The Unicorn - Part II (20/07/2001)
*** Mission ***
Several months ago now, the unicorn Amaranth was viciously butchered by orcs for its horn. Unfortunately the horn was never
recovered, and has since vanished. Until now.
The horn has been discovered, and has somehow got into the possesion of the drow. Our pathfinders having made the discovery
are currently lying in wait for the drow.
It is only a matter of time before the horn is recovered, and it is your job to escort these pathfinders back to the Barony
with the horn so that we might return to the Paladins of the north.
It is of the highest priority that the horn is not damaged in any way. No claim is to be made oin the horn but any other
items found by the party will be considered to belong to the discoverer (within the normal strictures of the said person's
Guard Captain Edric Dayne
Upon returning to the Barony, the horn was immediately put under a heavy guard, and subsequently locked away in the nearest
Guard Barracks for safe keeping. Ser Roderick Of Caledor, a paladin who had also been searching for the horn, took the horn
with the Baron's blessing. He is now returning it to the place where he consecrated and buried the remains of the unicorn
Amaranth, where he will reunite the unicorn with its horn, and ressurect the creature.
The Barony gives its thanks to the party for bravely returning the horn, and has paid each member of the party, the princely
sum of 10 groats.
Magic Items:
Jordell - Hat of 'Dead Man Walking', Hat of 'Walking Man Dead'
Tarack - Dagger of Death (currently residing with the temple of might)
Mathonwy - Healing Mask (currently residing with the temple of justice)
Turnip - Sock of 'Coal', Scarf of tongues
Caffrey - Light stick
See Reports
*** Points ***
Base 72
Fiddilo +5
- (+4) For his one man stand against the drow and spider on Sunday morning, which unfortunately led to his demise.
(+1) Good sportsmanship regarding the "hair" incident.
Tarack +6
- (+1) The tank put up another consistantly role-played character with good roleplaying regarding interactions with peasants
of silly faiths etc.
(+1) For the charge against the necromancer.
(+4) An excellent report.
Caffrey +2
- (+1) Good use of powers to make the party immune to the undead and to stop the dead from rising.
(+1) Always kept the mission in sight, the only noticeable character to continually ask about the horn and be increasingly
distressed at the lack of clues as to its whereabouts.
Jordell +5
- (+1) Good performance by the warlock, quick to aid the elf in distress and kept his character solidly with no complaint
whatsoever regarding his butchering.
(+1) His chasing of the one armed drow up a hill, whilst being tripped every other step, killing it whilst crawling along
the floor at the end.
(+1) Gay resurrection well handled and risk of undertaking the neccesary invocation of the Hat Of Dead Man Walking.
(+2) Report.
Turnip +3
- (+2) A very impressive display by the lowest ranking character, who was always in the thick of battle and kept the mixture
of barbarian fightyness and witch doctor intelligence fairly well balanced.
(+1) Report
Mathonwy +3
- (+1) Particularly noted his singular effort of solving the puzzle (no one else offered to help whatsoever). Late
remembrance of the resurrection potion not ideal though.
(+2) Report
Base 36
JamesA + 0
- Monster Ref
MarcusO +2
- For the Mighty Joseph.
NatalieW +3
- (+1) For the goblin wedding.
(+2) Wonderfully killing the drow and raising them as undead.
DavidG +2
- For the *interesting* story of Lord Amen.
KojiB +1
- (+2) Managing to cope when thrown in at the deep end, as we didnt have much time to explain stuff to him.
(-1) Many head hits.
*** Comments ***
Goblins (15/10/2000)
*** Mission ***
The Barony is pleased with the patrols capable dealings with all that they met, the food problem being settled in short order
and the Jackals being given a thoroughly bloody nose. The fact that a couple got away is approved of as they will carry news
of this beating to the other Jackal groups, though it might have been nice to lay our hands on the priest of Chaos known only
as "The Riddler".
So far as the goblin shaman, Headwhizzer, is concerned the Humactii have despatched a group to investigate further and will
hopefully have some results soon. Our thanks to Guard Gobshite for his report on the matter.
Finally, if anyone know where G'Mord's helmet is, they will be able to anonymously return it between the High Noon and First
Training bells.
Pathfinder Leutenant Gavel
*** Points ***
Base 10
RichardB [$] +1
- Plowed through most things contentedly in combat and has hopefully learnt some valuable lessons on party cohesion. A quiet
(but that's normal for a first time out) and capable performance.
