face of the revelation that zombies are
much weaker with fists now and having to climb up and down the valley side
more often than someone should have to on a hot afternoon.
*** Comments ***
1) If there's an opportunity for healing by an ally or
friendly NPC then it may be wise to take it, especially as
the party lacked Life healing. NPCs will rarely volunteer
their power but may be willing to expend a portion of it in
exchange for the patrols aid.
2) It's usually wise to have a rear guard, or just someone
who's watching the rear of the group in general, just in
case. In the goblin fight the party pushed forward without
regard for flanks and got at least two goblins behind them
who caused trouble.
On the other hand, the NPCs were very impressed by the back
lines attack over the top of the Thunderclapped warriors
into the Thunderclapped goblins...
The Nine (05/03/2000)
*** Mission ***
Task: Patrol members have been temporarily re-assigned to
Blackwatch Castle, near the South Western edge of the
Barony, due to reports from the Pathfinders of alarming
numbers of mercenaries congregating in the area.
As yet very little is known as to why the mercenaries are
gathering, but the Baron is assuming trouble is on the way
until proven otherwise and is mobilising forces of his own.
The patrol is the advance guard of these forces and is to
reconaisance the area where Pathfinders have specified the
highest concentration of soldiers lies. They must attempt
to discern any hostile intent and if possible to identify
and meet with whomever is gathering these mercenaries to
discover why they are building an army.
Hopefully more information will be available before
the patrol departs and no doubt Pathfinders will meet up
with you on the way.
Patrol will report to the briefing room by third gong
tommorrow morning.
Area Captain Avon
Debrief: From: High Marshal Altis
I have assumed control of all dealings with Akshar and,
with advisement from Lady Flame, all dealings with the
Council of Nine.
The current political situation is not any more stable for
your last piece of work and I've just returned from the
meeting that was arranged, having bargained heavily.
Unfortunately, in these times of constant threat, with a
potential invasion to the north and another from across the
sea, with the Grinning Skull orc tribe and the Drow on the
move, we are forced to bargain with those whom we could
otherwise have the upper hand against.
Anyway - I have the following to say:
Firstly, any rumours concerning an alliance with Talon
against Akshar are just that. Patrol members should act on
fact, not hearsay.
Secondly, the Council of Nine demand the immediate return
of the personal talismans of the Necromancer Galvick and
the Fire mage F'Nar. Given the current situation I believe
we should comply although Lady Flame has persuaded me to
stall for time so that these talisman's can be studied.
Immediate delivery of these talismans to a College member
is required.
Thirdly, the female assasin, Artemis, who appears to have
some kind of grudge or long term contract concerning the
Nine is declared wanted, alive preferably, dead if
necessary. She is, however, to be considered extremely
Fourthly and most importantly, the patrol were instructed
that this was a reconnaisance mission to discern hostile
intent of the gathering army and to forestall it if
possibly, report on it if not.
In actuality the patrol has attempted to declare war on the
Nine (I say attempted because the fate of Fire mage F'Nar
is not considered important enough to start a war over,
especially given that reports indicate that the whole
combat was a mistake, and the Necromancer Galvick appears
to have escaped without permanent injury and is treating
the whole event as an amusing anecdote), brought the Barony
to the notice of Akshar's forces and also allowed Jackal
forces to escape with knowledge of the Councils plans.
All patrol members should be aware of the following -
whilst within Barony lands, Barony law is upheld, whilst
within the Borderlands, military law is upheld, whilst
travelling in another, non-hostile factions lands, their
laws are to be upheld as long as this poses no threat to
the patrol or the barony as a whole.
Repairing the damage done by your actions will take much
skillful diplomacy and patrol members are instructed to
meditate on this whilst they undertake extra training with
Guard Leutenant G'Mord for the next two months.
Addition by Lady Flame:
All College members are instructed to maintain distance
from all members of the Nine. The Nine are as of now
considered undesirables and all necessary dealings with
them are to be conducted by the patrol commanders.
*** Points ***
Base 9
Kailyn +0
- The brothers continue to be the most annoyingly
capable pair of players I know.
Dryak +0
- Some dubious healing of Cryptic going on here.
Not bad enough of a flange to be penalisable at this stage
but you should be aware that as long as you're statted as an
Order priest a "normal" priest, whether of Chaos or not,
will perceive you as an Order priest and your miracles of
Order alignment. Nice to the point deal making too.
Fleidre +1
- For some interesting roleplaying involving the
council which came out of left-field and contributed to the
refs nervous break down.
Phil +1
- A good start with much keenness demonstrated. You need to
watch your back a bit more though a scout should be second
in paranoia only to the elven mage.
Rheinna +1
- For a good first time, experience will give you the attitude
in combat to match your attitude in words and this was a good first
time out considering you were surrounded by characters who were, for
the most part, confident of themselves and their abilities.
