
The Shrine of Trials II - Tybalt Must Die (24/09/2006)

*** Mission ***


"Pri-mary mishun object-ive a-chief-ed. Gud. Other one... Not. Ne'er mind. Get her next time, eh? Judge-mint done."
Judge Cobalt

Official release to patrollees: 
Darkblade and Defender traitor Tybalt O'Hannigan was this Sunday past brought to justice by a patrol group led by Pathfinder 
Acting-Lieutenant Helyanwe in a Defender mission coordinated by Guard Captain Braille and Pathfinder Captain Shadow. 
O'Hannigan, a mass murderer, refused Resurrection and was consequently immolated by Duty Mage, High Wizard Tripfire, Judge 
Crom witnessing and his ashes placed in a secure location. Tybalt's personal tools have been placed into Defender armouries 
in order to improve future Defender special mission chances of success and thus prevent further loss of life within the 

See Reports

*** Points ***


Base 12

AdrianC [Orchid] 12
- Fantastic suicidal Pathfinder chest parry.

CarlD [Philippe] 12
- We were cruel to the Paladin, but you're shiney and deserve it.

DanJ [Blackwing] 12
- I hope you enjoyed the face off with Tybalt as much as I did.

DoriB [Zephyra] 12
- Don't give up on Coma, it's going to be very effective, but I recommend some kind of emergency escape mechanism be in place 
  next time, such as Recall or Earthmerge.

FlorianS [Rain] 12
- Yay for high willpower, my ghast almost got to munch on you. Next time I'll stat it with more strength so it can throw 
  someone over it's shoulder and run off. 

JamesW [Nab] 13
- (+1) For roleplaying the transition from Fear to Greater Rage so well. I was surprised the transition wasn't instantaneous 
  and apologise for questioning you, when as ever Nab was excellently done.

KatieB [Morrigan] 13
- (+1) For consistantly well done and entertaining interaction with your spirit guide, apparently particularly with reference 
  to the Mass Heal Wounds.

MikeR [Saldor]) 12
- Excellent placing of Drain Life's, remember that in the end I had to hurl myself across assorted terrain features to catch 

RuthS [Helyanwe] 12
- Sorry for the complex maths. 

RyanL [Travesty] 12

TimB [Iussis] 12
- Almost gotcha. Fear the intelligent monster that knows your abilities.  

WarrenJ [Mathonwy] 12
- As ever good to see Mathonwy in play. Sorry the game crunched on you and I hope we can sort out ways to make it smoother. 
  Remember that we deliberately included as many different forms of the new stats and numbers as possible that game.


Base 6

DavidS 9
- Monster Ref.

StephenE 9
- Monster Ref.

CarolineC 6 

DougS 6

EmmaM 6
- I hope you're still enjoying Fingers, because I'm going to make you play her again. 

JamesS 6
- Good to see you back. Very nasty prison guard. I worry about Guard training producing such people. 

JamesT 6 
- Good to see you back. Hope the ogre lasted long enough to be enjoyable. 

JonT 6
- Thank you for grabbing the briefing role with minimal actual briefing. 

MatthewG 7
- (+1) For maintaining Marshal Allani's consistency and interaction with the party, even managing to carry on from where the 
  previous incarnation left off. Really a bonus for the role from both games. 

MatthewW 6
- Amazed to see you alive and well, welcome back!

Rebecca$ 6
- Sorry it wasn't a particularly roleplay opportunity heavy game. If you enjoyed the combat, give us another try when we're 
  not rules testing and hopefully we can sort out a more entertaining game. 

SarahG 6

TonyCu 7
- (+1) For an excellent transition to Greater Rage.

*** Comments ***


The Shrine of Trials I (17/09/2006)

*** Mission ***


Good job on putting a stop to the situation with the intrusion into the shrine. Further investigations are ongoing into the 
recovered ritual objects, as well as the state of the shrine. It seems that whilst the elves were driven out and dealt with, 
the shrine is still a changed entity and the two presences of the paths of Might and Justice have invited the Baron to 
present criminals to the shrine for judgement and punishment.
Given the Baron already had a trial he planned to have held shortly in Brandon Mill, we're going to investigate the 
usefulness of this shortly.
Questioning of one of the captives is ongoing, however the two taken in the shrine themselves seem to have managed to 
activate Spell Primes when awakened and burst into flame, the Duty Officer was sadly unprepared for this, so the two died 
Apart from that, oh and rumours of a couple of unkillable zombies wandering around the swamps, well done.
Unfortunately because the Baron employs accountants, who are evil, all those currently on release from prison count as 
serving community service and receive no danger pay.
Pathfinder Captain Shadow

See Reports

*** Points ***


Base 9

Beth$ [Heulwyn] 9

DanJ [Blackwing] 9

DavidS [Skulk] 9
- Fisticuffs with an Avatar.

DominicD [Cumberland] 9
- Glitter, sigh.

FlorianS [Rain] 9
- Standing up to the Avatar of Might was fantastic to see.

GregP [Llandriel] 9
- Precision choice of Spell Immunity

JamesW [Nab] 9

MikeR [Saldor] 9
- Order aligned avatars are inclined to have intrinsic Chaos Resistance. At least when I stat them.

RuthS [Helyanwe] 9

TimB [Iussis] 9

WarrenJ [Brend] 9


Base 5

StephenE 9
- Monster Ref.

AdrianC 5
CarlD 5
CarolineC 5

DoriB 5 

MarcusO 5 

MatthewG 5

PaulWat 6
- (+1) For getting the Avatar of Might pin point perfect. You pushed each PC exactly as far as was needed. Particularly happy 
  with how edgy the party were as Helyanwe refused to give in.

PeterW 5

RyanL 5

TonyCu 5

YvonneC 5

*** Comments ***


The Barony Job II - The Heist (08/09/2006)

*** Mission ***

Earl Grey To Marry Barony Citizen
Weve just heard this late breaking news ...weve yet to hear who the lucky indivdual is (I say individual as bizzarly Wizard 
Salogel is believed to have been one of the candidates!), but we will let you know as soon as we do.
Baron Van Heusen is delighted with the news and said, "this should bring a new era of peace of prosperity to the Barony".
The Barony Bugle


Barony Patrol Members, 
You have the honour of escorted Earl Greys betrothed to his waiting arms and more importantly guarding the dowry which Baron 
Van Heusen is sending with her. Please assemble at the entrance to the Black Forest Pass as before. 
Guard Captain Randor

*Its the dead of night, two burly guards arrive at Pathfinder Acting-Lieutenant Helyanwe's cell and unlock the door*
"Wake up! ...weve been instructed to get some answers out of you", they say with relish.
*Grabing Helyanwe, they lead her off and throw her into a vacant room and leave. A few minutes later a hooded figure enters, 
closing the door behind him. Lifting his hood, he reveals himself as Guard Captain Randor*
"Apologies for keeping you in here for so long, but we have been having much difficulty negotiating with the Merchants Guild, 
but after much debate we have managed to get the charges against you dropped and after the necessary paperwork has been 
completed, which will still take a few more days Im afraid, you will all be released, with no mention of this imprisionment 
in your permenant records."
"There is one more thing however, ...your imprisonment also gives us the unique opportunity, weve been waiting for, get 
some informants into the notorious Barony Hilton gulag, this as your probably well aware is the home to all of the most 
dangerous criminals in the Barony that have been incarcerated. However this would be a very dangerous mission and we could 
offer you no help or support whatsoever, as far as everyone would be concerened the team you would put together would be 
treated like any other criminals and your very lives would be in danger, particularly if the Alliance ever found out you were 
being held there. After your doublecross of them, they will certainly be out for your blood."
"So what we ask is this, if you are willing, I must stress that this is not an order and you are perfectly free to decline it 
without any affect to your career in the defenders, is it to put together a team of of those who are currently being held 
here. These must be individuals you trust implicitly and who would have no moral objections to any nefarious deeds that maybe 
asked of them while imprisoned. They will have no contact with any of their friends or family for what may be several months 
whilst they are gaining the trust of their fellow inmates."
"Anyway I cannot say too much more of the nature of what information we want until I know if you are willing please 
mull it over, I shall be back in a few days for you answer."
*With that he covers his face again and is about to leave...*
"Oh and if you wouldn't mind pretending to be unconcious so the guards can drag you out that would be great."
"Also tell Zephyra not to destroy Barony propery, those cell bars shes rusted will have to be repaired you know."

*In the early hours of the morning Champion Brend, Morrigan von Angstine and Nab McFeegle are taken from their cells and 
deposited in another room, Guard Captain Randor is waiting there for them*
"Greetings, apologies for awaking you so early, but I have a special mission for you if you wish to accept it. The very 
nature of it means I cannot order you to do it and it is one of extreme risk and will never be officially recognised. 
Pathfinder Acting-Lieutenant Helyanwe has recommeded you as individuals she could trust implicitly and thats a good enough 
recommendation for me."
"If you were to accept this mission you would be found quilty of the crimes you are deemed to have committed ...Incidently, 
if you choose not to accept you will be exonerated of these crimes shortly as we have persuaded the Merchants Guild to drop 
all charges and are just awaiting the necessary paperwork would be sent immediately to the maximum security gulag 
known colloquially as the 'Barony Hilton'. The exact nature of what we wish you to do there I cannot reveal unless you decide 
to accept the mission, but suffice it to say, it will certainly not be a pleasurable experience and of course you will not be 
able to have any contact with the outside world for what maybe several months."
"Anyway, I must go, I have been here far too long already, think it over and let me know what you decide, I will be back in a 
day or two for your response and to answer any questions you may course you are not to discuss this with anybody 
*With that Guard Captain Randor leaves and the prisoners are taken back to their cells*

*Nab McFeegle is brought before Guard Captain Randor to give his reply, being led into a side room*
"Sorry, Guard Captain. After all this time in prison moving Morrigan into that hell hole is not what I have planned. Since if 
I go, she'll go, the answer is no. It's no place for either of us, but especially her. She's too good for that. I'll happily 
defend your borders with my life, both of us do." 
"I'll happily give blood, sweat and tears to keep this land safe, more than any mercenary would. But this is a fools errand 
to be frank. I don't see what use can come of it and since I won't agree, you can't tell me. So, in short, no. We're not 

Hello Guard Captain Randor,
Three people is not enough, not for what we are expected to do. Furthermore I state for the record that the prison itself as 
you and others have described it to me and the people in it and the procedures you mention would be acceptible for the 
information gathering for this should have no place in this Barony... I have given you my word of silence, but this is a 
formal complaint.


*Many days ago...Biscuit, Hunter and High Wizard Breeze and wandering around between the borders of the Barony and the lands 
of Earl Grey*
"Im sure the Temple of Balance owes you for however many years of service you've given it and will protect you from further 
marriage", says Biscuit, "...but on the other hand, out in the wilderness there are talking animals and undiscovered tribes, 
lost civilizations and ancient artifacts and all kinds of freaky shit for us to poke until it explodes."
"Perhaps I should return to the Temple of Balance afterall then.", responds Guardian Fleur.

*The light of a new day breaks over the hills ...a young boy can be seen racing towards the barracks, a bunch of papers 
cluched in his hands ...he bangs on the door and shakily hands the papers over before scarpering*
"Captain, " ...a guard addresses Guard Captain Randor, "the release papers have finally arrived."
*With than Guard Captain Randor dons his armour and weapon and then heads out of the barracks heading towards the prison*

*All of the patrol members currently being held in prison are released from their cells and brought out into the training 
yard, where Guard Captain Randor stands at a lecturn*
Men, I am deeply sorry that you have been held here for so long, I know despite its relative low-security, it was a great 
hardship for most of you. But I finally have the papers authorising your release. We eventually managed to get the Merchants
Guild that owns the Bank of the Barony to drop all charges of Breaking & Entering, Theft and Criminal Damage that were 
charged against you. We managed to persuade them that it was a 'training exercise' to test the security of their vaults ...
and one which found it to be severly lacking. We have authorised the Tower of Earth to repair all damage to the vaults, to 
construct them some new and improved Elementals and other security features which are classified. As there now getting this
improved security for free, they seem to be placated for the time being. Also, somewhat 'luckily' the ACME Trading Company
has said that nothing of value was stolen from their safe. Which is of course utter rubbish, but it does at least allow us to
release you. The evidence gathered on the ACME Trading Company, an obvious front for the Alliance, handed in by 
Acting-Lieutenant Helyanwe has proved very interesting, we were unaware that there operations in the Barony were of such a 
large scale. If you are to here the whereabouts of any of the following individuals you should report it to your superiors
High Master Morden
Darkblade Commander Cornelius
Brethren Commander Zoltar
Drow Matron Xurdreera
Drow Matron Umri'pena
Drugar Clanlord Steelhorn
Drugar Clanlord Skįvęrr
Dark Druid Bindweed
Dark Druid Nightshade
It is believed that Willy O'Brien & Cock O'Brien fell in the final battle, but only the head of Cock has been retrieved. So
it is possible that Willy could still be at large. We are unsure as to wether you defeated the Drow Matrons or Drugar 
Clanloards in the dwarven mines ...though at this stage it seems unlikely. Some of you may be aware of High Master Morden & 
Darkblade Commander Cornelius, Morden an ex-Temple of Might priest was last seen at the 10th annual Contest of Arms, reported 
to have turned into a vampire. Cornelius is rumoured to have a vendetta against Blackwing, an individual you are all familiar 
with Im sure. There are many posters around the Barony offering a price for his head.
I fear that you may all be in great danger from the Alliance, they will not have taken kindly to the fact that you paid the 
ransom demand with their own money, and we thank the gods that they did not find out about it before Guardian Fleur had been
Guardian Fleur has now returned to the Temple of Balance. Biscuit, Hunter and High Wizard Breeze were seen by a border patrol
returning to the Barony with her in their possession and she has been escorted safely back to the temple. Intelligence
suggests that Earl Grey believes that in the confusion of the attack on the wedding, Guardian Fleur was kidnapped by Hunter,
a dark druid in disguise, or a druid in league with those in Black Forest Pass ...we have done nothing to persuade him 
otherwise. Hence we have left Hunter to do what only he can do best, get lost in the wilds were no-one will find him. 
Unfortunately we managed to loose Biscuit and High Wizard Breeze, so we have no knowledge of their present location.
The Earl, whilst believing you to be a bunch of rude, disrespectful incompitants, seems currently vaguely amused by the whole
affair and as we have allowed him to keep the dowry, seems to have forgotten about the incident. However it is still 
imperative that we secure offical diplomatic links with the Earl, for reasons I cannot go into at this time. We have recently
heard that Lanister has been selecting a group of elegible young women for the Earls perusal. It is imperative that Lanister
is not allowed to secure a foothold into Earl Greys lands, this could be a disaster for the Barony. SOC are currently 
alleviating the problem in there own special way, but they can only do so much.
Anyway, Ive rambled along far too much, Im sure you have family and friends your dying to return to and I believe some of you
may even be going on a mission tomorrow, so I wish you the best of luck with that. If you have any further questions that you
want answering, then please do not hesitate in contacting me. There is one small last matter, Im afraid due to the 
circumstances of the mission, the Defenders will be unable to offer you any danger pay for your efforts. Hence I will pay you 
all 1 groat personally.
*With that Guard Captain Randor whispers to another guard and leaves. The guard then goes around distributing the pay to all
the patrol members assembled*
"If you can all please leave via the back gate, we want to keep this affair as low-key as possible", says the guard, "Oh and
Guard Captain Randor would like to see a few of you personally in his office."

*A little while later, Guard Corporal Fiddlo, Guard Corporal Eagleson and Pathfinder Acting-Lieutenant Helyanwe are brought 
before Guard Captain Randor*
In some of your reports you mentioned the disturbing rituals of Trantis and even the fact that he might be some of kind of 
undead. This all sounds very strange, so naturally we are very concerned incase he is a threat to Barony citizens. Do not 
arrest him at this stage, but if you are to see him again, please monitor his activities and let us know immediately if he 
returns to the Barony.
Guard Corporal Eagleson, you are a credit to the Guards, following the command heirarchy appropriately, obeying all orders 
and showing initiative where necessary.
Guard Corporal Fiddilo, whilst you are lacking in suitablitly for joining the ranks of an Officer, you are still an excellent
man to have out in the field, so it gives me great pleasure to promote you to Sergeant ...and I may even place a small wager
on you in the next Contest of Arms.
Pathfinder Acting-Lieutenant Helyanwe, you performed an admirable role as effective command of the mission to escort Guardian
Fleur to Earl Grey, despite its unfortunate outcome. I have also recieved positive comments on your performance as 
Acting-Lieutenant from other Defenders that have worked under you...however wether to promote you fully to the rank of 
Lieutenant has weighed heavily on my mind recently. You initially showed great promise, accepting the special mission 
proposed to you without much hesitation, however the members you selected have not shown full faith in you ...and it is 
imperative that an Officer has complete control over his men and that they would follow his orders to the letter, even if 
this would mean their death. I also believe you have been doubting yourself recently as to wether you alone, could undertaken 
such a mission. An Officer much always have complete faith in his abilities. Therefore it is with much regret that I cannot 
promote you at this stage ...but I would very much like you to apply again in the future.

*Subsequently once Guard Corporal Fiddlo, Guard Corporal Eagleson and Pathfinder Acting-Lieutenant Helyanwe have left,
Warden Lance-Corporal Iussis is brought before Guard Captain Randor, along with two other Guards either side of him*
*Guard Captain Randor, begins flickering through a whole raft of papers*
Well, well, well, these reports don't paint a very pretty picture do they ...I don't think one of them has a good word to say
about you. Im afraid Im very very disappointed by this an ex-member of the Temple of Order, I would have thought you 
would have shone here, but all I can see before me is darkness.
Im afraid at this time in your career, I cannot promote you to Corporal as would normally be the case for a person of your 
rank, you will remain as a Lance-Corporal until you have shown that you are capable of both following and giving orders. You 
have at least shown that you can protect Barony citizens, so this is why Im not throwing you out of the Wardens straight 
away. Your performance at the bank showed this, withdrawing the bank guards, so they wern't in danger and taking the full 
force of the explosion yourself so others were not harmed. These are admirable qualities. I know you have been under the
effects of a demonically charmed dagger for some time, though I believe you have been cured of this now, so this is no 
execuse for some of your actions. If you want to take some time off to sort yourself out, you have only to ask. Now Im afraid
I have one last task to perform that I have no pleasure in doing. Acqusations have been made against you that you have 
possessions upon you or in your place of residence that rightfully belong to the Barony ...if this is the case, the 
punishment will be ...severe. Now leave me.
"If you'd like to come with us please sir, we have a warrant to inspect your premises for illegal artefacts.", says one of 
the guards.