KojiB [Derrus] +1
- Again a quiet but capable performance for a first time out. Same note on learning from the nasty Jackals. :)
GavinL [Gobshite] +3
- (+2) Some really nice kit and produced a wonderful quiet half-orc whose thinking difficulties were beautifully portrayed.
Really gross moment with sharing your 'food' with the shaman too.
(+1) For a very good IC report.
Arkan +1
- For the shrieking deviant hunter who decided he was going to find out just how fast the NPC group were and generally pushed
me to my limits and beyond.
Fabbian +2
- Some very cool costume. Miracles were applied as needed and you took the balance whenever I was looking. Some nice
diplomacy as well, sorting out the goblins from the humans very capably.
Ludwig [$] +1
- Quiet performance from you compared to past experiences but managed to roleplay with enough of a twist to almost wreck the
plot and made me fall OOC briefly at an inopportune moment - very well done and I think you did exactly right for the
Base 5
All +1
- For managing under severe time pressure for parts of the day and for dealing well with my running alterations to the plot
which at a couple of points were quite frantic!
*** Comments ***
1) As last times alterations were objected to I'm going back to the old method of handing out bonus and minus points.
Vampire Returns - Part II (01/10/2000)
*** Mission ***
*** Points ***
Base 8
Dantarian -1
- Warrior/Druid: +2 No real druidic challengers like slimey trees. Good warrioring throughout.
Roleplaying: -4 Um... Mathonwy, no I mean Dantarian, no, I definitely mean Mathonwy was played very
well here. Let's see. The Balde Venom was apparently best of delivered to the Temple
of Justice, as was the dust of the priest Vitas.In Vitas's case in particular first
thought could ahve been either druids or the Temple of Life/Humactii. Temple of Justice
has no real logic to it as resurrection is Life based and Vitas was way beyond wound healing...
Also allowed himself to be intimidateed by air sprite when the tree sprite was his obvious
choice and your chance to argue for nature. (oh and the tree sprite nearly killed
you on the spot for going against him - just bear that in mind... (alright, I know
it was LudwigK, buy still!))
Kit: +1 Very cool.
Wazdakka +7
- Warrior: +3 Solid warrior with sterling performance holding off multiple bandits for several
minutes until help arrived.
Roleplaying: +3 Party and NPCs have said they were convinced a goblin was really with the party. Very um...
squeaky... throughout.
Kit: +1 Lots of work gone into kit as usual!
Ventus +2
- Mage: +2 Capable magics deployed when needed, especially disconcerting the necromancer (I'd forgotten how
much Air Blasts hurt!)
Roleplaying: +0 Some distinct worry showing through Ventus's usually unflappable features at several points,
but not quite as pushy to keep things moving as I thought he would be. A very subdued performance
in a game which allowed for Ventus to act in almost any way imaginable.
Blank Mcfeegle -1
- Warrior: +2 Some good solid warrioring.
Roleplaying: -3 Really good bit of honour shown in one on one combat but sadly let down by reaction to the
sprites. If you're going to play a character you should at least know the class roleplaying
guidelines, especially one as extreme as the barbarian reaction to magic. It's your
responsibility to do a little research on your character and give him a little thought before
playing him. You may want to play him for some time. Oh, and why did you throw the old man
around? (very puzzled by that - let's hope no-one finds out!)
Base 5
AlexT +1
- Liked his suggestions and improvisations on screaming spirit.
LudwigK +2
- For Tree sprite and the old villager. Very good!
*** Comments ***
1) I'm planning to up the number of bonus and minus points given out in response to people expressing the opinion that they
don't count much in the long run. This means that some of my opinions may feel harsh, especially if I give you a large minus
(this is written before I've actually done the points) - if so bare in mind you had the chance to object down the pub
afterwards and nobody voiced a view against this (and LudwigK was the only one who didn't come down the pub if I recall
This is how I intend to do things:
Player base will be reduced by 2 and a standard +2 will be made available for fulfilling your class description - warriors
fighting bravely, healers healing, mages using magic wisely. Further +1's may be given out for specific instances of
greatness. Points may be lost by the scout who stays with the party all day. This has no reflection on roleplaying.
Roleplaying will earn large bonuses or incur large minuses (normally inside +/-4 with more if extreme). I intend to be fairly
excessive as I feel fit to see what reactions I get.
Kit will earn a paltry one off bonus if the player ahs obviously put effort in. Kit is mostly personal taste, but good kit
helps everyone get into character.
Monsters will be kept mostly the same, only dropping large minuses for game wrecking, and possibly giving big bonuses for
very good characterisation.