Jeremiah +0
- Capable warrioring, slugging away in the front
line - keep up the good work.
Bodan +0
- Solid soldiering and capable leadership - did
well to be steering the diplomatic meeting to some form of
agreement against improperly briefed and confused NPC's.
Alquadiris +1
- For mental breakdown in the car park. Alquadiris never fails to
impress, though what impression he leaves is highly debatable.
The fact that you're an Order Priest though and a member fo the
patrol requires that you aid the patrol for it's duration. Lowering
of base points is loss enough for now, but if Alquadiris makes a
habit of failing the patrol he will start to lose points
for not being a useful member.
(Gets 5 base player points)
Cryptic +0
- A point lost for a meddly of things - giving
the Jackals the Councils plans, thereby opening up the
possibility of the Council of Nine being defeated and
Jackals impacting the Barony, commentary on the scouts
approach to the Jackal ambush, which, whilst amusing, gave
all the Jackals hidden around warning to power-up and be
ready for the ambush to start.
A point gained for roleplaying chaotic behaviour and for
the Double Weakness of F'Nar which saved the party a severe beating.
Doken +0
- Typically good roleplaying from Ant, with Doken
doing the accepted animal druid thing of popping up where
he was least wanted.
Arrayn +0
- Not quite sure whether to class you as a
monster or player, or even if you'll ever appear again.
Gave the party a scare, even if it was unintentional at
first, so a few points to put towards a PC if you ever return...
(Gets 3 base player points, for arriving late)
Base 5
VictoriaM, CarinaS, PeterW, IanH +0
- All did admirably considering we were outnumbered and constantly scurrying around.
MarcusO +0
(Gets 4 base monster points, for arriving late)
DavidG +0
- Just in time to play a bunny wabbit - aren't you glad you turned up!
(Gets 1 base monster points, for arriving late)
*** Comments ***
Invasion (27/02/2000)
*** Mission ***
Debrief: Having received information both from reports by members of
your patrol, and from interrogation on the captives
returned by the experimental Air Mage device, we can
conclude that a large force of humans is attempting to
invade the Barony from this direction.
The groups you attacked and cleared out appear to have been
the advance units of this army, sent to secure a beach-head
on Barony soil. Information gained from scrolls recovered
by your patrol, and other details gathered, shows that the
following army is approximately five days behind these
advance groups. It is likely that this consists of at least
nine human assault groups of considerable numbers.
Peasants from the threatened villages have been gathered in
from Bigsfield for their protection, and Guard garrisons
from several surrounding forts have been moved in to defend
the area. A substantial number of troops have now
fortified across the plains, and Pathfinder divisions have
deployed beyond this area to locate an advance sighting of
this army. We are confident that these precautions will be
more than sufficient to repel these invaders.
Congratulations are due to your party for reporting this
danger in time for us to react, and the villagers of these
plains extend their gratitude for their rescues and your
The one called "Drathen" was returned from Up Wood by
Guard-Sergeant Jeremiah and his patrol. We have learned
from the Justice temple that he was recently exiled from
the Barony for being a member of the proscribed Temple of
Chaos. He was taken into custody and interviewed. (His
interrogation was preceding slowly and erratically until a
certain Warlock's presence was requested from the Thorn
Knights, at which point he became most talkative, although
"Mummy keep the bad Elf away!" became a little monotonous
at times). He has revealed that, although he created the
small Orb items himself, they only served as conduits to
the main "Orb of Souls", which Drathen merely found after
some research. We cannot ascertain the truth of this
claim, however Drathen stuck to this story even under
extreme duress.
As for the raiding parties that attacked the local
villages, they do not appear to have anything to do with
Drathen himself - apparently he seized upon the opportunity
to assume control of some and create more chaos. The
partial capturing of your patrol he considered extremely
fortuitous, but not planned. With the destruction of the
Orb, any control exerted over its victims vanished, and the
life- and power-loss effects were reversed. The Temple of
Life, in particular, thank you for destroying such an evil
and potent anarchistic object.
Finally the Air Mages responsible for the creation the item
you tested are pleased with results of the trials, and have
smoothed out the final details of its operation. It can
now be routinely deployed in the field, and the receiving
point has been transferred to within the Keep's holding
cells. You are thanked for your participation in this
Guard Captain Anonimouse, Area command.
Thank you all for your destruction of the Soul orb
recovered from this mission, although i would have prefered
an opportunity to study it more closely your actions were
fully justified.
I believe this orb may well have been a powerful atefact of
Ny'darch so its presence in this area may suggest that
Ny'darchs followers were spread more widely accross the
barony than we believed. In order to ascertain whether
this is true and to therefore devise any neccesary action
would those with information regarding the properties and
powers of this item please send me this information
immediately. Furthermore i would like to study the smaller
soul orbs, as although they are only relicants of the
larger created by drathen they may provide invaluable
information. If any one has these items or knows of their
location then again send word immediately.