*As Marshal Carlsberg returns to his residence, he can see that the lock on his door has been destroyed and the door is 
swinging gently in the wind ...*
*Peering in, there is a hastily scribbled banner on the living room wall which reads "Happy Release Day!" ...Biscuit and High 
Wizard Breeze are asleep on the couch with what appears to be the remains of a cake and some deflated 'truly mundane and shit 
items' bouncing along the floor*

See Reports

*** Points ***


Base 72

AdrianC [Orchid] 75
- (+1) A brave attempt to rescue the earth merged fire mage during the bank raid.
  (+2) For handling the whole interrogation so well! ...I hope it has scarred you mentally ...and thats not a typo :>)

AlexT [Carlsberg] 74
- (+1) For according to one monster, "Foolishly optimistic heroism!". I particularly enjoyed your realisation that the NPC 
  Justice Priest working for the Earl might have been blackmailed when you saw the disturbing photos. Its a pity you died 
  from overcasting during the last fight.
  (+1) For an apparantly long and interesting debate with an NPC Might Priest.

Beth$ [Heulwyn] 74
- (+1) Effective use of blades and fire darts. TonyC thought that all casters were good, giving out spells on request (and 
  some without being asked), so thats high praise indeed.
  (+1) Report.

DarrenE [Gish] 75
- (+1) For the 'great joke'.
  (+1) For a great reaction to the arrest and even managing to escape, including announcing your intention to do so!
  (+1) For tempting Iussis into breaking your recorder, getting an Order priest to break stuff without doing anything of any 
  importance is an awesome thing to do.

DavidS [Naismith] 74
- (+1) Effective use of Curses and Drain Life/Life Shield to safely drop the bank guards.
  (+1) Report.
  Also, a big thank you from me for making the tabbards for the Barony & Earl Greys guards, they looked great.

DoriB [Zephyra] 75
- (+1) Effective use of blades and ice darts. TonyC thought that all casters were good, giving out spells on request (and 
  some without being asked), so thats high praise indeed.
  (+1) Good and well roleplayed use of the resurrection item. Also a nice scream when chopped up by the Death Knight :>)
  (+1) Report.

GaryE [Sun Ju] 73
- (+1) For constant vocal presence. Not that you talked all the time, but when you did, you came out with the deep, smooth 
  voice that Sun Ju has and it was instantly indentifiable. People mostly sound like themselves, however Sun Ju was 
  distinctly Sun Ju and by being vocally in character he brings out the character in those around him.

GregP [Llandriel] 75
- (+1) Apparantly Llandriel's rituals were fantastic to find the aftermath of - I don't know if any of you saw the circle out 
  the back of the stockade, however by the time he'd done six rituals in it, it was covered in glitter symbols and incense 
  and stuff.
  (+1) For being one of the few that took an interest in Trantis' rituals to see if they posed any 'threat', something that 
  most of the life-aligned characters *should* have been doing.
  (+1) Report.
  However, remember you must protect ALL elves, you didn't appear to be protecting Zephyra at all times and she nearly died 
  from the Death Knight, hence you will be denied any further high-level spell/ability requests until you have proved 
  yourself more worthy.
IanH [Hunter] 74
- (+1) For excellent role play and the ability to keep that accent going all weekend long ...what can I say, I love Hunter,
  despite his incessant detect this & that & the other :>) ...and it allowed you to detect the 'fake' ritual transport circle
  with the contagious disease.
  (+1) Excellent roleplay of demoralise and getting drunk with the dwarf at the top of the mine.

JamesW [Nab] 72
- Didn't get to see much of you in action, but you were as effective with your sword as usual, despatching you previous foe
  Guard Sergeant Herald with relative ease. Also Im pleased you remained 'happily' in your cell!

JohnB [Breeze] 73
- For once you didn't actually overcast too much achievement in itself :>)
  (+2) Good use of powers to ensure the party nearly always had an advantage/respite when needed. Particularly the Gust Of 
  Wind/Gale/Hurricane against the rat creatures and Sleep against the bank guards.
  (-1) Costume. Your cloak is fine, but please try and wear something a bit more appropriate IC underneath rather than a 
  t-shirt with a slogan.

KatieB [Morrigan] 73
- (+1) For standing up and making sure it was you who took the beating from the Death Knight ...not that you were getting 
  hurt much from it, but it was still an interesting sight to see.

PaulW [Biscuit] 75
- (+2) Loved Biscuits rituals ..."look, Sword!" ...and 'informative' pamphlet explaining them.
  (+1) Report.

PeterO [Tarrack] 75
- (+1) Sheer presence as per usual, according to my monsters, the rat creatures with claw attacks preferred to hurl 
  themselves in vain against the shield wall rather than face the wrath of your hammers!
  (+1) For killing my contagious diseased Barony CSI operative ...I hate you, but it was suitably Tarrack. Also great Might
  roleplaying as usual, fighting onwards whilst very badly injured and keeping in character throughout.
  (+1) Report.

PeterW [Fiddilo] 73
- (+1) Good moralising from both you and Carlsberg regarding the bank job. 
  (-1) Lack of leadership. As the highest ranking Defender you should have taken more control of the patrol. I know its a 
  very hard thing to do though with such a large (and disfunctional) patrol and I don't think I'd have done any better, but 
  Helyanwe was a suitable stand in.
  (+1) Report.
  I've also heard reports that you used an unholy blade whilst being life aligned. Whilst this isn't as bad as would be for 
  The Raven say :>) is still a bit naughty.

RoyA [Destarn] 72
- Didn't get to see much of you in action, but you coped well for a lower ranked member of the party.

RuthS [Helyanwe] 75
- (+1) For taking effective command and control of a very large patrol.
  (+1) For interaction with Llandriel during the bank robbery. The screaming argument with him and hitting him was apparantly 
  an amazing back drop.
  (+1) Report.

ShaunG [Eagleson] 74
- (+2) For a cunning escape from the bank-guards, repeatedly pretending to be dead/unconscious; I very much enjoyed watching 

StephenE [Trantis] 76
- (+3) I think everyone who sent me bonus point recommendations commended you for your roleplay, devotion to the path of 
  death (getting the Life Priest to deliberately, albeit temporarily lose one of his death thresholds through overcasting 
  apparantly) and rituals, so who am I to argue.
  (+1) For the ritual during the bank job when you were chased off by the guards ...cos I enjoyed watching it.

TimB [Iussis] 74
- (+1) For thoughtful use of "withdraw other" during the bank job.
  (+1) For working out the magician was a 'fake' (in fact working out her deception in the magic tricks was one of the few 
  ordered things you did during the weekend) and also recognising the signifigance of the crosses various characters were 
  However, we do have the problem of Iussis chaotic (not ordered!) nature during the mission, I can understand you may be 
  roleplaying some 'come down' from the demon dagger, but this is not enough of an excuse for all the following behaviour:
  - Not following orders e.g. disobeying an order not go into the elf sized tunnel and then getting stuck!
  - Lack of Order within the party. As a follower of Order, you should have attempted to promote a hierarchy within the 
    party, not promoting in-fighting and sniping at one another. You should have encouraged vocal and strong support of 
    Fiddilo & Helyanwe, for example.
  - You had no problem with breaking the law and robbing the Bank. Out of all the characters in the party, a Priest of Order 
    should have been at the head of the objectors.
  - You were incredibly happy to receive a great big barrel of destructive power and gladly volunteered to destroy the Vault 
    doors, even arguing that you were the best one to do so.
  - You helped Guardian Fleur escape, an act that is more in keeping with the Path of Freedom. It was well known that there 
    was a lawful agreement between the Earl and the Baron. I would have expected a Priest of Order to either support this 
    agreement or attempt to counter it in a lawful way by challenging it in a court of law.
  All of the above means you will permenantly lose all bonus standing from being a member of the Temple of Order. If you
  continue in this way on the next mission you take part in, you will also loose all protection bonuses from being a member 
  of the Temple of Order. You will also be denied any further high-level miracles/ability requests until I receive more 
  satisfactory reports on your performance from your superiors.

TonyC [Cuthbert] 74
- (+1) For good use of Blink to get the drop on the water mage in the final fight. Also an intresting discussion with one of 
  the NPC Earl's guards regarding your reason for leaving the guards and joining the circle.
  (+1) Report.
WarrenJ [Brend] 75
- (+1) For organising the gladitorial entertainment at the banquet and also trying to organise a tournament to help pay the
  ransom for Fleurs release wouldn't have made enough money, but it was a good idea anyway. 
  (+1) Fight against the bank golem was well done, sprinting across the clearing, hitting him and then running out of range 
  before he cast again.
  (+1) Report.


Base 36

FlorianS 46
- Monster Ref.
  A great 'gestapo' ...well you would be wouldn't you :>), and an 'interesting' undead accountant.
  Also thank you for willing to pose for the blackmail photos!

MarcusO 62
- Monster Ref.

AdrianB 40
- (+1) For the mysterious masked figure in the ransom vision got the ransom demand perfect and a great voice too!
  (+1) For the troll throwing boulders.
  (+2) The shower scene. I hadn't laughed so much in ages.

CarlD 38
- (+1) For the bard at the banquet, great songs ...and a great costume :>)
  (+1) For the bank elementals. So shiney and righteous.

CarolineC 37
- (+1) For the magician at the banquet. Sorry you couldn't do your magic tricks quite how you wanted, but you were an 
  excellent distraction for the alliance to kidnap Fleur and Biscuit enjoyed chatting with you after Nab had fixed your mind.

ChrisR 37
- (+2) The shower scene. In a gruff voice: "Oh dear, I appear to have dropped the soap" ...c'est fantastiche!.
  (-1) Rushing the shield wall as the rat creatures, though this is probably something they would do IC, it is still a little
  unsafe OOC, still since this was the only real safety issue all weekend, I think we did pretty well in general.

DanJ 39
- (+1) Rat King ...sorry Florian 'down statted' you :>)
  (+2) Dwarf ...Im pleased you enjoyed playing the dwarf so much, despite despising them :>) ...all players I spoke to were
  truly freaked out by you wandering along on your knees behind them! ...though why did you have to make them noodle miners, 
  curse you!
  Also, a big thank you from me for making all the rat creature masks, they looked great.

DavidG 38
- (+1) For serving food & drink at the meal and keeping everyone entertained.
  (+1) Shell, a pivotal role that helped focus the party alot.

MatthewD 38
- (+2) For the nun (Sister Immaculate)...usually I get the lady roles, but I think you did even better than I would had done, 
  everybody loved 'her'!
MatthewH 36
- You seem to enjoy the roles of the Barony CSI men too much.
MatthewW 36
- Staying behind an extra night because of transport difficulties true dedication to larp and thats what I like to see!
  Also thankyou for helping me clear stuff up at the end.
MikeR 36
- (+1) For being the ever willing guard and particularly pursuing Eagleson after he escaped from being captured, it was a 
  great sight to see and you very nearly got him :>)
  (-1) Rushing the shield wall as the rat creatures, though this is probably something they would do IC, it is still a little
  unsafe OOC, still since this was the only real safety issue all weekend, I think we did pretty well in general.

RobertB 38
- (+1) For good ghouling.
  (+1) For the bank elementals.
RyanL 41
- (+2) For an excellent Earl Grey, hair flicking a plenty and very 'mighty'.
  (+1) For the Treant.
  (+1) For the final Death Knight, you certainly took quite a beating! and gave out quite alot too with your log :>)
  (+1) For the bank elementals. "You have 3 seconds to comply ...3...2...1...Weld" ...genius! ...and a great tie :>)

SarahG 37
- (+1) For serving food & drink at the meal and keeping everyone entertained.
SarahW 38
- (+2) For a great vampire, the costume was perfect, depite not knowing all the calls, you did very well. Though for future 
  GMs reference, Im afraid I was a bit naughty in putting the vampire in during the daylight, despite it being under the 
  pagoda, vampires should ONLY appear during the night (or in caves etc.)...naughty marcus!

YvonneC 38
- (+2) An artful portrayal of Fleur/Jarak, absorbed and roleplayed unfamiliar backplot at a moments notice, to great effect.

*** Comments ***

1) Well I hope you all enjoyed the larp, if not being in prison :>) ...I think there was probably a few too many players for
it to be challenging for you and I didn't want to just throw in extra monsters, due to costume limitations etc (I like all
my monsters to be appropriately 'dressed'). Also apologies if the ending seemed a little strange, but I didn't quite get 
enough time to plan Sunday through properly. 

The Barony Job I - The Proposal (03/09/2006)

*** Mission ***

Barony Patrol Members, 
Please assemble at the entrance to the Black Forest Pass for a diplomatic mission to Earl Greys lands. Further instructions 
will be given on your arrival. 
Guard Captain Randor


Nab, Naismith, Morrigan & Travesty, 
We are sending another patrol to Earl Greys lands and according to my records you have all traversed the Black Forest Pass 
before and as such your knowledge to the patrol may be invaluable.
Please rendevous with the patrol at the entrance top the Black Forest Pass if you wish to go on the mission. 
Guard Captain Randor

Excellent, for once a diplomatic mission, which didn't result in a war. 
The defeat of the drow will hopefully have stopped the bandit activity in the area and the Barony CSI team have reported to 
me that the circles you encountered on the ground were Recall points, presumably to get the drow in & out of the area 
quickly. We are still trying to ascertain how these circles are activated and their exact destination though. It seems 
similarly that the cross that Iussis has handed in is a daily item of Recall, though we believe this has a different 
destination to that of the circles.
I assume I will be sending another patrol back to Earl Greys lands soon with a response from Baron Van Heusen, so please keep
yourself available for patrol.
Guard Captain Randor


Drunk On Patrol
Our reporter Miss Gena Cide recently had the opportunity to interview a Barony patrol whilst actually on a mission in the 
Black Forest Pass, they said "they would kill any bandits they came across" and that the "Temple of Balance was usually 
around any trouble" ...apprantly one of their members, a Guardian Saldor (who can be easily identified by his long brown 
robes) was usually drunk on duty and was romantically involved with Seeker Gish (owner of the famous Gish's Beauty Salon).
The Barony Bugle

See Reports

*** Points ***


Base 10

Beth$ [Heulwyn] 10
- Good use of Flash's on the drow and Im sure a different type of flash would have helped Earl Greys men make up their 
  decisions :>)

CarlD [Philippe] 10

DarrenE [Gish] 10

DavidS [Naismith] 11
- (+1) Good roleplay with Iussis' dagger.

GaryE [Sun Ju] 10
- I've heard disturbing reports about you being backed up against a tree and letting a skeleton beat on you, until you ran 
  away, the Humacti will not be pleased!

JohnB [Breeze] 11
- (+1) 69 (...dude) Mana on Blink, to get back to the Barony CSI team before Iussis died.

MikeR [Saldor] 11
- (+1) Good roleplay with Iussis' dagger.

TimB [Iussis] 10
- Good thieving of the money and magic items, though thats probably not a particularly good thing for a Warden to be doing 
  whilst the rest of your patrol are fighting a nasty drow. Still you have at least handed over the cross to Guard Captain 
  Randor for investigation.

WarrenJ [Brend] 10


Base 5

MarcusO 10
- Monster Ref.

FlorianS 5
- Im almost tempted to give you a minus point for moaning about the drow makeup :>)
MatthewG 5

MatthewH 5

RuthS 6
- (+1) For an enthusiastic drow matron and reporter, Miss Gena Cide.

RyanL 5
- Im almost tempted to give you a minus point for moaning about the drow makeup :>)

TonyCu 5
- Great first start at the system and thanks for following the party round as the drow scout.

*** Comments ***


Cutting the Deal (27/08/2006)

*** Mission ***

The patrol is to proceed to Allien's gap, a small neutral territory between Lanister's lands and the Barony. The area is 
under threat from various sources and the people are asking for protection. The patrol is to negotiate as much of the gap 
back as possible and persuade any groups you can to side with you.

Diplomat Truk has been raised from the dead. He had an explaination given to him and thanked us greatly. He carried a message 
to Lanister for us and we recieved a response this morning. The response apologised for Lt Wilkenson and that no such thing 
would ever happen again. Everyone in the guard post will be investigated. Lanister has conceeded the gap to us, maybe to 
cover up any form of plot or foul play. The Baron wishes me to thank all four of you, on his behalf. That is all.
Ambassador Long

See Reports

*** Points ***


Base 8

DominicD [Lucien] 9
- (+1) For great party leadership and Traci management.

FlorianS [Calamity] 8
- Always nice to seem Calamity out and about. Be careful about regrowing people's legs, people may start to think he is 
  nice ;-)

MarcusO [Traci] 8
- Great use of freeze, darts and... when needed... Earth Merge!

ShaunG [Geoffrey] 8
- Fantastic use of power and invisibility. I love the way Geoffrey walked whilst invisible :>)


Base 4

JamesW 8
- Monster Ref.

CarlD 5
- (+1) For great ideas all day, monstering alone and the amazing escape of the Lanister pathfinder when confronted with a 

*** Comments ***


The Roots of all Evil (20/08/2006)

*** Mission ***



See Reports

*** Points ***


Base 8

AdrianC [Orchid] 8
- Good scouting and useful back up healing.

CarlD [Philippe] 8
- Shiny, shiny paladin bashes things real good. 

DarrenE [Gish] 8
- Sick f**k!

DoriB [Zephyra] 8
- Another good day for Zephyra, good use of ice darts.

EmmaM [Prospera] 8
- Didn't see too much of you, clearly your too good a scout.

MikeR [Saldor] 8
- Saldor is just... well Saldor! What more can you say?

RyanL [Travesty] 8
- The final battle was yours and yours alone for some time, now wasn't that fun!

ShaunG [Eagleson] 8
- Useful as ever and a very effective leader.

StephenE [Adiuvo] 8
- Sorry for the constant tree charms but they were roleplayed exceptionaly.

TimB [Iussis] 8
- Well the dagger was certainly happy!


Base 4

GaryE 8
- Monster Ref.

CarolineC 4
DanJ 4 
DougS 4

FlorianS 4
Marcus0 4

MatthewG 4

MatthewH 4

RuthS 4

SarahG 4

StephenG 4

*** Comments ***


Reflux (13/08/2006)

*** Mission ***

Guard Major Reese has called together all patrol members to help contain and defeat forty people, who have been resurrected 
by an unknown force. Seven task groups will be given targets and assigned to take out the ones on their list.

With the Barony saved, Guard Major Reese thanks everybody for the effort put in. The patrol are awarded an extra half a groat 
danger pay. The Barony is safe again and a method to defeat the Gamesmaster may have been found.

See Reports

*** Points ***


Base 15

DanJ [Blackwing] 15
- I enjoyed all of Blackwing's major interactions all day long, especially the one between Prospera in his body and Blackwing 
  in hers.
DavidS [Naismith] 15
- Very heroic dive to stop MikeR's NPC being killed.

DominicD [Aurinyan] 15 
- Great use of power as ever. Clever flashes and flares, but will a LARP with rec golem ever exist again :>)
FlorianS [Rain] 15
- Rain is stepping forward more to take the lead, it's very good to see.

KatieB [Morrigan] 15
- Another center of calm, between Mathonwy and Morrigan the party had a lot of guidance both fulfilling the role for 
  different party members. Great roleplay as ever.

PeterW [Fiddilo] 15
- The challenge was fantastic, Fiddilo was a rock.

RuthS [Helyanwe] 15
- As always observant, clever and deadly.

RyanL [Travesty] 15
- Surprisingly silent for a 6 foot something guy in a kilt, but Travesty is always silent until he blows a head off, it was 
  nice to see him out again and effective in all his uses of power.

TimB [Iussis] 15
- Effective healing and good roleplay with the dagger.

WarrenJ [Mathonwy] 15
- It was good to see Mathonwy take the field of battle, his presence and influence could be seen through out. I especially 
  liked his prayer for guidance.


Base 8

JamesW 15
- Monster Ref.

AdrianC 8 
- Thankyou for being Rex.

Beth$ 8

DoriB 8
- You made a great Maelstrom.

DougS 8
- Everything Firewalker needed to be.

EmmaM 8
- Shadow was great, thanks for working with not much of a brief.

MarcusO 8

MatthewG 8
- Thanks for playing Calraug, the role was done perfectly.

MikeR 8

SarahG 8
ShaunG 8

StephenE 8
- Fell was clever and prepared, thankyou!

StephenG 8

*** Comments ***

1) The quality of roleplaying from everybody was amazing. Monsters and players alike were consistently in character and 
interacting, thankyou all for making it a pleasure to GM. It's hard to pick out the best moments, because everybody was on 
form all day long.

The Tomb of Redbeard II - To Uncurse the Cursed (06/08/2006)

*** Mission ***

With rumors of pirates attacking villages in the name of Redbeard, the Sword of Swashbuckling stolen by Captain Swift and a 
curse befalling several patrol members, a patrol is sent out to put an end to it.

The Towers are most disappointed with the loss of the Sword of Swashbuckling, but they will calm in time. The curse is lifted 
from all patrol members, with no lasting physical effects.

See Reports

*** Points ***


Base 8

AdrianC [Orchid] 8

Beth$ [Heulwyn] 8
MarcusO [Traci] 8

ShaunG [Geoffrey] 8

TimB [Calare] 8

WarrenJ [Ymgeleddwr] 8


Base 4

JamesW 8
- Monster Ref.

AnthonyB 4

CarlD 4

DanJ 4

DavidS 4

DoriB 4

DougS 5
- (+1) For Redbeard, you brought his character out with very little briefing. Thankyou!

EmmaM 4

FlorianS 4

KatieM 4    

MatthewG 4

MikeR 4
RuthS 4

RyanL 4

SarahG 4

StephenE 4 

*** Comments ***

1) Good job from everybody. Monsters had a great judge of when to hold off and when to press on.

The Picture (30/07/2006)

*** Mission ***


Some short while after returning to the city, G'Mord hands the painting and the recovered jewels over to a very surprised 
Guard Captain Bigot. "Ah, yes, um, well done Sergeant. I take it the thieves were not as organized as expected then... you 
may leave Sergeant, now."


Congratulations on your good work. We apologize for Guard Captain Bigots poor patrol resource planning, he has been reminded 
that all military patrols sent out should have at least one dedicated healer. To assist in his re-education he's has been 
transferred to a military post well inside the Barony, as he is better suited to working in military areas that conform to 
his sense of aesthetics. 
The stolen items have all been returned, to their rightful owners, which is a significant achievement, well done. Lord 
Havelock III, esq. has informed us his investigations have revealed two copies of the document returned, had gone missing 
from the possession of his research teams, he asks us to pass on his thanks in retrieving one of them from the bandits. 
Considering all the bandit bodies we have found had previously been animated our information is limited to what you have 
reported. As such with the escape of their leader we cannot say this matter is entirely closed, however the groups 
operational capacity has been severely reduced so we do not expect them to be capable of pulling of crimes off the same scale 
for a significant time. The full scope of the bandits operations can only be guessed at; thankfully though a chance encounter 
by our investigative team with a small group of elven high mages and nobles visiting the area may allow us to come to some 
more concrete conclusions. Warden Rain it is imperative you inform us exactly as to what the recovered items did, as this may 
help the aforementioned elves assist us in our investigation. 
No further sign of the reported necromancer has been detected. We have had a request from the humacts for any and all 
information about the undead encountered, so they may further investigate. 
Lastly it is our sad duty to report that Jill Weaver died of a strange sickness before she could be wed to Jack Longfield, 
thankfully the families funds you recovered are able to cover the costs of resurrection. Pathfinder Skulk, your sword has 
been handed in, to be returned to you, along with many thanks from the villagers to the entire patrol. 
Once again you all did very well, especially considering the circumstances. You all are a credit to the Barony and 
demonstrate the importance of diversity in our patrols.

See Reports

*** Points ***


Base 9

DanJ [Blackwing] 10
- (+1) You lost a silver dagger, but who knows what you've gained? Maybe you'll find out in 5~9 months.

DavidS [Skulk] 10
- (+1) The half-orc shake down was apparently fantastic.

FlorianS [Rain] 10
- (+1) We liked your reaction to attuning to a spell-primed Create Undead.

JamesW [Nab] 10
- (+1) Nabs barely controlled temper when raging is well done.

MarcusO [G'Mord] 10
- (+1) From the pickup to match making, what can't G'Mord do?

RuthS [Helyanwe] 10
- (+1) Your reactions to G'Mords match-making were very entertaining, though we can't help wondering what was the worst part, 
  the message or the messenger.
RyanL [Travesty] 10
- (+1) Charge a female werewolf with rape? Like to see you try.

StephenE [Trantis] 10
- (+1) A shame the first set of villagers never let you get to the end of your story/ceremony. Well done with your reaction 
  to G'mords match-making. 


Base 5

CarlD 8
- Monster Ref.

DominicD 6
- Monster Ref.

Beth$ 5
- Thanks for taking photos all day, for stealing Blackwing, and for playing the 'material' Jill.

MikeR 5
- Well done for pulling off the Blackwing capture in a encounter that could have gone so many different ways.

PeterW 5
- Thanks for the good roleplaying and for being a boss that couldn't do much.

ShaunG 5
- Thanks for staying on to troll it up at the end.

TimB 5
- As MikeR, without your efforts we may not have been able to fit that part in so seemlessly.

WarrenJ 5
- Thanks for fighting for so long at the end and taking on such a tiring combat role in your stride.

*** Comments ***


The Tomb of Redbeard I - A Pirates Hoard (23/07/2006)

*** Mission ***

You are requested to meet Guard Captain Jones undercover at the Drunken Rat for a mission of upmost urgency. We require you 
to pose as a treasure hunter and join the race for Redbeard's treasure.

Excellent work in recovering the sword, it seems to be the most dangerous item there. We are still not quite sure what it 
does. The Towers are sharing it, each day they pass it across.
The heads of the Towers argue into the night...

See Reports

*** Points ***


Base 8

Beth$ [Heulwyn] 8

DarrenE [Valiant] 8

MarcusO [Traci] 8

PeterW [Hawthorn] 8

ShaunG [Geoffrey] 8

StephenE [Adiuvo] 8

TimB [Courage] 8

WarrenJ [Anders] 9
- (+1) For very memorable moments all day and handling (behaviour) of Traci.


Base 4

JamesW 8
- Monster Ref.

AndyT 4

CarlD 5
- (+1) Might priest.

DavidS 4

DanJ 5
- (+1) I loved Faust's interaction with the party.

MikeR 5
- (+1) Might priest and Jackel trying to talk about a religious site.

RuthS 5
- (+1) Freedom priest.

RyanL 5
- (+1) Head Might priest.

*** Comments ***

1) Good day of roleplay, with very few hitches. I especially loved the arguement with the might priests.

The Curse of the Valley of the Skulls of the Dead (16/07/2006)

*** Mission ***


From your descriptions, the Temple of Freedom have decided that the horned and clawed thing could have been either the 
embodiment of 'Rage', or a 'Greater S'arcbeast'. The elven-like fighter, the Warlocks have identified as looking like one of 
the early Thorn Knights who created the Heroic Sacrifice spell. Now the curse has been lifted, trade caravans (admittedly 
more heavily guarded ones) have begun to move again. Thank you. 
Pathfinder Captain M

See Reports

*** Points ***


Base 11

CarlD [Philippe] 11

FlorianS [Calamity] 11  

JamesW [Nab] 11 

KatieB [Morrigan] 11
MikeR [Saldor] 11

RuthS [Helyanwe] 11

RyanL [Travesty] 11

StephenE [Lomax] 11


Base 6

DavidS 10
- Monster Ref.
  (-1) For hitting too fast while berserk. Even with small weapons, blows should be spaced and safe. I forgot this. 

DanJ 6

MarcusO 6

SarahG 6

StephenG 6

TimB 6

WarrenJ 6

*** Comments ***


The Arena (09/07/2006)

*** Mission ***

With three members of Barony patrols missing, presumed kidnapped, the patrol are sent out to bring them back. The only lead 
to G'Mord, Blackwing and Nab McFeegle's whereabouts is a note from the illusive leader of the Dark Blades, Shadow Wolf.

The patrol leave the tournament grounds with the kidnapped party members with them. There was no evidence of Shadow Wolf, but 
several Dark Blade bodies are found by the party enroute. They all have their throats cut or similar. On reaching home, Nab 
returns to the Warrior's Rest and Blackwing to the Blacksun school. G'Mord however returns to the barracks. Upon his arrival 
he recieves a note from 'Wife' saying that his house has been rebuilt. Maybe wondering why a small cottage took so long to 
rebuild and with his bags in tow, G'Mord returns home. He finds a large mansion, a bill with lots of '0's on it and a small 
cottage attached to the back. 'Wife' informs him the cottage is his own wing of the estate...

See Reports

*** Points ***


Base 7

DominicD [Cumberland] 7
- Nice roleplay all day long, its always a pleasure to watch Cumberland work.

DoriB [Zephyra] 7
- Nice roleplay with El from what I've heard, good to see Zephyra out again, low combat seems to agree with her. Remember 
  careful when you rust the barbarians sword :>)
EmmaM [Prospera] 7
- Very clever and sneaky from what I saw. A few words here and there went a long way.

FlorianS [Rain] 7
- Great roleplay all day, clever tricks and clever betting. Now the Gamesmaster has something to bet with from you :>)

KatieB [Morrigan] 7
- Strong, calm and collected.
StephenE [Trantis] 7
- (+1) For the endulgence of Trantis' gambling side. It's good to see.
  (-1) For the accidental misuse of ceremonies. Thanks for owning up. 
  Nice roleplay all day long.
TimB [Calare] 7
- Excellent wheeling and dealing. After money changers and currency examination Calare made 8 groats. Crowns aren't trusted 
  by the Barony money changers :>)


Base 3

JamesW 7
- Monster Ref.

AdrianC 3

AilsaB 3

Beth$ 3

CarlD 3
CarolineC 4
- (+1) for El.

DanJ 3

DanM 3

JoeS 3
JonT 3
MarcusO 3
SarahG 4
- (+1) For a great first day in the system with little briefing.

StephenG 3 (Base 2 - arrived late)
- (+1) For great adaptation into the system with minimal/no briefing.

WarrenJ 4
- (+1) For sorting out odds for me.

*** Comments ***


Avant-Garde: Away Mission VIII - End Games (30/06/2006)

*** Mission ***



See Reports

*** Points ***


Base 72

AdrianB [Rhegor] 74
- (+2) For great roleplay and awesome use of power. Without Rhegor's power, the party would have had a tough time. You always 
  use standing effectively, never a drop wasted. I love Rhegor's character and look forward to seeing more of him in the 

CarlD [Philippe] 73
- (+1) For the speech, it was great. 
  Oddly, whenever a hole was made in the battle wasn't a Barbarian making it. Philippe seemed to shatter every 
  line of foes he met, all weekend. It was fantastic.
ChrisR [Bear] 72
- There all weekend as a second line fighter and a point to rally to. I love Bear as a charcter, you always get the roleplay 
  of the druidic nature just right. Never too aggressive and hard to anger, Bear was a rock in the middle of the party 
  (no pun intended).

DanJ [Darkwolf] 74
- (+1) For the general standard of roleplay all weekend, from the casual breaking of the bonds you were put in to the despair 
  before leaving on sunday morning. 
  (+1) For sheer presence in battle. Barbarians are tough and Darkwolf is definately no exception.
  I was thoroughly impressed with Darkwolf this weekend. At no point could I put him at fault.

DominicD [Cumberland] 72 
- I love Cumberland's character, the bit that really stuck out for me was the humanising bit on Saturday before the sneaking 
  mission. When he gave the lab coat to the rebel for safe keeping. It was great.

EmmaM [Prospera] 74
- (+2) Excellent leadership all weekend and for the fantastic performance on Saturday night when Prospera welcomed death. 
  Very IC. Well done. Her and your, leadership of the party was without fault.
FlorianS [Calamity] 72
- From fanatsic rituals to a great presence in the front line, its always difficult to pick out a defining moment for any 
  von Angstine. They are always strong and always there. Calamity is no exception, it was a pleasure to GM for.

MarcusO [Raven] 73
- (+1) For taking the party by the scruff of the neck when they needed it and for generally great roleplay. I love the way 
  this campaign has developed The Raven. I look forward to seeing him in the future.
MatthewH [Noah] 72 
- From what I saw this weekend a great second line fighter and support healer. Great job and well deserved trip to the 
  Barony. Hope to see him out in the future. I thought Noah coming back to make sure the rebels survived, just before he 
  boarded the boat, was nice.
MikeR [Saldor] 73
- (+1) Saldor may be a coward, but the sheer effort you put into the roleplay deserves a bonus. I especially loved him 
  running up the sand dune in the trials. 

RichardH [Sarevok] 41 (Base 40 - left early) 
- (+1) Talk with Fornax was great.
  Always a shame to leave part way through a larp, but you made an impact, even with you only being there a short while. 
  I hope to see Sarevok out and being mighty in the future.

RyanL [Travesty] 73
- (+1) For the pep talk to Darkwolf on Sunday morning. It was fantastic. 
  The sheer power of Travesty always makes me do a double take.


Base 36

JamesW 54
- Monster Ref.

ShaunG 54
- Monster Ref.

AdrianC 37
- (+1) For Kryten and Saturday night. You helped keep the show together, thank you for making it work.

AilsaB 36

AlexT 37
- (+1) For Deadwood the party loved/hated him. From my point of view the bonus is for all of saturday night. I trusted you 
  with a big role and you didn't disappoint.

DarrenE 36

DoriB 36

GaryE 36

JoeS 36

KatieB 36

NatalieW 36

PaulW 36

PeterO 37
- (+1) for Fornax. Type cast you may be, but with no knowledge of the campaign or character you made Fornax come to life. 
  Thank you for playing him for us.
PeterW 36

RoyA 36

StephenE 36
- Thanks for playing Lomax for us, despite the fact you enjoyed it, it was a great addition to the game.

TonyC 36

*** Comments ***


Avant-Garde: Away Mission VII - Escape (25/06/2006)

*** Mission ***

Thunder crashed as the freak storm came from nowhere. The ship rolled ominously, as the Avant-Garde man their stations a 
great bolt of lightning arcs from the sky and strikes the boat. As the boat explodes into a thousand pieces, the world goes 
You wake up in an internment camp. 
" will be executed shortly, try not to make your last stay with us too troublesome..."
Colonel Blood

As the image of Colonel Blood killing all those you love burns in your mind, the earth begins to shake. Everything goes black 
as the world crashes in on the Avant-Garde for the second time... 

See Reports

*** Points ***


Base 9

DominicD [Cumberland] 9
- Great power usage today. Clever uses of curses to deal with Chaos Resistances and great reasoning all day long. I love the 
  campaign against Fornax, works really well :>)

FlorianS [Calamity] 9
- Tormenting von Angstine's is a small hobby of mine and doing so to Calamity didn't disappoint. Great roleplay of the down 
  on his luck shaman today whose only company was a freedom priest and ...well, The Raven.
MarcusO [Raven] 9
- 2 layers of plate didn't slow The Raven down too much. I loved the roleplay of pretending to be Darkwolf :>). Your next 
  prayer will be interesting. It's in the name...'Freedom'.


Base 4

JamesW 9
- Monster Ref.

CarlD 4
- From Outriders, to Enforcers and even militant farmers, it was a relief to have a strong roleplayer like yourself along all 
  day. Cheers.