Information recovered in this manner may lead to a change
in plans so full details of any further operations on this
subject will be delayed until i have all the information to
Grand Seer Annais, advisor to
General Arkter
*** Points ***
Base 12
Jeremiah +0
- Sorry to give you charge of such a befuddled mission, but
it worked OK and you provided much needed warrior abilities.
Mara +1
- Reports from my monsters indicate a truly horrible level of
Fire Dart damage: you have 3 serious singeings and a total
of 6 confirmed kills (!). Sent in report.
Kryptic +1
- This was for the perfect intended use of the mini-Orbs,
"Wracking Pain"ing and greatly aiding the final two
encounters. There would have also been another '+1' for
comprehending some of the plot, IF the rest of the party
had also stood a chance of doing so. As it was you did
have an unfair advantage.
Adiuvo +1
- My monsters were very impressed with your Death-aligned
role-playing, especially the extreme refusal of healing at
the final battle. And you were nasty as a extra warrior, too.
Mathonwy +0
- Wonderfully sufficient healing provision: necessity of
standard gratuitously flangey NPC healing encounters
obviated. Impressive warrior too.
Aurelius +1
- And this was a brilliant deployment of Air Blasts from a
relatively low-ranking Mage. You single-handedly wasted 2
enemy mages, and finished off a 3rd, plus a commendably
deft take-down of Kryptic there at the end.
Llandriel +1
- For being the first one to crack the Chaos ward - very
good going. Also for all the spell immunities handed out
in the Bowl - you rendered our mage completely powerless.
(Oh yes - nice torturing of Drathen, too.)
(Gets 8 base player points, for arriving late)
Zanthris +0
- Continued excellent sneaking, scouting, and backstabbing -
as always. Special commendation for the poor Priest of
Might - the breaking of that battle line was down to you.
(Gets 8 base player points, for arriving late)
Jordell +0
- Also good scouting for the party - and you survived some
nasty close scraps with Drathen, too.
(Gets 8 base player points, for arriving late)
Base 6
LudwigK, PaulT, IanH, MikeH, MarcD +0
- Thanks for doing a great job against horrible
odds; that is, putting up with the Late and the Unfortunate
GMs ;). We apologise for all the contradicting orders...
*** Comments ***
Cult Wars 2 - Return Of The Cultists (30/01/2000)
*** Mission ***
Task: Our Seer has been carefully monitoring the information
from the scrying stone. It appears that the cave residents are
the remains of an old cult who worship Ny'darch some sort
of demon/god whose practices involve the manipulation of
creatures souls. The group the previous party met were
mercs and would be cultists who were guarding the cave
while the cultists were seeking out the scattered parts of
the Soul Sword.
Recent reports are that the sword is almost complete, were
it to be re-formed Ny'darch would be released upon the
land, this cannot be allowed to happen...
Debrief: Thank you for your assistance in the bannishing of
Ny'darch, they were mere days away from completing the soul
sword and summoning Ny'darch directly. Once formed I doubt
I would have had the power to stop him. The ritual however
did not go quite as planned as the head cultist was able to
embody the soul of Ny'darch once I had completed the soul
sword for the ritual and with the death of his mortal body
Ny'darch was able to come to full strength, fortunately
Ny'darch was disorientated from this process and you were
able to distract him long enough for the ritual to be
completed. I even gather some of you managed to hurt the
beast with powerful chaos miracles and by turning their own
weapons against him.
Unfortunately the fact that Ny'darch was bannished while in
corpereal form has led to a slight complication that will
need further research. I believe that breaking his spirit
link in this manner allowed some of his captured souls to
escape into the ether, specifically the four elemental
globes that you witnessed, though their may have been other
weaker forces that fled before the link with the mortal
plane was fully sealed. From your reports I gather that
these globes were tormenting the souls of the remaining
cultists trying to keep them in eternal pain as a from of
revenge, on this note I must thank Gaylen for putting an
end to this torture, no matter what these cultists may have
done they did not deserve such anguish.
As to the full nature of these elemental forces I am not
sure, only that they are purely magical in essence, I
believe they may be the souls of the dark ones, four
elementally powered dark elves who vanished mysteriously a
long time ago around the time of the soul cults peak. I
will search for more information on these in the hope that
some measures can be taken to safeguard against their return.
Returning to Ny'darch the bannishment will leave us rid of
him for the forseeable future, and with his loss, any
remaining cultists, that is those not captured by the drk
ones, will lose their power and we believe the various
mercenary forces that the cultists established to protect
their ends will dispand, so those two remaining mercenaries
shouldnt be of any future bother. However, I heard
Ny'darch call upon his "faithful servants the Kaarth" in
his last moments, quite what the Kaarth are I have no idea
but I hope that he was bannished before his call to them
was completed.