DanJ 4
- Thanks for helping out and having the great idea of strapping The Raven in Darkwolf's armour. Loved the mounted trainee!

*** Comments ***


Avant-Garde: Away Mission VI - Desperate Measures (18/06/2006)

*** Mission ***



See Reports

*** Points ***


Base 10

AdrianB [Rhegor] 10
- Remember your Eye Of The Storm hand attacks are dodgeable. You can't just hold onto someone, each time you want to do 
  damage, it requires you to touch them again.

Beth$ [Heulwyn] 10
- Good power use.

CarlD [Philippe] 10

DanJ [Darkwolf] 10

DominicD [Cumberland] 10

DoriB [Anneri] 10
- Remember, just saying "dodge" isn't enough, you have to make a slight dodging movement all the time.

FlorianS [Calamity] 10

JonT [Nathaniel] 10

MikeR [Saldor] 10
- Good timing on some Destroy Undead's.

RichardH [Sarevok] 10

StephenE [Tanner] 10

TimB [Courage] 10


Base 5

DavidS 8
- Monster Ref.

EmmaM 7
- Monster Ref.

AdrianC 5

AlexT 5

LawrenceH 5
MarcusO 5

PeterW 5

RyanL 6
- (+1) For the spider climb.

ShaunG 5

WarrenJ 6
- (+1) For the Overseer in the valley.

*** Comments ***


Avant-Garde: Away Mission V - Towering Betrayal (11/06/2006)

*** Mission ***



See Reports

*** Points ***


Base 10

AdrianB [Rhegor] 10 
- Good use of gust of wind and other miracles.

Beth$ [Heulwyn] 11 
- (+1) Good use of fire darts. Very effective and very dangerous! 

EmmaM [Prospera] 10 
- As ever, very competent party leader, taking control when needed, especially at the end ;-)

FlorianS [Calamity] 10 
- Didn't see much of your von Angstine roleplay with Travesty but I'm sure it was there ;-)

MarcusO [Raven] 11 
- (+1) For sheer dirtiness and good role-play during your reprimand prayer. 

MikeR [Saldor] 10 
- As ever, great roleplay and Saldor is becoming increasingly more of a threat out on the battlefield.

RyanL [Travesty] 10 
- Good solid combatant as expected. The huge 2H sword helps I'm sure ;-)

WarrenJ [Anders] 10 
- Good scouting and skirmishing, shame about the unlucky mobbing at the tower.


Base 5

DavidS 7
- Monster Ref.

ShaunG 8
- Monster Ref.

CarlD 5 
- Good work with the necromancer. Thanks.

JamesW 5 
- As ever, very dangerous with any kind of weapon :-)

JonT 5 
- Good work as the Enforcers.

StephenE 6 
- (+1) Very effective Overseers, significantly different in style to JamesW Overseers but just as effective in making the 
  Nykrull dangerous! Thanks.

TimB 5 
- I knew I could count on you to roleplay the Overseer as requested ;-)

*** Comments ***


A Breath of Fire (04/06/2006)

*** Mission ***


Congratulations on the reconsecration of the Shrine of Anurias, with the stabilisation of the troll village and the 
dispersing of a lot of the dangerous creatures of the Swamp of Ragar, the area of Brandon Mill can look forward to renewed 
prosperity and growth. 
I'm given to understand that the hermit Falls was instructed to report in, however he hasn't done so. Pathfinders Booster and 
Striker have swept the forest and confirmed that his dwelling is now empty, with signs of a fairly hurried departure. A note 
was found at the scene stating he doesn't trust the fairmindedness of the Temple of Justice and so has moved on. He promises 
he means no harm to anyone, however his unwillingness to confirm that under divine questioning means we must treat him as 
dangerous if encountered again. 
The creature that stole the artifact is reliably reported destroyed. It was apparently a female creature of great ugliness, 
ironic given the beauty it could project if it chose to. Whether or not it was the only such creature in the swamp is not 
known however. 
Finally, the description of the mage that assaulted the Shrine of Anurias matches that of one Arason who we believe also 
recently attempted to kill Guard Sergeant G'Mord. Given the trap inside his spell book and the information gained from the 
interrogation of Fingers, we can reasonably speculate that he is also linked to the immolation of the body of Theobald. 
However we still don't know why either mage was in the area. It seems clear from the behaviour of the elementals encountered 
in the area that they were searching for something, however what is not known. 
Unfortunately we have been unable to raise the body of the elf believed to be Arason so cannot find any information from him. 
With the destruction of Theobald before any such measures could be taken, it seems that these two mages were truly prepared 
to give their lives to ensure the secrecy of their task. 
Any observations from patrol members, no matter how trivial, concerning the elementals and the two mages, are desired. 
That is all for now, enjoy your rest. 
Pathfinder Captain Shadow

See Reports

*** Points ***


Base 10

AdrianC [Orchid] 10
- Some excellent scouting, compliments from the monsters for keeping up really well at eXtreme checkers.

ChrisN [Cyrus] 10 
- Once more a demonstration of power brought to a point. Arason was significantly difficult to rout, however you managed it.

ChrisR [Azreal] 10
- Consistently there, but no real opportunity to shine in a party with so many warriors.

DavidS [Naismith] 10
- Many compliments on the humour and timing involved in the execution of the marriage ceremony. IC bonus for well executed 
  marriage ceremony to be passed on.

LawrenceH [Salogel] 10
- Salogel played a critical role in defeating the Hydra and demonstrated just how good you are at defensive combat in the 
  shrine melees. However I particularly liked the fact that out of all the PCs you took the nastier toys in Fall's kit 
  seriously. All the Defenders should have been wary about allowing such things to escape control. Good roleplay of a Life 
NatalieW [Talia] 10
- I always enjoy watching the small details of Talia's character come through. Unfortunately not a game in which she had a 
  major opportunity to shine however. 
PeterW [Fiddilo] 10
- Sorry you died. As ever Fiddilo was a rock on which the monsters broke. Unfortunately sometimes you need some more rocks to 
  damn the flow properly. Remember it's okay to ask monsters to stop for a few seconds whilst you work out new armour values 
  when they're messing with you that badly.

RuthS [Helyanwe] 11
- (+1) For standing watch on a path you could pretty much guarantee was monster free for the entire bowl encounter and for 
  otherwise consistently putting Hel at risk to protect Barony citizens, exposing yourself to the potential Darkblade threat 
  to find out if we were lying about healing, and for trying to protect Misha. Again compliments from monsters and players 
  for excellent scouting, being in the right place at the right time.

ShaunG [Monty] 11
- (+1) For several reasons, particularly the roleplay around the gladiator fight, however specifically because I really 
  enjoyed the demonstration of how a single sword can be vastly better than two swords in the right hands. 

TimB [Iussis] 10
- Many compliments on the humour and timing involved in the execution of the marriage ceremony. Well done also on how you 
  dealt with the mega hug from the trolls. IC bonus for well executed marriage ceremony to be passed on.

WarrenJ [Brend] 10
- Again, I enjoyed the gladiator roleplay immensely.


Base 5

DominicD 7
- Monster Ref.

StephenE 8
- Monster Ref.

AdrianB 5
- The troll bride was typically over the top. We love you for it really! :P Thank you as ever for creating memorable 

CarlD 5
- Thank you for making Headman Corbin a consistent presence through both games.

CarolineC 5
- Several players were quite taken with your portrayal of Misha, however I hope playing the NPC was it's own reward, plus 
  it's a role in which you get to consume copious amounts of sugar.
DanJ 5
- Thanks for making Marshal Allani a consistent part of the scenery for both games.

DavidT 5 
- The Bograh was special.

FlorianS 5
- Falls was again as I had envisioned him. The troll narrator was so... resigned.

JamesH 5
- I fall into the trap of looking to certain people for certain monster roles, due to experience and the addling of old age. 
  Push me if you want more varied roles, else with the best of intentions, whilst running around and trying to make 
  everything work, I'll be liable to forget and repeatedly put you in the cannon fodder roles. Thank you for filling those 
  consistently and well though.

JamesS 5
- I fall into the trap of looking to certain people for certain monster roles, due to experience and the addling of old age. 
  Push me if you want more varied roles, else with the best of intentions, whilst running around and trying to make 
  everything work, I'll be liable to forget and repeatedly put you in the cannon fodder roles. Thank you for filling those 
  consistently and well though.

JamesT 5 
- I fall into the trap of looking to certain people for certain monster roles, due to experience and the addling of old age. 
  Push me if you want more varied roles, else with the best of intentions, whilst running around and trying to make 
  everything work, I'll be liable to forget and repeatedly put you in the cannon fodder roles. Thank you for filling those 
  consistently and well though.

MatthewW 5
- Thank you for getting the Death Knight's rising exactly right and for putting up with me during the last encounter.

MikeR 5
- Thanks for all your efforts of running around to keep GMs, players and monsters informed.

RichardH 6
- (+1) For surviving AdrianB's troll bride. It was a tough job, but someone had to do it. 
RyanL 5
- Thank you for the very sensible suggestion of the hydra brain and executing it well.

*** Comments ***

1) A large and powerful party in a combat intensive plot meant it was hard to find roleplay moments to shine. I hope that the 
party managed to regain from interaction within themselves what was lost by the potentially disparate fights and not entirely 
explained plotlines.

A Watery End (28/05/2006)

*** Mission ***

News just in! 
A long serving Defender of the Barony, Guard Sergeant G'Mord, suffered tragedy last night when an unknown person attacked his 
home. Fortunately the Sergeant, on leave to spend time with his family, had already left with his entire family to holiday in 
a private location. 
Exact details are sketchy at this moment, however we have learned that Fire Elementals were in the area and several 
neighbours reported being blinded by terribly bright bursts of light from the elementals. 
The house itself was burnt to the ground and investigators from the Towers of Fire and General magic, as well as assistants 
from the Circle, are suggesting that it was most likely struck by multiple high strength fireballs. 
Defender Captain Avon had this to say to our reporter, Kien Brackmon: 
"There's no cause for alarm. This was a highly targetted incident and measures used against bystanders were non-lethal. With 
G'Mord and his family safely out of the way where no one will track them down before we catch the culprit." 
We asked High Wizard Adustum of the Tower of Fire, one of the investigators from nearby, whether he thought the level of Fire 
magic displayed was troubling: 
"I don't think so. Personally I could have pulled this off with one hand behind my back, with only two reasonably competent 
assistant ritualists."


This just in, our reporter Kien Brackmon has just managed to gain information on another dastardly deed carried out last 
night, only a few hours away from the scene of last nights Fire Ball mayhem! 
It seems that the nearby towns Temple of Might was broken into by an organised band of thieves and cutthroats led by the 
notorious "Fingers" Malum, long wanted for questioning in relation to the 'Throat Murders'. 
No details yet on casualties amongst the Masters and their guards, however it is clear that at least one valuable object was 
stolen and that the thieves had the assistance of a competent wielder of Water magic. 
Despite the proximity of the two events, Defenders are not considering them linked and have stated that they do not believe 
we are seeing the beginnings of "another five mages", merely a small organised thieving group who are no significant threat 
to the public as long as they are not interfered with. 
More when we have it, however anyone who catches sight of the notorious Fingers Malum, are urged to contact the Defenders at 

Well done, not only did you retrieve the Sword of Subjugation, you captured Fingers alive and dealt with an extremely 
dangerous man. 
Pathfinder Corporal's Booster and Striker have been checking the areas we know the bandits were in and were able to 
coordinate a capture operation with the Guards and Wardens on the Foren homestead, where it seems the stragglers had gathered 
to await Finger's return. Farmer Foren himself was found bound and gagged in the firewood shelter along with his two sons. 
None of them seem the worse for wear beyond a few minor bruises and headaches. 
Between bodies and incapacitated bandits recovered from the valley of the Shrine of Anurias, from near the Foren Homestead, 
from Farmer Norris's Homestead and in the final raid on the Foren Homestead, we have accounted for all but one member of 
Fingers' gang. 
Unfortunately it's come to light that a second artifact was missing from the Temple of the Forge and Sanctuary and we can 
only surmise that this bandit made a get away, perhaps to meet another buyer, whilst we were all concerned with Fingers' 
Fingers herself has been most helpful in identifying those captured and describing the escaped bandit, as well as giving us 
his name and several of his contacts. 
Fingers has also told us everything she knows about the mage Theobald, which sadly wasn't much. The only real extra 
information that she supplied is a description of an associate, another elf who Theobald greeted as Pureblood Arason and who 
in turn greeted Theobald as Pureblood Theobald. 
This Arason is already under investigation and has been linked to destructive acts of fire magic in the nearby area. 
Hopefully we'll have more information on his whereabouts soon. 
Fingers also told us that Arason and Theobald were looking for something within the Brandon Mill area, though she didn't know 
what and that Theobald seemed to generally have it in for the Barony. We do not know for certain if Theobald is dead or not, 
though Orchid's description of the wounds sound like a pretty dead person to me. 
The creature from the swamp has not been sighted again, however we're going to make arrangements for a hunt, a regular patrol 
member has already volunteered to lead such and that will hopefully be taken care of shortly. 
Unfortunately whatever the creature stole has been most detrimental to the Shrine of Anurias which appears to be in need of 
re-consecration. Still, arrangements for that too are underway. 
All in all, primary objectives were a success and any secondary set backs shouldn't be taken too much to heart, there are 
many strange and bizarre creatures in the world. Chalk this one up to experience. 
Please remain in the area for the next week in case we have further need of your talents and please submit reports when you 
have time, accurate intelligence in the upcoming weeks could be vital. 
Pathfinder Captain Shadow

See Reports

*** Points ***


Base 11

AdrianC [Orchid] 12
- (+1) Orchid, like Monty, had some great roleplay on the Low Road, however there's a strong commendation come through with 
  regard to your play of the Demoralise which meant you literally did no damage. Also your attempt to get into the Foren 
  Farmstead was perfect for your character, I felt, most characters would have resorted to violence very quickly to gain 
  entrance, however as the NPC involved I never felt that you were about to go for a sword. The life priest allowed bad guys 
  to choose their fate. The effective and lightning fast elimination of Theobald was an excellent piece of scouting. 

ChrisN [Cyrus] 12
- (+1) To say that you fulfilled the function of the gladiator would be an understatement. Cyrus's dogged determination to 
  win or to continue fighting whatever the cost shone through against the Hag, against the waves of undead and goblins and 
  against the Death Knight. Your challenge of the buyer, Renshar, was ideal, you can play to the guild restrictions, or 
  remember that you're the kind of class to actively seek single combat.

DoriB [Zephyra] 12
- (+1) I particularly liked Zephyra's attitude on the mind altering poisoning and her nasty edge shining through in the 
  interrogation. However, the major commendation to Zephyra goes for the use of the powers she had available. Information on 
  an enemy casters abilities is often ignored or given lip service, however you and Orchid demonstrated how information is 
  power, eliminating a rank 150 character in the equivalent of a short drop and a sudden stop. The combination with having 
  enough conserved power to literally anihilate the Death Knight at the end and the willingness to play the, for you, very 
  dangerous game of closing range to Ice Dart then getting out again to recast, is a classic demonstration of what a mage's 
  role in a party is. 

ShaunG [Monty] 11
- Unfortunately your rank and having Cyrus around made it very hard for Monty to shine. We did still see Monty's wicked sense 
  of humour come through nicely in a couple of places on the Low Road run, even when having to defer to the Defender. I was a 
  touch surprised to see Monty staying out of the way so much when the Death Knight was loose though, especially once the 
  strategy of holding it off Zephyra became clearly in place, however fully understand why this was so, unfortunately to have 
  been bonus point worthy as a gladiator in this game would probably have meant getting into a fight you wouldn't have 
  survived. I'm sorry if the game was less fun because of that. 


Base 6

DominicD 9
- Monster Ref.

StephenE 8
- Monster Ref. Thank you for handling the frenetic game part whilst I had what was to be honest the less stressful half.

CarlD 7
- (+1) For the Hag. Everything I had hoped it would be, created between you and JamesW.

ChrisR 6
- Thank you for sitting on a path for an hour with no one to talk to just because I'd made a passing comment that it would be 
  good to put a water elemental in there. Otherwise solid monstering too.
DanJ 6 
- The justice priest Allani was excellent. Your exchange with Cyrus just before time out was great.

EmmaM 6 
- Thank you for characterising Fingers so well in such a short spell in the players line of sight. I hope that phys repping 
  the NPC will be it's own reward for that.

FlorianS 7
- (+1) For humour. People keep telling me how Cossan's Shade leapt on Cyrus as he was brought round and proclaimed "You have 
  been saved by the power of death, now you must serve me, yes, yes". Generally handled numerous specialist roles excellently 
  throughout the day - in particular nearly brought two different sets of walkers running back to us with Norris's shrieks of 

JamesS 6
- Solid monstering throughout the day - push me to give you some more interesting roles, as I neglected to give you anything 
  hugely interesting in the busy-ness of the day.
JamesW 7
- (+1) For the Hag. A concept delivered brilliantly.

KatieB 6 
- I think you enjoyed Twitch, the hermit in training, more than any other role - certainly it was commented on.

MatthewW 7
- (+1) Not just for Renshar and his Death Knight, but for the change between the two. Whether it was reaction to the 
  alteration in the damage you were taking or concious decision, ChrisN commented extensively on how your entire fighting 
  style changed and became much more... malevolent is the best word from what was described, once you rose.

*** Comments ***

1) It's been suggested from a couple of quarters that the players deserve a generic bonus point for surviving a game which 
created awkward situations, requiring a pragmatic approach in places that is not the common mind set for players. 
Unfortunately I'm mean and was just gonna let your PCs die if they did dumb things. When the standard of player action is 
very high, the standard needed to be maintained to gain bonuses also tends to be high. The master rules lists two criteria 
for bonus points: IC roleplay quality and how well the PC fulfilled their class role in the party.

2) Thank you in particular to the monsters who perpetuated the Shrine assault whilst I brought the Low Road line up to you, 
your efforts are very much appreciated in the light of how long it took. I'd hoped for 45 minutes. An hour and a half was 
much longer than I meant - my apologies for that misjudgement...

Avant-Garde: Away Mission IV - The Man in the Iron Mask II (21/05/2006)

*** Mission ***


There is much rejoicing in the Rebel camp tonight. A special dance is held in your honour.

See Reports

*** Points ***


Base 8

Beth$ [Heulwyn] 8
– Great placement of Fire Dart 8's all day. Again, good performance despite low rank.

CarlD [Philippe] 8
– Good solid performance and amazingly quiet in Paladin stealth mode.

ChrisR [Bear] 8
– Voted loudest ambusher by the monsters. Bear might want to think about using a more solid staff for parrying.

DominicD [Cumberland] 8
– Timely curses.

EmmaM [Prospera] 8
– Maybe Prospera should be in charge every mission...

FlorianS [Calamity] 8
– Good ritual, fighting and roleplay all day.

JamesS [Solymer] 8
– Need to make your vocals a bit clearer. It can be difficult in the heat of battle, but no god ever objected to shouted 
JamesT [Bae'ella'gor] 8
- Again, the Freeze machine, but also noticed Ice Blades too. Good stuff, but remember the limits on moving quickly and 

MarcusO [Raven] 8
– While healing competently, The Raven has to get slapped by his god again.

MatthewH [Noah] 8 
– Good roleplay surrounding Tholos. Keep it up.

MatthewW [Matthew] 8
– Good job as the frontline. I'm always impressed by Matthew's speed of getting to where he needs to be.

PeterW [Hawthorn] 8
- Good solid performance.

RobertB [Loukakis] 8
– "Quick. Throatslit him?". Apart from being bad English, it's not a very Life/Freedom thing to say. Also be wary of becoming 
  'the invisible guy' with only one trick.
RuthS [Jysella] 8
– Good fighting and still managed to stand out with three other seekers in the party, all of higher rank.

TimB [Courage] 8
– Good roleplay of fear and good management of healing despite being the lowest rank in the party.

WarrenJ [Anders] 8
– Good support scout and effective.


Base 4

DavidS 8
- Monster Ref.

AdrianC 4
– Good solid enforcing.

AndyT 4
– Liked both the villager and enforcer.

CarolineC 4
– Thanks for taking on the scouting role for the convoy fight and singing.

DoriB 4
– Great overseer.

JamesW 4
– Thanks for limping around and ninja-ing.

RyanL 4
– Good spider and undead.

ShaunG 4
– Good raising undead rituals.

*** Comments ***

1) Good decisions were made IC and OOC on the ambush site... and it worked!

Avant-Garde: Away Mission III - Twin Assault (14/05/2006)

*** Mission ***


Good work on two mostly successful missions. The mission to negotiate with and free the Plainsmen was entirely successful, 
albeit at the cost of High Master Sarevok's life and our strike on the undead creation camp in this area was admirable. The 
rebels are more than a little bit pleased with the results and have already noticed a significant shift in power within the 
region, as the Nykrull do not have the undead forces backing them up that they did before. It will only be a matter of time 
before they re-establish another undead base in the area however and so we must make use of this advantage as soon as 
It seems that the Overseer that you left alive had considerable damage to his legs and one of his arms, meaning that he could 
not reach the nearest patrol in time to raise the alarm. This meant that no additional Nykrull Overseers or Enforcers were 
drawn away from the main base when you attacked, which as I have been informed made your task considerably harder, leading in 
part to the unfortunate death of Marshal Castlemaine. Fortunately, thanks to the quick thinking of Seeker Cumberland, contact 
was made with the rebels that you rescued from the drow earlier. With their help, the last few remnants of Nykrull within the 
camp were dealt with. There was an advantage to not having drawn out Nykrull from the base prior to the assault however.
These troops were not in the vicinity of the Plainsmen Reservation Area and therefore could not respond to the assault, 
making the other mission considerably easier. 
I have had more talks with the rebels about how they deal with the drow and apparently they do not fight them if at all 
possible and generally retreat when possible, as the drow do not tend to pursue retreating rebels. When combat is 
unavoidable, they concentrate on taking out the priests and earth mages and also destroy the armour of the drow guards, who 
fall very quickly with little or no armour. Unfortunately, the chance of retreating from combat with highlanders present is 
highly unlikely, especially if they have been cast upon, as demonstrated by the unfortunate death of Darkwolf. Thus, from now 
on we shall refrain from using sections of the underdark known to be used by drow unless absolutely necessary. Holster, the 
reporter who joined us seems to have died his final death, as after several days his body is still not able to be raised. His 
body will be kept safely for return to the Kingdom and to his next of kin. 
Our ship is due in this Sunday and we shall be leaving that night under the cover of darkness. Our final mission within these 
lands will be to attempt another rescue of the rebel leader, Tholos Windheim. The rebels seem quite confident that if we can 
recover either him or his unanimated body the rebellion will not be a lost cause. It is the opinion of the Avant-Garde 
command that anything reducing the chance of the Nykrull finding their ways to our shores at any point in the future is worth 
the effort. 
That is all, 
Guard Captain T'Anan Elwood. Commander, CXVAG 

See Reports

*** Points ***


Base 8

AdrianC [Castlemaine] 8 

CarlD [Philippe] 8 
- Good work disrupting the ritual, though leaving them to regroup and attack later wasn't so wise ;-)

DanJ [Darkwolf] 9 
- (+1) For perfect roleplay of a barbarian in rage who has had magic cast on you, even though it resulted in a gruesome 
DanM [Touton] 8 

DavidT [Simon] 8

DominicD [Cumberland] 8 
- Good work going to get reinforcements.

FlorianS [Calamity] 8

JamesS [Solymer] 8

JohnB [Holster] 8 
- You really need to learn to manage your standing, overcasting 24 times is a bit excessive!
  It also means that you cannot be raised for 15 days as this is how long it takes for your death threasholds to start 

MatthewH [Noah] 8 

MatthewW [Matthew] 8

Base 5

AdrianB [Rhegor] 5

ChrisR [Bear] 5

DavidS [Forge] 6 
- (+1) Good negotiating with the Plainsmen.

DoriB [Anneri] 5

EmmaM [Prospera] 6 
- (+1) First rate leadership and tactical decisions. 

JamesH [Heinous] 5

JamesT [Bae'ella'gor] 5

MarcusO [Raven] 5 
- The Raven seemed somewhat subdued at the briefing as I recall ;-) 

PeterW [Hawthorn] 5 

RichardH [Sarevok] 6 
- Fantastic roleplay of roleplay of an Overseer [no that isn't a typo ;-)]

RobertB [Loukakis] 5 
- Good use of invisibility, but remember its not so good in long grass ;-)

TimB [Courage] 5


Base 4

ShaunG 8
- Monster Ref.

AdrianB 4

CarolineC 4 

ChrisR 4 

DavidS 4 

DoriB 4 

EmmaM 4 

JamesH 4 

JamesT 4

JamesW 4 
- I think the emperor looks like you ;-)

MarcusO 4 

PeterW 4 

RichardH 4 

RobertB 4

RyanL 4

TimB 4

Base 3

ShaunG 5 
- Monster Ref.  

AdrianC 3 
- Good work as the ambushed Overseer.

CarlD 3

CarolineC 3

DanJ 3

DanM 3

DavidT 3

DominicD 3

FlorianS 3

JamesS 3

JamesW 3

JohnB 2 
- (-1) For not taking the Spellmaster role you were given seriously. 
  I know you were tired and didn't want to carry stuff back and forth so I'm not annoyed by that. 

MatthewH 3

MatthewW 3

RyanL 3

*** Comments ***


Avant-Garde: Away Mission II - The Man in the Iron Mask I (07/05/2006)

*** Mission ***


This is the biggest victory the rebellion has had so far. Two prison camps wiped out, several prisoners rescued (some even 
alive) and an entire guardhouse wiped out. Not only that, but we have seized much information, records and resources. 
Tholos Windheim's location and route is now known and a second rescue mission is planned. 

See Reports

*** Points ***


Base 12

ChrisR [Bear] 13
- (+1) Befriending and loyalty to animals. However remember that no one can cast with a limb on negative body points.

DanJ [Darkwolf] 12
- Solid damage all day long.

DavidT [Simon] 12
- Solid work as the dedicated guard.

EmmaM [Prospera] 12
- Good tactics, scouting and throatsliting.

FlorianS [Calamity] 12
- Well done as the main party healer, even though that meant you couldn't do your full range of tricks.

JamesS [Solymer] 12
- Solymer has come on really well. Good all round performance.

JamesT [Bae'ella'gor] 13
- (+1) Fantastic use of Freezes and Gust of Wind. Shame about the death but well taken.

LawrenceH [Onyxbalm] 12
- Good defensive powering of party. Please remember you can't cast more than a level 0 on the run.

MatthewH [Noah] 12 
- Good first time out, establishing yourself as a party member.

RichardH [Sarevok] 12
- Epitomising might once again.

RobertB [Loukakis] 12
- Great use of Invisibility, appearing to save the Freedom followers.

WarrenJ [Anders] 13
- (+1) Good scouting, throatsliting and roleplay of wrack. Also good at the tactical discussion.


Base 6

DaveS 9
- Monster Ref.

DominicD 9
- Monster Ref.

AlexT 7
- (+1) For the emergency termite.

CarlD 6

CarolineC 6

ChrisN 6

KatieB 6

JamesH 6

JamesW 7
- (+1) for the Overseers the party love to hate.

NatalieW 6

RyanL 6

StephenE 6

*** Comments ***

1) All in all, a good game, with the party looking after each other and good tactics. A lot of near misses and only two 
deaths in some hard fights. Thanks. Also, donations recieved will allow the making of several more pairs of giant insect 
legs. Huzzah...

Avant-Garde: Away Mission I - The Landing (30/04/2006)

*** Mission ***

A couple of months ago a merchant trade ship from the south was blown far off course in a storm. They found themselves very 
near a new continent, currently uncharted by the Kingdom. What is of most interest is that the crew of the trade ship caught 
a glimpse of the wreck of a ship very close in design and markings to the ships known to have brought the founding exiles 
across the last sea. It is believed that this ship is one of the few ships that lost contact with the rest on the journey and 
must have laid anchor here. The Avant-Garde is being sent by ship to this continent to determine the fate of the crew of this 
lost ship and also make contact with any descendants of the original exiles. This campaign will be directed by myself (Guard 
Captain Elwood) and my command staff who will accompany the Avant-Garde to this continent and set a base camp from where to 
chart the land and conduct our surveys. 
The journey will take approximately 20 days by sea. We are scheduled to set out on April 5th and so set down at the site 
should be April 25th all going well. The unit will continue to operate and conduct missions as per usual until April 5th.
Any initial questions should be directed to myself and not your direct C.O. as it is likely they will only have to consult me 
on any matters anyway.
Guard Captain T'Anan Elwood. Commander, CXVAG

After plenty of rest and healing, the cavern-mappers return with the new layout of the underdark. Luckily, the earthquakes 
have not affected the passages leading to the entrance just next to the Avant-Garde base camp. It turns out that the second 
earthquake tore the cliff separating the landing area and the base camp in two, allowing the remaining Avant-Garde members to 
get safely to land. With guidance by the rebels in the area, the Avant-Garde command and all other members make their way 
safely through the tunnels to the rebels main caverns in this area. The ship and her crew however, are ordered to pull back 
to sea for the time being. They have been ordered to return to the same location in 20 days time, for further orders. 


OK our plan for the moment is to set up camp with the rebels here and work with them as best we can. In case there is any 
confusion: We are officially at war with the Nykrull Empire and we are officially allied with the rebels. We shall continue 
to work as a distinctly separate group however. Our newfound allies have promised to get us to an area above ground that is 
safe from the Nykrull patrols (I for one do not sleep well underground in earthquake-prone lands) and in return we are going 
to mount a rescue operation to recover their captured leader: Tholos Windheim. 
Apparently this is not an island as we first assumed, but a peninsula on a massive continent - all apparently under the 
control of this Nykrull Empire. We are not here to overthrow them, but we do intend to offer any assistance we can to our 
newfound Rebel Allies. It seems that the survivors of the ship we were sent here for joined with the rebels here, so we 
should find out as much as we can about them and these lands whilst we are here. 
Guard Captain T'Anan Elwood. Commander, CXVAG

See Reports

*** Points ***


Base 15

AdrianB [Rhegor] 15 
- The pacifistic druid with lightening dart 7's ;-) I liked your insistence on trying to make peace with the Nykrull because 
  you didn't have any power left to do anything else, though its probably best to make sure the party leader knows why you 
  aren't attacking when ordered to do so ;-) That has all been dealt with though. 

CarlD [Philippe] 15 
- I'm sure Sarevok was continually annoyed by your insistence on killing all his controlled skeletons, very life aligned :-) 
  Also, sorry I wasn't taking your holy 5's at one point - I wasn't listening closely enough and just wasn't expecting anyone 
  to be doing so much holy damage!

DarrenE [Asharu] 15 
- Very interesting character. It's a shame you died, but these things happen, especially on dangerous missions. Being a 
  warden, its quite hard not to get directly involved in the combats rather than doing the standard mage trick of running 
  away very fast, so I guess that puts Asharu in a difficult position really.

DoriB [Anneri] 15 
- Good job at leading the party on a very difficult mission! Effective leadership led to an impressive party survival rate 
  given the stuff you were facing... I know from personal experience how hard it can be to get the party to follow your 
  orders, so don't feel bad if you thought at times you were losing control. 

EmmaM [Prospera] 15 
- Ever the might aligned scout, I particularly liked your method of getting the villagers out of the way as quickly as 
  possible... and giving them orders to draw arms and attack the next people who go through the gate ;-) 

FlorianS [Calamity] 15 
- Great addition to the party as always, those remove poison rituals and Heal Wounds 20's were pivotal to the success to the 

JamesH [Heinous] 16 
- (+1) For trying to head-butt the Nykrull Enforcers with no arms working because they cast magic on you, at the cost of your 
  life! Always great to see that psychotic barbarian in action!
JamesS [Solymer] 15 
- I liked your confused reaction to the Tocoloche haunting you... the roleplay with you, MatthewH and Sarevok was quite 
  entertaining ;-) Harm 20's are nasty! 

MikeR [Saldor] 9 (Base 8 - also monstered)
- (+1) For roleplaying being drunk after having rum poured down your throat by evil sailors to such an extent that it ended 
  with you being left behind and not getting to play the second half of the LARP! Saldor is a complete moron! MikeR however 
  is a fantastic roleplayer, although the final reason for being left behind was neither yours nor Saldor's fault and I 
  recognise that.

RichardH [Sarevok] 16 
- (+1) Great roleplay all day and following the path of might so well. Sarevok is a great character and a valuable member of 
  any patrol. The mighty 17's made a significant hole in the Nykrull patrols! Also, great roleplay with the Overseers and 
  rising to their challenges when required.


Base 8

ShaunG 15 
- Monster Ref. 

AndyT 8 
- Thanks for monstering and extra thanks for pointing out animals etc. Sorry that you lost your watch...

CarolineC 9 
- (+1) For allowing MarcusO to 'eat' you by putting you under his jumper! I don't think I'd be that brave ;-)

ChrisR 8 
- Thanks for monstering given Bears leave of absence from duty ;-) He has now finished his 'sentence' and can participate in 
  future missions.

DanJ 8 
- Thanks for monstering and I'm sure the party is deeply grateful for the sacrifice of your one-armed rebel NPC near the end 
  of the mission so they could escape ;-) 

JamesT 8 
- Thanks for monstering; sorry you didn't get to play this time round.

JamesW 10 
- (+2) Great monstering and really helpful all day. Good idea to set up a proper search pattern to try and find Andy's watch, 
  even if it didn't work in the end. Rose to the NPC rebel role really well, thanks! Also, great roleplay as Darkforge.

LawrenceH 8 
- Thanks for volunteering to monster :-)

MarcusO 9 
- (+1) Great monstering all day, especially the spitting cobra! I'm glad we had someone there old enough to actually know 
  there was a spare field for us to use once we were evicted ;-)

MatthewH 9 
- (+1) Great work as the Tocoloche and great monstering all round. I'm glad you liked the freedom priest NPC and we'll talk 
  about you keeping him as a recurring NPC for the campaign if you're still interested in that.
MikeR 4 (Base 4 - also played)
- Thanks for monstering after the unintended plot hammer that forced you out of playing.

RobertB 8 
- Great monstering all day. Also, good roleplay of Flynn Medar and on the fly rituals to restore the mostly dead party! 

*** Comments ***

1) I am incredibly impressed with how well the party faired against an extremely difficult and dangerous mission! The fact 
that there were only two deaths /and/ the party succeeded in the mission just goes to show how well patrols /can/ work when 
they really have to! I did mention on many occasions these games, particularly this one, were going to be very tough. I'm 
sure you are all aware now I wasn't joking. That said, you completed the mission with minimal casualties, I hope this gives 
you the sense of accomplishment that you all deserve... 

2) Also, I'd like to mention that we can no longer use the "deeply hollow/temple tomb" fields. The lands /are/ national trust 
but not public right of way... and the farmer is an angry man with a dog. Never mind.

3) These monster points (and only these monster points - none you may have from previous games) can be spent on your 
Avant-Garde character at a 1:1 ratio regardless of rank. No member of the Avant-Garde is standing idle out here and the 1:1 
ratio reflects that.

4) Any player that found an IC source or person to learn the Nykrull rune system from can do so for the cost of 3 character 
points. Learning them will take 1 week.