Grand Seer
P.S Captain Vareen informs the party that Weasel made his
way back to the camp safely and is recovering with the
other refugees from the area and reports indicate that the
remaining goblin tribe has moved back into its cave and
that hostile activity in the region has been fully removed.
Skumble the goblin shaman sent word to the border guard
asking for news on how the king died, from your reports a
suitable account was given, Skumble thanks you all for the
revenge you exacted on his murderers and indicated that
barons men would be welcome in their land as long as they
remained peaceful. General Arkter is discussing the
possiblily of exploiting this friendship with the goblins
in some way, perhaps as an extra information source.
*** Points ***
Base 12
Hunter +1
- Wisely avoided much of the trouble during the day,
which he made up for by trying to get the entire goblin
tribe to eat him for lunch. Great roleplay with the whole
cat rescue thing.
Gaylen +1
- Again great scouting keeping a fair distance ahead
of the party and keeping well out of the fights. Rather
dubious decision to stay half way up a hill and have his
legs chopped off though. Great use of Harm though. One
of the few people to actually hurt Ny'darch.
Kailyn, Dryak +1
- Cant really seperate you two point wise. As
always fought together solidly especially guarding the
cave. Good use of supplementary miracles to weaken the
monsters. Good job finding the would be stab in the back monsters.
Rowanne +0
- Unfortunately had to leave early.
(Gets 3 base player points).
Kryptic +0
- Interesting first outing for the mad priest. Good use
of double weaknesses to reduce the number of broken limbs
flying about, although much more care must be taken when
using the mad dive on the monster tactic. I was a bit
dissapointed you backed down to your anti order healing
doctrin, if you'd persisted you'd certainly have a got a
point but. Good use of chaos to solve the problem,
although at one point i did hear a comment like "lets focus
on the middle tile" none too chaotic.
Aramis +0
- I hate staffs. Stalwart as ever particular in the
fast healing to the goblin king and diplomacy to help with
the goblin encounters. Althoguh generally used to great
effect, must be more careful with staff blows.
Jordell +0
- Good first time out for the character with his
work cut out for him, especially as filling the role of
front rank fighter with the distinct absence of any guards.
Adiuvo +0
- Didnt see a lot of the mage during the day, which is
how it should be, quetly powering up the party. An
interestning choice to stand right next to the demon when
everyone else wiesly moved away though.
Ezekiel +0
- Solid preaching throughout. Saved his energy
until the cave, could have got stuck in a bit more wioth
the undead though (although ther hold distance with them
seemed to work well enough. Good job at doing in the lead cultist.
Iluminati +0
- Fair performance for a low rank mage, passing round those
helpful power ups...not much else to say really.
Ventus +0
- Really need to get a costume i'm afraid, i know
it can cost a bit, but Jeans generally dont cut it. made
up the potential lost point though with good use of
airblasts to stop spellcasters finishing their incantatations.
Flaidre, Aurelius +0
- Pretty much as above, defended selves well when needed and
wisely kept back to power up the party from afar.
Base 6
DavidW +1
- For the boring but vital role of Annias
MikeH +1
- For the heroic goblin king and excessive wearing of face masks
*** Comments ***
1) Firstly, thanks to everyone particularly the monsters for
putting up with the disorganised GM. Its so frustrating
to have a perfect mental image of how you want your "film"
to run but no idea how to explain this to others.
2) The party faced a difficult start with limited front rank
fighters and quite a few mages. Despite this the party
worked well together. Good use of diplomacy to deal with
the goblins (saved yourself a fair fight there). The party
was a bit slow to get stuck in and save the goblin King,
but then again those 14's are a bit scary. For the ambush
on the party the party did very well (despite the naiivity)
to save the goblin king, in light of the distinct lack of
front line fighters. At the cave the party worked well
together although getting the party seperated on either
side of the ward for a bit was a little unwise.
3) If possible please take some thought with costuume for
characters as a little bit really does go a loing way.
Weapon blows were generally better than previous with very
little weapon rolling, however greater care needed to pull
blows especially with doble handed weapons. Oh and with
miracles and spells you need to REALLLY shout the final
call and clearly point (or shout target character)
especially when monsters are wearing masks.
Upper Bogglehampton I (23/01/2000)
*** Mission ***
Task: In an effort to re-populate U.Bogglehampton, and to make it more
hospitable a large caravan of skilled masons,builders,farmers and frontier
settlers is being despatched to the village. It is to be heavily guarded,
but to avoid unwelcome attention and ambushes a small patrol will be sent
out before the caravan in order to identify potential threats and deal
with them.
Outcome: The party managed to complete several tasks for the tree druids,
most importantly closing an underground passage that Orcs were using to
enter the barony lands without risking a trip through the druids wood.