Ancient History (23/04/2006)

*** Mission ***


Marshal Liana
By order of the Baron, on behalf of Lord Havelock III esq, you are to report to the area described on the included map (it's 
near the large ruins in the Borderlands), for an important task. You have been specifically selected for this role because of 
your significant experience with the area and from your previous work with Lord Havelock III esq and it is recommended you 
refamiliarise yourself with the events of those missions.
Major Clegg


Guard Corporal Fiddilo
On a direct order from the Baron, you are to report to the location described on the enclosed map (the map shows it is near 
the Borderlands) at 1230 hours, for a special assignment. You have been specifically selected for this task and as such we 
expect you to perform exceptionally.
Over-Captain Fenrick


Trantis Arenstar
On direct order of the Baron Van Heusen, you are to report to the location included on the enclosed map for a special 
assignment. Once there you will follow your orders exactly. Failure to report will be considered a serious offense.
Lieutenant Jenkins, on behalf of the Baron


Pathfinder Corporal Skulk
On a direct order from the Baron, you are to report to the location described on the enclosed map (the map shows it is near 
the Borderlands) at 1230 hours, for a special assignment. You have been specifically selected for this task and as such we 
expect you to perform exceptionally.
Over-Captain Fenrick


*As you enter Von Heusen's Barony you are quickly accosted by a tired looking man in a guards uniform with a lieutenant's 
stripes on his arm*
"Great, your exactly what I've been looking for."
*He pulls out an official looking piece of paper and a pen*
"Turn around Corporal"
*He leans against your back and you hear sound of him writing something quickly*
"All finished. You have special orders"
*Hands you the piece of paper*

Paladin Guard Corporal Blaine
On a direct order from the Baron, you are to report to the location described on the enclosed map (the map shows it is near 
the Borderlands) at 1230 hours, for a special assignment. You have been specifically selected for this task and as such we 
expect you to perform exceptionally.
Over-Captain Fenrick
*Scribbled hastily in a different pen to the rest of the note*


High Wizard Zephyra
On direct order of the Baron, on behalf of Lord Havelock III esq, you are to report for a special assignment at 1230 hours 
tomorrow. The location is detailed on the included map (the area is near the Borderlands). You have been specifically chosen 
for this task for your experience with unusual magical creations.
Major Clegg


High Wizard Breeze
On direct order of the Baron, on behalf of Lord Havelock III esq, you are to report for a special assignment at 1230 hours 
tomorrow. The location is detailed on the included map (the area is near the Borderlands). You have been specifically chosen 
for this task for your experience with the Borderlands area.
Major Clegg

With the completion of your mission, the attacks against the two dig sites by orcs, undead and briefly demons, stopped 
completely. As a direct result the pace of work at the dig sites increased and I was able to bring more people in to work at 
the sites. However, the might site did report a slow down in their work immediately following your visit. With the work 
completed ahead of schedule, I can now complete the process of decorating the newly finished east wing of my mansion, 
something I would not have been able to do for sometime if it wasn't for your efforts in this matter. Van Heusen has informed 
me he is equally pleased that you have dealt with a threat to his barony.
In thanks for you good work in assisting the two dig teams complete their work, I am providing you with the following summary 
of their findings:
1) All the ruins belonged to a single civilisation that worshipped a pantheon of 9 gods and goddesses lead by a deity of 
balance. The civilisation was advanced, perhaps more advanced than the kingdom and it appears they had greater access to the 
powers of the 9 paths than we have today. The ruins suggest the civilisation was one of high culture who produced impressive 
works of art and feats of engineering.
2) The civilisation fractured into a civil war that eventually destroyed it. The war was fought between the forces of 
justice, life and order and the forces of anarchy, death and chaos. What started the war beyond their differences in 
viewpoints is unclear; both sides' inscriptions claim themselves to be the side in the right. How the other paths split in 
the war isn't detailed in the ruins we have found. It appears the civil war ended in a draw, with both sides having exhausted 
too much of their resources to completely defeat the other. 
3) The anarchy side fought primarily using demons and undead. It also appears that the anarchy side developed powerful ritual 
sites, in which they bound the spirits of their strongest warriors into the bodies of powerful demons. Evidence suggests it 
was these demons that were responsible for much of the destruction of the civilisation. The shrine in which you discovered 
the necromancer appears to be one of the ritual sites used to create these possessed demons. It appears the ritual site had 
survived in partially working condition; at least until you discovered it. The lack of a clear winner in the war, probably 
explains why this site hadn't been destroyed. How many more of these ritual sites may yet be intact and undiscovered we have 
no way of knowing.
4) The justice side in contrast appears to have mostly fought using holy warriors, perhaps similar to the Paladin's of the 
North today. We have found artefacts that show they were capable of making items specifically to combat the forces of the 
anarchy side, those of which we discovered are still of use today. We do not know how they managed to trap and seal the 
possessed demons, but the fact the seal remains intact is demonstrative of their miraculous abilities.
5) No evidence appears to have survived to allow conclusions to be drawn about what the remnants of the civilisation did 
As payment for completing this mission for me you may pick a single item from the list below. I leave it up to yourselves 
(Iussis payment has yet to be decided) to decide how you divide up the rewards. These items were uncovered in a surprisingly 
intact sealed store room by the freedom dig team and several examples of each have been found. The items are as follows:
1) A staff that glows if in the presence of undead within a 20ft radius. The glow isn't strong enough to be used as a light 
source. Regenerating undead in the radius do not make the weapon glow. There are 6 of these staffs.
2) A dagger that glows in the presence of demons within a 20ft radius. The glow isn't strong enough to be used as a light 
source. Regenerating demons in the radius do not make the weapon glow. There are 8 of these daggers.
3) A one handed mace that does +1 power damage against necromancers. Damage stacks with all other enhancements. This power 
does not protect the weapon. There are 3 of these maces.
4) A one handed sword that does +1 power damage against demonologists. Damage stacks with all other enhancements. This power 
does not protect the weapon. There are 5 of these swords.
5) A one handed sword that does +1 power damage against ghosts/warrior ghosts/guardian spirits (even if the guardian spirit 
is not possessing a host). Damage stacks with all other enhancements. This power does not protect the weapon. There are 2 of 
these swords.
6) A shield that cannot be destroyed by chaos miracles. There is 1 of these shields.
7) Braces of armour that quadruple your rank against possession by guardian spirits. There are 1 of these pairs of bracers in 
each of scale, banded and plate.
8) Amulet of repel undead once a day. Triggers automatically if 4 or more undead are within 10ft. Cannot be triggered 
intentionally. There are 4 of these amulets.
9) Amulet of repel demon once a day. Triggers automatically if 4 or more demons are within 10 ft. Cannot be triggered 
intentionally. There are 4 of these amulets.
10) Amulet of withdraw once a day. Triggers automatically if the wearer is paralysed or weaknessed to the point they can no 
longer move. Cannot be triggered intentionally. There are 6 of these amulets.
11) Amulet of chaos resistance once a day. Activates and prevents the first chaos miracle cast against you each day. There 
are 5 of these amulets.
12) Amulet of death resistance once a day. Activates and prevents the first death miracle cast against you each day. There 
are 5 of these amulets.
13) Amulet of necromantic resistance once a day. Activates and prevents the first necromantic spell cast against you each 
day. There are 5 of these amulets.
14) Amulet of blessing. When a character dies the amulet casts a bless 1 on the body so it can't be animated. The bless 1 
remains until the character is returned to life, it is dispelled, or the amulet is removed. There are 6 of these amulets.
The miraculous abilities of all items can't be improved by any current means. Weapons and armour can be reworked into 
superior or better at an additional 30% cost. Items have a resale value of approximately 10 groats. All items are marked with 
the following symbol. The various powers remain even if the items are destroyed and then mended (though they work only while 
the item is whole).


Dear Marshal Liana,
I am extremely pleased with your work for me at my dig sites. It is good to know I have such a consistently capable Marshal 
to turn to should the need arise in future. You must come visit me at my mansion at the next soiree I hold. 
I have recommended you to head the temple currently being built on the consecrated ruins, once it's construction is 
Yours gratefully,
Lord Havelock III, esq.


Guard Corporal Fiddilo,
You performed exemplarily in leading this mission to protect my dig sites and I am very impressed with the reports I have 
received about your work in the field. I shall remember your name should I have call for a Guard in future.
I have recommended you for a future position as a commissioned officer in the Defenders once they feel you have obtained the 
required experience. 
Lord Havelock III, esq.


Trantis Arenstar,
I understand that the specific task of carrying my sword presented you with challenges that you overcame admirably. Thanks to 
your work, I have been able to confirm the origins of the sword and how Bane must have come into possession of it and 
therefore complete the history of Bane and his interaction with the fledgling kingdom.
Your assistance in this matter shall not be forgotten.
Lord Havelock III, esq.

*You stand before the Three who are One, in a dark void*
"We are pleased with the many soul's you brought us and the death you caused. We feast upon the multitude souls of the orcs 
and gratefully receive a new addition to our fold."
*It gestures and the orc chieftain appears from the darkness briefly.*
"The foolish soul stolen by the corruptor is being punished for it's weakness."
*You recognise the figure that appears twisting and thrashing in agony. As it vanished the void darkens and you feel yourself 
buffeted by invisible forces, as the Three who are One points its sword squarely at your heart, it roars...*
"Are our powers not great enough for you that you must call upon another for aid and use their ceremonies? Are you so weak in 
your faith you turn to our enemy when faced with a great slaughter? We shall decide when you shall return to us, not you and 
not any other. You will redeem yourself by bringing us the soul of the corruptor who yet still steals our most prized 
servants. Do not forget who you serve, or you will be punished!"
*And as you wake in a cold sweat, the image of the tortured soul, stays burned into your mind's eye.*


Pathfinder Corporal Skulk,
Reports of your work as pathfinder for the team I hired to protect my dig sites have been very impressive. I can see you have 
a very bright future in the pathfinders and I will be keeping a personal interest in your future career.
Lord Havelock III, esq.


Paladin Guard Corporal Blaine,
I wish to thank you for hard work in defending the dig sites, especially as I gather that you were hired on short notice on 
arriving in Van Heusen's barony. Should I ever find myself in Johen's Barony I shall look forward to meeting you again.
Lord Havelock III, esq.


Dear High Wizard Zephyra,
I must thank you for your assistance in the recent matter, all reports indicate that your magical abilities were an essential 
part of it's successful completion. Should I have further need of someone with a speciality in water magics, you shall be 
foremost in my lists of potential candidates.
You must come visit my mansion at the next soiree I hold.
Yours gratefully,
Lord Havelock III, esq.

High Wizard Breeze,
I must thank you for your assistance in the recent matter, all reports indicate that your magical abilities were an essential 
part of it's successful completion. Should I have further need of someone with a speciality in air magics, you shall be 
foremost in my lists of potential candidates.
Lord Havelock III, esq.


Warden Iussis,
I have received negative reports about your behaviour in the might camp. While you were hired as a last minute addition to 
the group to fill a required role, you had been put under my command by Baron Van Heusen, the commander of the military in 
this Barony. Considering the disruption you caused to the efforts of the might camp, I will not be requesting your services 
in future missions. You are still be paid for your work, but you are getting a reduction in line with the disruption you 
Lord Havelock III, esq.


While you were employed on a private matter for Lord Havelock III esq, on loan from Baron Von Heusen, the Defenders 
recognise that you performed an important military task in disrupting the necromancer's plans at some risk to yourselves. As 
such we are awarding you 1 groat of danger pay, as an addition to whatever remuneration you receive from Lord Havelock III, 
Additionally because we feel it would be of benefit to you in future we have gained permission to provide you with the 
following additional classified information: 

1) The necromancer is classed as a significant threat to the Kingdom and we are not surprised you weren't able to capture 
him. We believe he escaped using air magic items forcibly produced by the unaffiliated mage Gale when she was captured by 
bandits in his employment some 20 months ago. As she was rescued by a Barony patrol a short time afterwards we believe him to 
have a limited supply of such items and causing him to use one can be considered a victory. 
Additionally the fact he was actually present for the ritual means he considered this to be of considerable importance. Past 
experience has demonstrated he normally works through underlings, rather than taking an active role himself. Your successful 
disruption of his plan is therefore considered to be a significant achievement. 
However, past experience has also demonstrated he is likely to attempt to kill each of you in the future. If he stays 
consistent with his past behaviour we expect he will go to ground for the next few months, but we feel you should take extra 
care in future patrols. 

2) Questioning of the individual captured from the freedom site by the Temple of Justice, has confirmed he is a member of the 
Brethren. He was approached directly by a hooded individual and promised necromantic items in return for stealing artefacts 
from the freedom site. 

3) We have investigated suspicions raised in your reports of a spy in the might camp. Lord Havelock III esq, was able to get 
the might priest under suspicion questioned by the Temple of Justice. Confirming he too has been hired, in the same manner as 
the thief. Additionally he was to send those he considered had the potential to cause problems, to a pre-specified area, 
where they would be dealt with. We commend you for surviving the trap with all of your team alive. The Temple of Might have 
taken responsibility for his disciplining. 

4) Based upon research done at the ritual site and the information gifted to us by Havelock from his dig teams, we believe 
the ritual was working at much less than normal power. We believe your activities as well as preventing him from receiving 
important artefacts from the dig sites, forced him to accelerate his plans. As such the ghost-demon you witnessed was 
probably only at a fraction of it's intended power. Due to the damage to the shrine we do not believe it can be used again, 
however the same damage also prevents us from coming to more detailed conclusions about it's nature. 

5) We now believe the 'demon-spirit' contained in the seal below the ruins discovered three years ago to be a creation of the 
ritual you witnessed working at normal power. Evidence suggests it was sealed by the justice aligned civilisation, though we 
do not know how. We do know from the events three years ago that the seal can be broken through a complex ritual. 
Based on that information we are stepping up our military presence in the area and building a fortified barracks in order to 
prevent access to the seal in the ancient ruins by any hostile force. Lord Havelock is kindly funding the construction of 
this barracks as well as that of a new Temple of Justice upon the consecrated ruins uncovered by the dig team from the Temple 
of Freedom. 

Over Captain Fenrick

See Reports

*** Points ***


Base 14

DavidS [Skulk] 14
- Thanks for supplying the costume pieces that really enhanced the feel of the game, sorry we forgot to use them for most of 
  the larp. Good report and roleplay throughout the day.

DoriB [Zephyra] 14
- Very good investigation of the dig sites' finding and effective when the party needed you to be.

JamesW [Blaine] 14
- Courageous in diving into the reach of undead for the amulet and chivalrous in your treatment of prisoners.

JohnB [Breeze] 14
- Good management of mana and effective when you needed to be. 

PeterW [Fiddilo] 14
- Solid fighting and good leadership all day.

RuthS [Liana] 14
- Good roleplay in spite of the headache. Well done for larping so long with it.

StephenE [Trantis] 14
- Well done for coping with the Sword, sorry the subplot didn't work so well. Trantis will be getting a talking to about 
  'requesting' life healing and casting order miracles from the powers of death.

TimB [Iussis] 14
- Your roleplaying of an order aligned character needs work, specifically with the way he was questioning authority and 
  creating chaos in the might camp. It is important to remember that your humact oaths are in addition to your order oaths 
  and breaking one to fulfil the other will still result in punishment for doing so. Remember you were ordered in the brief 
  to assist the dig sites not hinder them. There will be reprecusions in your debrief from Havelock. Additionally for the 
  next two games you lose 5 ranks of your order bonus from the Temple (5 standing and 1 point of your internal order 


Base 7

AndyT 10
- Monster Ref.

DominicD 11
- Monster Ref.

AdrianB 8
- (+1) For the obnoxious might priest. Thanks for being loud when we you needed to be. However your final necromancer was a 
  little OTT for the intelligent and careful character you were playing. 

AlexT 7
- Your impromptu calibration as the earth mage was fantastic. Also thanks for getting to the larp with Dori on time :>)

CarlD 7
- Well done for making the party incorrectly think AdrianB was the spy in the might camp.

CarolineC 8
- (+1) For Ickum and for the hat. 'Ickum find' was perfect thanks.

ChrisR 7
- Good solid monstering. Sorry your wallet went missing.

DanJ 8
- (+1) For your guard at the freedom dig site.

DanM 6
- (+1) For your freedom priest, exactly as we wanted. 
  (-2) For changing your stats and for poor roleplay as an orc. You cast life shield on downed party members as an orc, which 
  was not something either your stats or proper roleplay of an orc allowed you to do. You should NEVER give a monster your 
  playing extra abilities regardless of the situation. Do not do so again. 

EmmaM 8
- (+1) For freedom priestess Scarlet 'The Raveness' she was amazing. Thanks for bringing the hats too. 

FlorianS 8
- (+1) For the oldest freedom priest ever, even if you did stat him as Rank 50. Be careful with intrinsic abilities even if 
  players appear to be bouncing them, you can't guarantee every player will be.

JamesT 7
- Good solid monstering, thanks for being a focus statue at the end fight.

KatieB 7
- You were good as the general mage, thanks.

Marcus0 6 (Base 6 - arrived late)
- Thanks for the in game rules clarifications.

MatthewH 7
- Good fighting as usual.

MatthewW 7
- Good solid monstering.

RichardH 8
- (+1) Well done with the freedom priest and the complicated final monster.

RobertB 7
- You would have got away with it if it wan't for that meddling party... 

RyanL 8
- (+1) For your guard at the freedom dig site.

*** Comments ***

1) Thanks for everyone who came out for what turned out to be a long and tiring game. The quality of fighting was very good, 
with surprisingly few head hits for such large and chaotic fights. The roleplay was also of an excellently high standard all 
day, even when people were tired and needed to rest. All of you really helped us to create the atmosphere and feel we wanted 
to for the game. Thanks again.

Blood Brothers (16/04/2006)

*** Mission ***

*Gish stumbles out of a bar within one of the capitals less savoury areas, clearly having drunk much in the way of alcohol 
and most likely having partaken in other narcotics. Normally he goes unhindered, as the locals know he carries no money and 
he often gives them food and drugs for free. This night is different...
In one of the darkened doorways stands a man dressed entirely in black, his face covered. His attack is swift and brutal, his 
daggers slicing into Gish's back many times. Gish slumps to the floor, the man wipes his daggers and leaves. On Gish he 
leaves a note...* 
"A message from a friend" 
*On the note is a black dragon* 


Temple of Justice Anouncement:
Any information regarding a recent assualt upon Seeker Gish should be directed to the Temple. The attack occured 2 nights ago 
and was unprovoked, Gish we are happy to say survived the attack. The only lead we have is a note left at the scene, the note 
featured the picture of a black dragon and read "A message from a friend".


Sun Ju 
Greeting from you friends in Xiaolong. We request your presence at our new outpost just outside the borders of this Barony to 
discuss your return and the pardoning of your crimes. Visit us at the Temple of Men Shen, I take it we need not remind you 
that violence is not permitted inside the temple. 
Yours Lu Chan, aide to Governor Sima Zhou


I Sun Ju of Xiaolong request assistance from anyone who wishes truth and justice to be in place. Contact me at the Black-Sun 
Blade School. 
Officer Sun Ju son of Sun Meng II, Xiaolong Watch; Swordmaster of Humact, Wielder of the Sword of Champions, Guardian of the 
Font of Life, Sentinal of the Chapel of Irylia.

Thank you all who assisted in the destruction of Sima Zhou and the Kuei Jin menace. My family can once agian rule a land in 
Sun Ju, Humact.

See Reports

*** Points ***


Base 10

DanJ [Blackwing] 10

FlorianS [Rain] 10

GaryE [Sun Ju] 10

JamesW [Nab] 10

KatieB [Morrigan] 10

RyanL [Travesty] 10

StephenE [Bregan] 10


Base 5

DarrenE 10
- Monster Ref.

AdrianC 5

Beth$ 5

DavidS 7
- (+2) Thankyou for bringing Sun Lo to life with very little briefing.

DominicD 5

DoriB 5

MatthewH 5

RuthS 5 

WarrenJ 5 

*** Comments ***


The Way of the Dragon (09/04/2006)

*** Mission ***

*Walking through the streets in the morning mists, a cloaked figure hustles up the stairs into the Temple of Balance. 
Approaching a nearby acolyte, a highlander accent asks...*
"I need a healer who won't ask any question. I take it I'm in the right place?", A hand emerges from the cloak with a few 
groats in it. 
"Yes sir. You are. Follow..."
Nab is led into a side room and tended to.
*As Nab leaves, cloaked in a black robe, the balance priest muses to the attendning acolyte...*
"That scar was interesting, I wonder what did it."
"No idea, guardian. Would you like me to follow him?"
"No. Leave it for now, but I'd like you to look it up.""
"At once guardian"
*With that the figures go their seperate ways.*


I need your help. Please meet me and Morrigan at the Warrior's Rest, if you are available to aid me. 

If you are available I have a favor to ask of you. Meet Morrigan and myself at the Warrior's Rest, if you would not mind 
aiding a clansman in need of some help. 

It is time. I am at 'The Rest', please come. 

Sun Ju,
Brother, I know you are in dificulties of your own at the moment, but could you come to the Rest? I require a skilled sword. 

Nab's curse is lifted and a powerful evil force has been annihilated. The presence of the Celtic Dragon has been felt in the 
world once more. The Humacts finally responded and investigated the area. They report a small number of remaining undead; all 
destroyed. The wards that protected the ancient graveyard have been renewed and strengthened, the village of Hurst is under 
reconstruction and the guard outpost has new staff on duty. As a side note, some Temple of Freedom researchers have observed 
that the Kobold population in that area seems to be decreasing and are organising a campaign to preserve this unique and 
intriguing species before they become endangered.

See Reports

*** Points ***


Base 11

DavidS [Naismith] 11
- Despite being dragged along to heal people initially, you were generally useful all the time. I like the effective use of 

FlorianS [Rain] 11
- Gah! I hate you! :) Your obscene Spell Immunity effectively nullified Lich Talren, which caught me off guard. The Ice 
  Blades allowed the sword users to put down skeletons quite easily and messed up the zombies more than a little.

GaryE [Sun Ju] 11
- Giving you a chance to please the Humacts by fighting plenty of undead. You dealt with the Black Dragons quite efficiently, 
  though less honourably than expected when you tried to sneak attack the Black Dragon leader.
JamesW [Nab] 11
- The story was all about Nab, so any roleplay of him was good. I was pleased with Nab's refusal to doubt Talren until the 
  very end.

KatieB [Morrigan] 11
- I've heard a number of good things about Morrigan dealing with the ghouls, though it was a shame you didn't bash Lauren's 
  head in; it would have done us all a favour :D

RuthS [Helyanwe] 11 
- Quite a lot of stuff couldn't hit you and I've heard amusing tales of you using Trantis as a meat shield. An effective 
  elven scout. Rain's powerups also made you rather dangerous too.
StephenE [Trantis] 11
- Nice dedication to a force of Death. Well done for corrupting the church in the village and for diseasing the Paladin. The 
  Drain Life 20s were nasty and put down the living Talren a lot faster than I'd expected. Shame you weren't going to get to 
  have his soul.


Base 5

DanJ 11
- Monster Ref.

AdrianB 6
- (+1) For the Might Priest Warrior Ghost; suitably villainous.

AndyT 6
- (+1) -Thanks for bringing a camera and taking photos all day. 

DanM 5
- Thanks for coming and monstering. I needed lots of monsters for the undead army attacking the village, so the more the 

DarrenE 5 
- Thanks for playing Shanks in the last battle and helping me break Nab.

DominicD 6
- (+1) For Paladin Dran; I've heard you managed to forcibly heal Trantis in the church AND survived!

MarcusO 5
- Thanks for statting monsters for me when I was busy with players. I was so tempted to deduct points from you for creating 
  that monstrosity that was Lauren! ;) 

MatthewH 5 
- The death scene of 'Copy Nab'(Kell) was very good. Thanks for that.

PeterW 5
- Although I didn't get to see the players fight the Bone Golem, thanks for taking the role and for good monstering all day. 
  Sounds like you did well as a ghoul too.

RyanL 5
- Thanks for coming and helping and being the voice of the Dragon at the end and for being a good monster. 

StephenM 5
- Always useful to have an extra monster. Thanks for coming and helping out all day.

*** Comments ***

1) I'm pleased with how the game went overall. I didn't want to railroad players for the final duel initially, but it was 
more or less a cinematic sequence so I wanted to make sure it went off right.

Avant-Garde: The Grimm Brothers (02/04/2006)

*** Mission ***

Patrolees are requested to journey to the village of Hanau to investigate the disapearance of a number of villagers, 
including the headman's daughter. This is a matter of great importance. This may be connected to the powerful druids who call 
the nearby forest their home.


See Reports

*** Points ***


Base 9

DanJ [Darkwolf] 9
- Essential fighting force for the party, cool armour.

DominicD [Cumberland] 9
- Interesting character.

FlorianS [Calamity] 9
- A true Von Angstein.

JamesW [Jimmy] 10
- (+1) Excellent roleplay, stop taunting ogres.

JohnB [Holster] 9
- (+1) For use of Harms.
JonT [Nathaniel] 9
- Avoid Metagaming.
MatthewW [Matthew] 9
- Solid performance in role as a guard.

TimB [Courage] 9 
- Well done on surviving a game stated for much higher rank characters.


Base 5

GaryE 9
- Monster Ref.

AdrianB 6
- (+1) For the Troll.

AlexT 1 (Base 1 - arrived late)

AndyT 5

CarlD 5

DanM 5

DarrenE 7
- (+2) For stating and helping run game.

EmmaM 5

KatieB 6
- (+1) For excellent roleplay throughout the day.

MatthewH 5

RobertB 6
- (+1) The Fairy Godmother and organising the wolf ambush.

StephenE 6
- (+1) For Rumplestiltskins Brother ...TREE!

*** Comments ***


Avant-Garde: We are watching! (26/03/2006)

*** Mission ***

Please report to the guard tower at the 11965th border strip for an advance patrol into unscouted lands. 
Full brief to be given on arrival. 
Guard Captain T'Anan Elwood

The Humacti go off to search the area a few days later once the undead stop attacking. There they find a rundown town and a 
destroyed church, but there is nothing living in the area. A large number of rotting skeletons are found, but only one corpse 
is found with flesh on. He has been recognised as a member of the 15th Eagle Hassani. No bodies of the goblinoids or 
minotaurs are found and no golems recovered. Reports and references are being checked to find out more about this 'empire' 
that was mentioned.

See Reports

*** Points ***


Base 10

AdrianB [Rhegor] 10
- Nice roleplaying with the dark druids and also lightning 7 hurts.

ChrisR [Bear] 10
- A nice fighter throughout and sorry about the druid encounter, but nice roleplaying for befriending the wolf and protecting 
DanJ [Darkwolf] 10
- I didn't see much of you, apart from at the end with the over excessive killing of Sandro (I think).
DavidS [Forge] 10
- Solid fighting and scouting. Unexpected letting the dark druids live, but fair enough going back later.

DavidT [Simon] 10
- Nice to see you again. It may be an idea to try roleplaying more when hit (13 to the head should hurt!).

EmmaM [Prospera] 11
- (+1) For being the solid leader and nice roleplaying of might again.

FlorianS [Calamity] 10
- Proving again how death-aligned and dangerous you are. Nice messing up of "The Raven" and speaking to the necromancer.

JamesT [Bae'ella'gor] 10
- Didn't see you much, but you can never have enough freezes.

LawrenceH [Onyxbalm] 10
- Nice to see you again. May be an idea to have better time management when performing rituals.

MarcusO [Raven] 11
- (+1) Roleplaing with The Raven was fantastic and accepting chaos blades as justice tut, tut.

MatthewW [Matthew] 10
- I didn't realise how dangerous you are until I was repeatedly killed by you.

RichardH [Sarevok] 11
- (+1) Shame that you couldn't remember the line when you killed Gorian. Also please tell me why you killed the death acolyte 
  other then being Sarevok, but still brilliant roleplaying.

RobertB [Loukakis] 11
- (+1) Interaction with Steilhein, enough said!


Base 5

JamesS 8
- Monster Ref.

ShaunG 7
- Monster Ref. Also nice as Agrajak.

CarlD 6
- (+1) Learning the Steilhein lines and for doing so well as him (dog fight worth the entire larp to see).

CarolineC 5
- Thanks for being Flora and being the necromancer.

DanM 5
- Nice monstering, but an odd roleplay of sSldor but still fun.

JamesW 6
- (+1) For The Raven and also being every monster so well.

MatthewH 6
- (+1) Thanks for being the justice priest for so long on such a short brief.

RuthS 3 (Base 3 - left early)

*** Comments ***

1) Thanks for all helping me with my first game, it was incredibly fun to see and be part of. It was nice to know that the 
party can be so unpredictable i.e. dark druids and villagers and last encounter. Also thanks for to the monsters for helping 
me to make the larp fun.

11th annual Contest of Arms (18/03/2006)

*** Mission ***

In the 'sports' section of the Barony Bugle:
This saturday sees the 11th annual contest of arms. A quite low key event until last year, where it got a rousing endorsement 
from barony patrollees. This year looks to be a bigger event, with less of the misfortune of last year. With the untimely 
demise of one member of the council and another going missing we may see a change in format or inclusion of new council 
Word is that this competition will see a larger number of gladiators in attendence, a great vote of confidence for the event 
and its staff. As for the reigning champions, we have a confirmation that Guardian Lomax will not be attending as he is on 
staff duty with the Barony military. We did however manage to get a few words with Nab McFeegle ahead of him leaving 
yesterday afternoon. Catching up with him as he left his inn, 'the Warrior's Rest', we managed to get this statement. "It's 
great that this tournament is taking off like this, it's a real credit to Lady Truestrikes reputation. There's a lot of my 
friends in the lists with me and I'm looking forward to the challenge." When asked what he thought his chances were, he 
meerly smiled and said "You never know your strength until it has been tested." A enigmatic answer from the reigning 
champion, but he looks in good shape. 
The Temple of Balance have odds out for the weekend and are already looking to make good business. There are quite a few good 
bets in there, but none of them looking really safe to put your money on. Favorites Guard Sergeant G'Mord and Nab McFeegle 
are in at 4/1 odds with some bookies, with Cyrus Fere at 5/1 odds after missing out on the championship last year by a 
whisker. Other favorites include Blackwing at 8/1 and Champion Brend at 7/1. Outsiders are fetching as much as 100/1, with 
the example of Captain Maximilian Loukakis. We haven't heard a great deal from the powered entries yet, but we are sure that 
it will be as every bit as good as last year. One thing we are assured in that competition is a new champion. We look forward 
to giving you full coverage of the weekends events on Monday's edition.

In the 'sports' section of the Barony Bugle:
Champion Lyrin 'truestrike' Mendon hosted this weekends 11th annual contest of arms. With barony patrollees old and new 
facing off against one another in a friendly tournament. With many familiar and well known faces making an appearance, it was 
always going to be an interesting tournament. High Master Foren's opening speech threw into view how well known many of these 
men and women are. He indicated their deeds, spoke of great things, but he would decide for himself whether they were worthy 
of their reputation. With the competetors signed up and the pools drawn, it was time for the unpowered event to commence. It 
should be noted at this point that hot favorite, Champion Cyrus Fere was unable to compete in the competition due to illness, 
although he did stand in Nab McFeegle's corner for the latter stages of the competition. The heats saw many interesting 
bouts and the inclusion of a potted plant. To the disgust of the council, the rules allowed for the plant to remain, but at 
its own risk. It was dealt with in very many interesting ways, the quickest of which was reigning champion Nab McFeegles. 
Crossing the arena, he threw his staff to the ground and bent down. He carefully placed the plant outside the ring and was 
awarded the victory. The heats also saw drama in and out of the squared circle. Legendary master of daggers and master at the 
Blacksun training acadamy, Blackwing faced off against new patrollee pathfinder lance corporal Prospera. After circling in 
some form of taunting she struck out at Blackwing. The experienced patrollee simply took a step back before answering with a 
cutting blow. The remainder of the bout left Blackwing not even parrying the younger competitors blows. With Blackwing 
declared the winner, a hooded man on the sidelines began to taunt Blackwing. At this point many competitors stood and began 
to attack the individual. Not much was said to the press about the man, but he is rumored to be a darkblade. With the drama 
over, it was back to the contest. From the four pools, four winners emerged; Champion Brend Arturus, Guard Sergeant G'Mord, 
Guard Corporal Fiddilo and Nab McFeegle. 
With the first set of heats out the way, the powered competition could begin. A smaller field allowed for a swifter 
competition. With a very swift succession of matches, the heats were over. They saw four winners who easily powered, or 
unpowered in one or two cases, their way through to victory. With a very similar line up to the unpowered semis; Warden 
Interfector and Nab McFeegle would square off, as would the Guards G'Mord and Fiddilo. Next saw the scouting competition, 
with no entry from last years winner. Instead, Nab was judging the competition and lead the participants out into the woods. 
The first to emerge from the woods, was Charles Montgomery Montigue Smithe III. Bringing home honour for the kingdom nobility 
as he emerged victorious. With proceedings called to a halt for the night, festivities began as the winners and losers began 
to relax for an evenings rest. 
With Sunday, brought the finals. Firstly the unpowered semis and two of the best competition matches of the weekend. First 
up, Champion Arturus and G'Mord took to the ring. They battled for the whole five minutes, before the judges called a halt. 
The match was impressive, both men circled each other and attacked with equal skill. Nothing could seperate them, not even 
the judges. In true gladiatorial style the match would be decided by sudden death, the first unanswered blow. They were 
allowed to rest first and the other semi-final took place. Defending champion Nab McFeegle, against Fiddilo. Both men fought 
with as much effort as their body could muster. For a time the young McFeegle took a lot of punishment, the crowd grew silent 
as they saw a champion who looked about to fall. Then, with a crushing blow the highlander took out the arm of his opponent. 
To any other than a galdiator, his tactic may not have been obvious. The highlander had used skill and sheer determination to 
focus his powerful blows onto the one arm. He rested the blade on Fiddilo's shoulder and the match was his. Now for his 
opponent, who would face him? The sudden death was over quickly, as gladiator observers cheered Brend, who managed to show 
his skill with a sword as he lightly tapped the guard's leg. G'Mord, hero of the barony stood defeated and Chapion Arturus 
had climbed a huge mountain. All that stood between him was a large highlander and one hundred and eighty pounds of compact 
power. The final had come. Both competitors saluted. With a quick succesion of blows, both men were left bleeding. The shield 
proving a challenge for the McFeegle and the sheer strength worrying champion Arturus. Then it happened. Spinning his sword 
in a massive arc, the highlander brought his sword down onto the gladiators uninjured head. A loud crack silenced the crowd, 
as the gladiator went down, Nab stood in shock. As healers rushed in, Nab knelt over the body. Satisfied his opponent was 
still alive, he lifted his arms into the air. The championship was his. 
The powered competition finals were much more vicious. As Interfector ended Nab's undefeated run in the ring by severing his 
leg, the highlander also gave his opponent some vicious blows in return. The two guards squared off, posing the interesting 
question of what happens when an immovable object meets an immovable object? The answer was, the bigger one wins. As G'Mord 
felled Fiddilo, the last set of power-ups were applied and the match was underway. Warden Interfector found getting around 
his military superior's shield a pain and after a short time the experienced guard severed his opponent's head. With the 
grusome display of the powered event over, the champions were awarded their prizes. No goblet this year, but then again no 
mishaps either. For the champions, weapons of great quality or power and eternal glory and the tournament was drawn to a 
close. Next year will see the 12th annual contest and hopefully another competition of quality.

See Reports

*** Points ***


Base 48

Beth$ [Heulwyn] 48

CarlD [Philippe] 36 (Base 36 - also monstered)

ChrisN [Cyrus] 36 (Base 36 - also monstered)

DanJ [Blackwing] 36 (Base 36 - also monstered)

DominicD [Aurinyan] 48

EmmaM [Prospera] 24 (Base 24 - left early)

FlorianS [Calamity] 48

JamesH [Heinous] 48

JamesS [Solymer] 48

JamesT [Bae'ella'gor] 48

JamesW [Nab] 48

KatieB [Morrigan] 48

LawrenceH [Salogel] 36 (Base 36 - also monstered)

MarcusO [G'Mord] 48

MatthewW [Matthew] 48

PeterW [Fiddilo] 48

RichardH [Sarevok] 48

RobertB [Loukakis] 48

RuthS [Helyanwe] 48

ShaunG [Monty] 36 (Base 36 - also played another character)

ShaunG [Silvanus] 12 (Base 12 - also played another character)

StephenE [Trantis] 48

TimB [Interfector] 36 (Base 36 - also monstered)

WarrenJ [Brend] 48


Base 24

DougS 36
- Monster Ref.