The party paid a visit to the 'Cave of eternal Life', in order to power
themselves up to face the undead denizens of Lower Bogglehampton that had
been ransacking the region. During this outing they met a strange
character who seemed to emerge from the dark, handed them a powerful
ritual item, and upon return of the item caused concern by saying "Undead
can't see me, they don't worry me." and similar things and then vanishing
into the darkness again - watch this space! The party shook of any nerves
they had and proceeded into Lower Bogglehampton, and with a combination of
luck, holy power and the timely arrival of the caravan guards vanquished
the headman of Lower Bogglehampton and forced him to leave the area.
Debrief: The rebuilding and repopulation of U.Bogglehampton has been
carried out successfully and no reports of trouble have been made. There
has been no further Orc incursions, and most suprisingly scouts have
reported no evil occurence in L.Bogglehampton, and the aura of death which
was there has gone....perhaps the headman's cry of "I'll be back" was
*** Points ***
Base 12
Ilson +1
- For excellent roleplaying of fear
Rowanne +1
- For excellent roleplaying of courage
Mathonwy +1
- For good leadership and supporting the party well.
Base 6
LudwigK +1
- For consistently excellent roleplaying of monsters, really
putting heart and soul into his performances - keep it up.
StephenE +1
- For roleplaying of guard in final encounter.
*** Comments ***
Sarama the Dark (16/01/2000)
*** Mission ***
Task: With the advent of the new year the King ordered a new
assault upon the Kingdoms foes throughout the borderlands,
sending out heralds to instruct the villagers to remain in
their homes celebrating for an additional week whilst
patrols swept through the land slaying all who they
Unfortunately, the heralds were not very circumspect in
their proclamations and so, with an exact date for the next
patrols arrival, the nasties began to plan...
*** Points ***
Base 8
Kailyn +0
- The brothers are constantly being in the wrong
place at the wrong time (from the monsters point of view)
and being able to fight once they get there.
Pestilentially annoying and often fatal to boot.
Dryak +1
- For taking the note despite knowing he was going
to be picked on mercilessly for doing so and for
roleplaying the brother link to the extent of dragging a
still paralysed healer the length of the battlefield and,
from the sound of it, threatening him with death if he
didn't come out of paralysis and heal your brother RIGHT NOW!
Fugan +0
- Judicious use of Flame Blades did a lot for the
parties success. Nice pose on the paralysis, by the way.
Llandriel +0
- A good performance as a frontline fighter in the absence of guards.
Hunter +0
- Needs to exercise a little more caution. In a
scouting role you really don't have to approach the enemy
at all unless its for a few quick blows to the back and run.
I'm afraid that curiousity literally killed the cat.
Rowanne +0
- Good solid warrior work.
Alquadiris +0
- Carried out the functions of an Order priest
well. I'm still incredibly annoyed I didn't manage to catch him.
Bane +1
- for the most perfectly timed Throat Slit maneouvre
I've ever seen, thereby finally putting an end to Sarama.
Base 4
AnthonyF +1
- For putting up with being drafted into the monster
group and for the zombie that new three words, "Protect the
master", and said them so often the master had to tell him to shut up.
*** Comments ***
1) All in all, enthusiasm out stripped the plot and I confess
to being a little taken aback when I tried to finish and
was met with cries of "I'm sure there's some more bandits
round here somewhere!".
The Brethren (12/12/1999)
*** Mission ***
Outcome: Due to recent high levels of activity by the Brethren
within Kingdom territories, the Baron ordered a crackdown on
the organisation.
The Pathfinders managed to gain information about a secret
meeting being arranged between a high up member of the
Brethren and an unknown party.
Guided by the Pathfinders, an emergency patrol of Guards,
other patrol members and local volunteers (including one
individual still wanted for questioning by the Thorn
Knights), fought their way through dangers untold to the
castle beyond the Goblin city... sorry, through hordes of
mercenaries employed by the Brethren to reach the meeting
site and slay the Brethren leader.
Resurrection and questioning of the Brethren boss would
follow success and hopefully would lead to the destruction
of the a large portion of the Brethren.
Debrief: All patrols are requested to be on the look
out for signs of a mage group going by the handle "The College Of Nine"
or just "The Nine".
The recent mission to capture the Brethren area controller,
Krang, turned up an unexpected bonus.
During the conflict at the meeting place a rogue Fire mage,
Lazar, was killed and returned to the Barony by Fugan
Silverbranch for resurrection and "questioning".
The subsequent interrogation revealed that a new power is
growing in the wilderness. The College of the Nine was
apparently originally formed for mutual protection, but has
now become a power in its own right out in the lands where
our control is nonexistent.
Just how much of an active threat, if any, The Nine pose to
us is still being ascertained, though we have gathered from
Elementalist Lazar that they have a significant interest in
our own Colleges resources.
Also, the number and concentration of necromancers over the
New Year clean up period seems to be unusually high. None
of those encountered have been reported as showing any sign
of not being independent operators, but the possibility of
an organised attempt to reduce patrol strength cannot be
ruled out.
Lady Flame
The College
*** Points ***
Base 10
Alquadiris +1
- Partly for putting up with Bane's threats, but mainly because I
loved the whole concept of the Order priest grabbing a demon so
the fighters could mosh it. From now on this is known as
"The Alquadiris Maneuver".
Kailyn +0
- No doubt some interesting roleplaying going on here but as I have
no idea what the characters are supposed to be I can't really tell. :(
Dryak +0
- See above.
Jeremiah +0
- A good warrior performance, but took a dubious amount of glee in
torturing the Brethren scout. In the end that's down to you to
decide how sadistic your character is, but if he's going to be
nasty perhaps he should follow Anarchy?
Fiddilo +0
- A little unsure in the command position but turned out a good
warrior performance.
Bodan +0
- Again, typically good combat work. Note that pestering the leader
for orders instead of thinking for yourself isn't going to earn
any bonus points and may get you ordered into a frontline of your
own, about 20 metres in front of the party.
Bane +0
- As in -1 for the ear incident and +1 because apart from that you
played a nasty half-Drow exceptionally well.
Fugan +0
- Performed well as usual - Fire damage did most of the killing in
the last encounter.
Hunter +1
- For getting stuck in with Claw 4's against 10 fire 3's and for
making everyone stop and laugh with your animal leaps.
Base 5
*** Comments ***
1) The ear thing: Firstly, that one partial Illuminatii follower
should harm another is ridiculous - TimS, you have to learn to fight
these little impulses. Secondly, that everyone just stood there and
watched is, well, understandable but not entirely forgivable. I was
as flabbergasted as everyone else but guards should still have
seen a suspect member of the party attacking another member.
Mat, you need to brush up on the med rules as you were really the
trigger on that. If you'd lept up everyone else would have moved,
TimS would have died, and the refs would have one less problem to
solve...As it is, deciding that the incident never happened was one
of the biggest flanges I've been privileged to see but it did get
the game back on track so it was probably the right thing to do.
Sorry TimS, but next time everyone should, and "hopefully" will, kill you.
Cult Wars 1 - A New Cult (14/11/1999)
*** Mission ***
*** Points ***
Base 10
Bregan +1
- All round well done, especially the timely dismissal of
those Skeletons. A bit reluctant to continue the fight
back to the caves though.
Lee +1
- Fought well and fitted nicely into the guard battle
line for a first time out. Shame about the zombie thing really...
Bodan +0
- Solid guard work throughout. Coped well with a
difficult decision on the rescue mission with no real
correct answer considering how beat up he was.
Fiddilo +0
- Solid guard work as part of the front line and stood
his ground, taking some serious unholy damage as a clay pigeon.
Jeremiah +1
- Again, good guard performance and did the right thing
in attempting to support the Warlock in the rescue mission
despite orders not to. The guards creed to protect ALL
members of the kingdom extends to those still alive who've
just rushed into combat ahead of you, even if they seem to
be able to look after themselves!
Alqadiris +0
- Used his healing and other miracles effectively and
logically in a "difficult" climate.
On the other hand, once the party decided to go back for a
rescue mission he should have been organizing it in an
attempt to improve success rather than disrupting it.
Carabas +1
- Good use of healing power and other miracles (needs to
pull his nose out of a book long enough to study his own
miracles a bit, though). Notebook was a nice touch- just
dont lose it.
Llandriel +1
- Typically capable performance from the Warlock,
especially brave (foolhardy?) going down to face the
necromancers (effectively) alone.
Lothlann +1
- Good scouting and tanked in on his warrior side when
the going got tough including going down to fight the
necromancers. All round good performance for a first time.
Base 5
AnthonyF +0
TimS +0
TonyC +1
- Nice pathfinder and spying stone.
MikeH +0
CarinaS +0
VictoriaM +1
- Good first time out.
*** Comments ***
1) The party worked quite well together keeping good form despite the
constant goblin attacks to protect the less armoured members of the
party, however did allow themselves to get split up with quite damaging
effects i.e the merc fight at the start.
2) Regarding the final battle the party faced a difficult choice
regarding the rescue of the missing party members (whose capture
was a bit unfortunate, one ran the wrong way and the other just
got caught before fleeing down the hill). The party especially the
guards played their conflicting standing order to protect all citizens
of the kingdom and the specific orders of minimal engagement given
by Bowen well.
The Skull (07/11/1999)
*** Mission ***
Outcome: At the end of the day, Rathias and Lanfear were captured by
the Humacti and are currently being held under maximum security
in their Headquarters. They are under interrogation, but so
far have refused to talk.
Cranial and Darke managed to escape the Barony with the Skull.
After some initial investigation by House Darkfang, pressure
has been brought to bear and now all knowledgable members of
the Alliance are involved in probing its secrets.
The only information so far released is that the Skull contains
a still sentient and powerful spirit which calls itself "Morden
Flay" and that when he was alive, he was one of the Guardians of
the artefact that is the final goal of the Alliance.
You will be told more when your superiors deem that you need
to know.
*** Points ***
Base 10
All +2
- Since the players performed very well under very trying conditions
Base 5
All +1
- Again, all the monsters were good.
LudwigK +1
- For the hopping/falling Skeleton told to get up by his master.
TimS -3
- For scattering the party all over the countryside by making up a
completely over-statted Human Warrior. (Bouncing Rank 16
miracles and doing Halt 16's.) This meant that over an hour
was spent trying to find them.
Was the sole cause for the two party members being captured
by getting bored as the Rock Goblin Shaman, attracting the
attention of the Humacti and then describing one of the party
while he stood there with them! And then, just to add insult
to injury, didn't transport him out because he made some minor
errors in the pass phrase.
*** Comments ***
1) Some reminders on the guidelines for being a monster:
- Do *not* make up monsters on the spot.
- If you don't know what you should be doing, ask the Monster
Ref(s). If you can't find one, go to the monster kit and wait.
On a personal note, I write up the plot, including monster stats,
and carry it 'round with me, making sure that all the monsters
know where it is. If I'm not around and you feel that time is
pressing, then its simple to look in the plot for the next
encounter and stats. (By the way, these stats *do* include the
rank of the monster.)
- Its more important that the players enjoy themselves than you
do. Don't be difficult, arsey or obstructive just because you
feel like it. (If the Monster Ref specifically briefs you to be
one of those things, then that's a different story!)
2) Players should try to get into the habbit of searching the bodies
(especially when they're evil). I'm aware that we do not have any
physical representation for money in the system and 9 times out of 10
nothing will be found. However, remember I'm the "Nice GM" and
sometimes you will find some sparklies.
eg: Amulet: Heal Life 20/Heal Body 20/Life Gift 20 1/day,
Resurrection once ever.
Necklace: Permanent Plant Walk,
Barkskin 4 1/day
Tree Heal 2 1/day
Superior Sword: Strengthen 2 1/day
(these could all have been picked up in one of the encounters)
Halloween (31/10/1999)
*** Mission ***
Outcome: Well, everyone makes it home, even Mara who had to be rescued by Nameday
after having fallen down a cliff. Nameday and Mara also get the druids
bodies to the nearby temple of life, and they are restored after much
praying by Nameday. Needless to say they are quite happy to let a certain
number of barony residents settle in the area, as long as they are careful
and considerate to the needs of the forest...
Bregan's "wolf" bite is looked at carefully, and treated thoroughly by
members of the temple of life. They think he'll be fine, but really
shouldn't let it happen again, as these things can have cumulative
There is still a Wraith Lord at large in the area somewhere, the Humacti
have been informed and will be sending people to investigate, but with the
destruction of the artifact, the Plane of Tortured Souls seems to have
returned to it's normal location, leaving the region (relatively) back to
normal. The paladins responsible for guarding the temple of life are
overjoyed to get Benedictus back, and there are rumours of much shouting
and smiting at the temple of Might the morning you get back...
But next morning there was no sign of the necromancer's body, and howls
are still being heard in the hills nearby the next evening....
*** Points ***
Base 18
Bregan +2
- Got stuck into the Undead at every opportunity and took part
in the valiant rearguard at the end which gave the party time
to get away. (As the healer, I wish he'd learn to parry a bit
more, though ;-)
LLendriel +0
- Good Warlock'ing, but nothing exceptional.
Mathonwy +1
- Good use of healing but avoided the nastier fights. Which is
perfectly reasonable given his rank and lack of armour.
Mara +1
- Used her ranged attack spells to good effect when called upon,
but needs to stay nearer the front rank so that time's not wasted.
Chase +2
- Behaved like a Paladin, laying into the many evil creatures that
were found. Also took part in the valiant rearguard action.
Fiddilo, Boden +2
- Another good Guard performance. Never appeared to hesitate going
into the fray even though they were both relatively low ranking.
Fazer +0
- Needed to push his spells forward more, especially as they take
longer to cast. Could have also performed more secondary "lookout"/
"watching" roles rather than hiding a lot. And as for the begging
for mercy... not exactly the behaviour expected of any Barbarian,
no matter their class.
Phosphor +2
- Performed with honour in a difficult game given her rank and lack
of spells once it became dark.
Doken +2
- Came up with some key ideas at the Temple of Life.
Fleidre +1
- Getting better, but still needs to push himself forwards more.
Kendal +2
- Good work from the lone Scout, who as well as warning us of most
things, used his Bless and Heal Life miracles to good effect and
took part in most of the fights.
Base 9
All +2
- Again, all the monsters were good.
*** Comments ***
1) As most people found out, extra care is required when fighting in
the dark especially from the taller people who have to concentrate a
bit harder to avoid hitting the heads of shorter opponents.
2) As long as there's a physical remnant of an Undead, be it a corpse,
dust or ashes, it can be blessed. Non-corporeal Undead (or any other
creature) should not fall over when "killed" but simply put their hands
in the air, signifying that they have vanished.
Dark Druids (24/10/1999)
*** Mission ***
Outcome: The cleaning out of Ak the Mighty's tribe from the Twerton
area was well done and with the water supply now
decontaminated the villagers of Twerton have returned home
to till their fields.
Also the surviving traveller who the patrol rescued from
the Twerton area has now joined the Twertoners and is
settling in nicely.
The bad news, however, continues to increase, with reports
of Dark Druids added to those of the Drow incursion with a
link between the two currently being investigated.
If that wasn't bad enough the villagers of Lower
Bogglehampton have reported strange noises in the night IN
the village and sightings of what is believed to be the
ghost of the previous headman. With all this and the
disappearance of Blind Ben the night after the patrol came
through, Marshal Bill has decided to move the village to
safer lands.
This should not however reflect on the patrols performance,
especially given the difficult conditions created by the
low Pathfinder presence in the area.
All will no doubt be relieved to hear that Knight
Pathfinder Commander Drift is giving this problem his
personal attention.
That is all for now.
You've all earned a few days relaxation, then we have a
couple of hundred Orcs in the East Fenshaw area we want you
to deal with...
Area Captain Avon
*** Points ***
Base 9
Llendrial +1
- Got stuck in when required, especially against nasty Chaos Priest guy.
Also, good use of Endurance's meant that he wasn't a drain on the Priests
at all.
Fugan +1
- Also got stuck in on nasty Chaos Priest guy. Good use of Burn and
Melt spells, especially in the Goblin Cave to take out the staff.
[For Warlock's, he's a complete nightmare, but as a player he's good
to have around :-)]
Flaedra +1
- Pretty good for a newbie, stayed out of trouble and made good use of
his Trip and Rust spells. Needs to shout louder to get his spell
effects heard, though once he starts picking up player names it should
be easier.
Amalthea, Fiddilo, Jeremiah +1
- All the Guards did very well, once again putting the higher ranking
Guards to shame by their courage and willingness to fight opponents
more powerful than they are.
(And for setting up a perimeter defence around the cave
in the rain whilst the priests got to pray in the dry).
Alqadris +1
- Once more demonstrated good Order Priest/Judge roleplaying. Does
need to join in with the game a bit more, though. Its not just a
moral exercise.
Chase -1
- Failed to use Lay-on-Hands when people were seriously ill (ignorance
is no excuse). Did a lot of Uklor style "roleplaying"
avoiding fights in which people could hurt him - in a
Paladin, especially one sworn to Life and its
preservation, this is not justifiable. It is just about
possible to say Amalthea was not weaker than yourself but
you should have been compelled by your oaths to stand
shoulder to shoulder with the other guards.
eg1: "I would fight, but they're doing Power damage"... but it was
mostly 1 or 2 points of Power damage and you'd take that in
bruising anyway! And with 7 points of armour all over, it
was only those 1 or 2 points that were going to hurt you.
eg2: "X turned his back on me and ran away so I couldn't fight him"
... but you could have chased after him or gone after someone
else. Not everyone was running away.
Again, as a Paladin, Chase should have been standing in
the middle of the line fighting the bad guys, not
sneaking in blows from the side.
Needs to show more obvious bravery and be more obviously involved in
fighting. In combat, I nearly always saw the guards fighting dangerous
opponents, but hardly ever saw Chase. And when I did, he was just
dancing about avoiding getting hit rather than attacking. I expected
more from a Paladin.
Mathonwy +1
Chappie +1
- Both healers did well, using their limited Standing to good effect,
especially on the Guards who all took a fair amount of damage. Both
overcast when required, saving the lives of other members of the party.
They were unfortunate to get Weakness'd in the last combat, which
effectively took them out of the fight.
Base 5
All +1
- All others for getting all the monsters to do (almost)
exactly what was wanted and for being dead lots in muddy
and wet conditions.
AlexT +1
- For being rolled into what was effectively a pool
by the hobgoblins and still playing dead. I'll keep you in
mind if I ever need a dead peasent ;).
*** Comments ***
1) Spell and miracle vocals: Vocals are an essential element
of casting and (3*level) words are required as a MINIMUM.
If full vocals aren't used the casting can and should be
2) This isn't a dig at anyone in particular - its VERY easy to
forget to do full vocals or to free both hands in the
middle of a raging melee - but it is important and
everyone, monsters and players, need to get it right.