NatalieW 36
- Monster Ref.

CarlD 6 (Base 6 - also played)

CarolineC 24

ChrisN 6 (Base 6 - also played)

DanJ 6 (Base 6 - also played)

LawrenceH 6 (Base 6 - also played)

TimB 6 (Base 6 - also played)

*** Comments ***


Outpost 14 (12/03/2006)

*** Mission ***

Sat in his office at Outpost 14, Warden Arko looks up in surprise as the hawk flutters in the open window, alighting on the 
back of his chair. Reaching around he removes the piece of paper tied to its leg and unfolds it. His eyes scan the grubby 
paper quickly. 
"Oh," he says after a few seconds. "Oh dear." 
Across the room an elven woman looks up at him. "Isn't that /her/ hawk...?" she asks. 
Climbing slowly and deliberately to his feet, Arko nods. "It's back. We need to send for help," he says. "Send runners. Now." 
Nodding quickly, the woman leaves the room and heads at a run for the barracks.

You hear rumour through the grapevine that certain people in the Tower and the Circle are "spoken to" about certain issues. 
Word has it that a group of wardens is sent out to re-investigate the area and the running of the Outpost is placed fully in 
their hands. Restoration of the surrounding villages is underway.

See Reports

*** Points ***


Base 13 

AdrianC [Orchid] 14 
- (+1) For good roleplay throughout the day. Orchid seems to have calmed down a lot over the past few years - I'm sorry there 
  were no trolls for him to sample, but I just couldn't take the risk. ;) He's turned into a useful, if slightly 
  unpredictable, addition to the party.

ChrisN [Cyrus] 13 
- Nice use of power points, Cyrus was generally good all day and as ever is an interesting character to watch in quiet 

DanJ [Darkwolf] 13
- Good addition to the party, I noticed you helping Fredrik out when he was blind. Noticed the accent being present too 
  throughout the day. Dark Wolf is so very silent and lurky. ;) 

DavidS [Sural] 13 
- I mostly saw Sural on the outskirts of the party being scouty and watchful, but at the same time, what I did see of him was 
  him making himself useful to the party. The RPing of the demoralise was very well done and I am told that your Lightning 
  *insert number here* dealt with the Golems quite nicely.
FlorianS [Calamity] 13 
- Good rituals, Calamity coped surprisingly well for being such a low rank which was mostly down to your skill at evasion and 
  combat awareness.

MarcusO [Raven] 14 
- (+1) For being such a filthy "demon.". As ever, the Raven was the most dodgey Justice follower ever to walk the face of the 
  Barony and beyond.
MatthewJ [Fredrik] 13
- I honestly didn't see much of Fredrik at all through the day, so as a scout you must have been doing your scouting well. ;)
RuthS [Liana] 14 
- (+1) For finding out plot and keeping people informed of it, even if they weren't listening. As ever, the justice priestess 
  makes a great, if long-suffering, party leader. Thanks for holding the party together and keeping them alive in instances. 
  I curse Liana's intelligence - "Don't touch the swords!" - I could have had so much fun with that...;)

TimB [Calare] 13 
- Very useful to the party to have a strong secondary warrior like Cal along. Since he's in such a lot of armour he can take 
  to the frontline with ease. You utterly trashed my riddle encounter - well done, I was needlessly worried that they were 
  too obscure!


Base 6

KatieB 13
- Monster Ref.

ChrisR 6

DoriB 6

JamesH 7 
- (+1) Order priest.

JamesS 6

JamesT 6

JamesW 7 
- (+1) Death priest.

MatthewW 7
- (+1) Life priest.

PeterW 6

RobertB 7
- (+1) Chaos priest.

StephenE 7
- (+1) Thanks for setting up some of the encounters and keeping the larp flowing. 

*** Comments ***


Who the F**k is Malice (05/03/2006)

*** Mission ***

*Deep within the caves of Dar'Kunor four figures stand lit only by flickering candle light. On the floor a cicle is carved 
into the floor, a circle filled with blood with 5 skulls on its inside border. In the centre of the circle on a raised plinth 
is a mighty black tome its cover twisted and deformed edged in gold. One man speaks...* 
"The unholy alliance is breaking, we must act before the dark ones betray us and our Lord" 
*to his left another of the figure replies* 
"The time is nearly here, the 7th Gospel of Raam son of Malice foretells him to rise not two weeks from now. We must keep the 
dark ones on our side until he can reach this chamber and open the gates and rekindle the ancient wars" 
*All four figures turn to look as another enters the room. He does not cover his face, his black skin shining in the candle 
light. He speaks in a rasping voice...* 
"The mistress wishes to speak with you, come this way." 


Experienced patrollees needed for important mission. Recent work by the Temple of Freedom has identified an urgent threat 
posed by the Cult of Malice. According to their deciphering of the ancient texts of Malice, Raam an avatar of death will be 
ressurected within the next weeks and your mission shall be to prevent this or if this is not possible to return him to the 
grave. You shall meet at the northern observatory where you shall be under the command of myself, Humact Bach, Judge 
Astrologer Bridge and Seeker Stargazer. 
Guard Captain Beefheart


To: Paladin Philippe De Pont-sur-Eau
Your presence has been requested at the Citadel of Seth. Leave at once and make haste.
Paladin Aureole


See Reports

*** Points ***


Base 11

CarlD [Philippe] 12 
- (+1) For surving the high level game.

DanJ [Blackwing] 11

DavidS [Naismith] 12 
- (+1) For excellent use of power.

DoriB [Zephyra] 12 
-(+1) For excellent use of power.

JamesW [Nab]
RobertB [Jarak] 11
ShaunG [Eagleson] 11

TimB [Iussis] 11


Base 6

DarrenE 11
- Monster Ref.

AdrianC 6

CarolineC 7 
- (+1) for the Judge.

ChrisN 6

FlorianS 6

JamesS 6

JamesT 6

LawrenceH 6

MatthewH 6

MatthewW 6

RichardH 7 
- (+1) for the Seeker.

RuthS 6

*** Comments ***


Avant-Garde: Cult of the Five Flames (26/02/2006)

*** Mission ***



See Reports

*** Points ***


Base 9

CarlD [Philippe] 9

DominicD [Cumberland] 9

FlorianS [Calamity] 9

JamesS [Solymer] 9

MatthewW [Matthew] 9

RichardH [Sarevok] 9

RobertB [Loukakis] 9
- Fantasic prayer.

TimB [Courage] 9
- Good first mission with this character.

WarrenJ [Anders] 9


Base 5

DavidS 7
- Monster Ref.

RuthS 7
- Monster Ref.

AdrianB 5

ChrisR 5

CarolineC 6
- (+1) Hobgoblin Chief Shaman 

JamesT 5

JonT 5

ShaunG 5

*** Comments ***


Avant-Garde: Narnia - Prince Caspian (19/02/2006)

*** Mission ***

The Avant-Garde patrol are asked to head off a group of criminals, heading east into your patrol area. Details of this group 
can be found in the Pathfinder reports. 
They have fought their way out of an ambush this morning and my men have been pursuing them since, be aware however that they 
have two necromancers with them. Hopefully some Humacti will be available for deployment with you.
Pathfinder Captain M


Internal Report 77. 
To Pathfinder Captain M, 
My infiltration of Captain Teller's pirate crew has been successful. 
I have been accepted as bosun aboard the Black Rat and have already discovered the location of the next raid. (deleted) 
The following members of crew will be present:
Captain Teller - a Priest of Might, thrown out of the Wardens for illegal duelling. 
First Mate Hodricks - a lifelong pirate. 
The Rathbone Brothers - suspected necromancers, these elves are to be considered very dangerous. 
McKoy - a Barbarian Witchdoctor, convicted murderer. 
James 'the knife' Hobb - a cutpurse and thief. 
Hugh Truman - a smuggler. 
Kal Kline - a cattle rustler, a sheep thief and a goat knapper. 
Charley Burberry - another pirate. 
Willy 'fingers' Mobile - a confidence man, selling dodgy magical items. 
Captain Teller has firm control over his men, ruling us all with an iron fist, as it were. I feel that left to his own 
devices and given enough time, he would able to form a large, well organised criminal empire. Maybe even successfully take 
over a significant area. I will maintain my cover and stay with the group for now.
Pathfinder Robertson

Congratulations. Despite your abduction to Narnia, you completed almost all your mission. The sentence of exile has been 
recorded for the now dead pirates and the descendents certainly aren't responsible for their ancestors actions. Robertson's 
descendents are free to do as they wish. 
It is gratifying to know that one necromancer is dead, but the whereabouts of the other brother is a worry. We are sure that 
this Aslan or Caspian can deal with him. 
In addition, another patrol has been sent to see if the cave access to Narnia, near the village of Yeovil was still 
functioning. The patrol reported the cave just ended in blank rock face. Strange, but not wholy unexpected by our experts. 
The four children have shown no ill effects to date. 
Please report to my office, any strange occurances to you or your associates which you feel maybe related to Narnia. We are 
not ready to close the file on this one, but not a lot more can be done at the moment.
Pathfinder Captain M

See Reports

*** Points ***


Base 11

AdrianB [Rhegor] 12
- (+1) All round competence.

ChrisN [Marcus] 11

DanJ [Sword] 11
- Cool costume.

DanM [Touton] 11

DominicD [Cumberland] 11

DoriB [Anneri] 11

EmmaM [Prospera] 11

FlorianS [Calamity] 12
- (+1) Cool costume but you nearly lost that bonus for such a bad roleplay of suggestion.

JamesT [Bae'ella'gor] 12
- (+1) Cool 'Wizard' hat.

NatalieW [Volla] 12
- (+1) For drinking contest and accepting Miraz's challenge. Really sorry to hear about your wrist.

PeterW [Hawthorn] 12
- (+1) For talking to trees.

RobertB [Loukakis] 12
- (+1) For dambusting.

StephenE [Tanner] 11


Base 6

DavidS 9
- Monster Ref.

RuthS 8
- Monster Ref.

AdrianC 6
- Good knights and squires.

CarlD 6
- Good knights and squires.

CarolineC 7
- (+1) For being Caspian for us and for the old dwarf.

ChrisR 6
- Good knights and squires.

JamesH 7
- (+1) Knight and faun.

JamesS 6
- Good knights and squires.

JamesW 6
- Thanks for good honourable Knight-ness.

MatthewW 7
- (+1) Dancing with swords and more.

TimB 6
- Great as river god.

WarrenJ 6
- Great as Bacchus.

*** Comments ***


The Great Escape (12/02/2006)

*** Mission ***

Greetings. A situation has developed affecting Barony security and potentially Kingdom security. A tactical emergency team is 
being compiled to respond. More details will be available on arrival. Your name was proposed to the Over-Captain by the 
mission leader, Corporal Eagleson, as a tactically and strategically valuable agent who Eagleson could trust when things 
got nasty. 
Yours in great urgency, 
Over-Captain Rhoddo

The Baron sent a small force of pathfinders with some support staff into an area of wilderness near enough to the Barony to 
be a possible annexation target. When they got there, they ran into an organised force, and during the discussions, one of 
the Barony representatives made a disparaging remark about half-breeds, half-ogres in particular. Things went downhill from 
there, resulting in the Pathfinders being mostly destroyed. A druidic support caster, who was hanging around in cloud-form at 
the time, was able to provide some basic intelligence after Captain Driftwood was captured. Their opponents didn't seem to be 
terribly well-equipped with places to store prisoners: border Justice has a tendency to be direct and rapid, rather than 

The party were sent out to bring back Captain Driftwood, which they managed successfully. They saw a bunch of people 
patrolling an area of forested land, in which they seemed to be keeping order. They didn't run into any villages. They did 
come across a dead necromancer. While it may have been misleading in some cases, they didn't see any elves in 
black-and-whites: all the pointy people in the Moonlight Alliance are half-elves. 

The party returned to the Barony, delivered Captain Driftwood to the appropriates and some of them submitted reports. 


In recognition of your excellent service and low casualty rate, we believe you have a right to know some details. A heavy 
expeditionary force went down there to ensure that any negotiations with the Moonlight Alliance were conducted from a strong 
bargaining position. 

The stockade reported by Captain Driftwood and yourselves was gone. The buildings had been uprooted at the foundation and 
removed, as had the enclosure and the guard towers. The cellar you reported was filled in. Only the earth mound-and-ditch 
surrounding the enclosure remained as evidence.

In the surrounding area the expeditionary force found the remains of a number of farming hamlets and villages. They appeared 
to have been systematically stripped of all moveables and valuables, and then burned down. Those which had crops in the field 
had been left, the crops now growing wild. 

Outriders of the expeditionary force got into an altercation with a group of very confused Hassani. Unfortunately none of 
these were available for interrogation afterwards. 

The Baron and his command staff are extremely concerned by this turn of events, and would like to make it clear to all of you 
that mentioning any of this to anyone under any circumstances (who wasn't actually there) will result in consequences of a 
very extreme nature for all of you, regardless of which of you leaked it. Keep an eye on each other out of self-preservation. 
We would like to point out to the members of the magical fraternity that the top elves in both the Circle and the Tower are 
on the Baron's command staff, and are aware of his concern. 

This is going to be presented to the news-scrip as a successful live-fire training operation, and the Moonlight Alliance will 
be described as a fictitious organisation created for such training opportunities and staffed by members of the Kingdom 
military from other areas of the Kingdom. Do not allow anyone to believe that this story is not true. 
Over-Captain Watts

See Reports

*** Points ***


Base 8

AdrianC [Pilgrim] 9 
- (+1) Dealing with Rob's vengeance scout and also making a right mess out of my monster patrols with the 17s.

ChrisR [Azreal] 8 
- The armour and the shield were heavy, the hills were steep and you had to move a lot further than an average LARP requires 
  but Azrael was never safe to ignore and never wise to confront. A thorough and dedicated performance as a front-line Guard. 

DavidS [Naismith] 9 
- (+1) Dealing with Rob's vengeance scout and a consistent offering of opportunities for the monsters to get some character 
  play out of a game which was, ultimately, a monster mosh. 

DoriB [Zephyra] 9 
- (+1) Dealing well with a very arduous game, but mainly for the private "Shock and Awe" campaign that Zephyra launched 
  against my heavy warriors. The Ice Dart 12s are sick and your picked your targets superbly all day.
FlorianS [Wolfgang]  8 
- The healing machine which kept a party who were under extreme pressure moving, fighting and relatively intact. Your 
  ressurection of Fredrik was a high point in the players' experience.

JamesW [Nab] 8 
- Nab is so powerful and your roleplay is so consistently above average that it is hard to find opportunities which stand out 
  enough to justify bonus awards. He was an inescapable threat when skirmishing and an unstoppable force in stand-up fights. 

MatthewJ [Fredrik] 10 
- (+1) Consistent and effective scouting which included reports to the party. 
  (+1) The roleplay of an Order alignment which you sustained through death and ressurection and throughout the mission.

ShaunG [Eagleson] 10 
- (+1) Responding to the evolving tactical situation and pulling the party together so well that they stormed through the 
  second half of their course in about half the time they took over the first half. The mission was in part a trial of squad 
  coherence and tactics and Eagleson rose to the challenge admirably.
  (+1) Telling Driftwood that by rights he ought to hand her back. Perfect roleplay of a professional Guard throughout.


Base 4

ChrisN 5
- Monster Ref.

DougS 5
- Monster Ref.

NatalieW 5
- Monster Ref.

StephenE 5
- Monster Ref.

AdrianB 4

CarlD 4

DanJ 4

DanM 4

DominicD 4

Duncan 3 (Base 3 - arrived late)

EmmaM 4

JamesS 4

JamesT 5 
- (+1) Enthusiastic embracing of half-orcdom, with all the heavy armour and unpleasant makeup that entails and in spite of 
  the fact that your PC is an unarmed mage.

JonT 4

LawrenceH 4

MarcusO 4

MatthewW 4

MikeR 5 
- (+1) Consistent and unhestitating willingness all day, in spite of being in significant physical pain all day, even to the 
  point of going back into the woods with StephenE to find the missing radio. Very much appreciated both from the pov of the 
  Monster Ref and also from the pov of ChrisN personally.

PeterW 4

RichardH 4

RobertB 5
- (+1) The roleplay of your open-field scouts throughout the day was energetic and high-quality, but both we and several of 
  the players picked out your vengeance-oriented scout as a highlight of the game.

RuthS 4

SamM 5 
- (+1) Noticeable and noticed, quality roleplay off a very minimal brief, when interacting with Naismith during a parley.

TimB 4

WarrenJ 4 
- We're sorry you ended up having to monster with a nasty headache and that it lost you an hour or so of patroling time: when 
  you were out there, your accuracy and speed were, as always, a permanent danger to the party.

*** Comments ***


Avant-Garde: The Font of Madness II (05/02/2006)

*** Mission ***

Could any Avante Garde wanting to make fu... to help out the Temple of Might, please report to the Keep of Bad Ass near the 
village of Seven Crosses on Sunday for an investigative mission.
Guardian Lieutenant L. Sorenar

Well, that didn't quite go so well, did it? 
Strangely though the Temple of Might seem very pleased with the whole affair and commend you all for a job well done - 
possibly a first, though that's a somewhat dubious honour. 
The villagers of Seven Crosses have been resurrected, though it turns out the slaughter within the village has disrupted the 
wardings around it from its namesake, so it's no longer protected against undead. The Temple of Life are planning a 
re-consecration exercise which the Temple of Might have volunteered to guard - the kind of co-operation that brings a tear 
to the eye. 
Meanwhile, the villagers report that all their livestock have disappeared, presumably scared off by the fire creatures. 
Shouldn't be too hard to replace though and the local druid seems certain he can help the crops recover. Isn't that nice.
As for the assassinations, Warden Tryn doesn't seem any the worse for wear longterm - as long as the village gets a peaceful 
spell he might even consider the trade of Death for Life to be fair in the end. 
In service of She'Lagh, 
Guardian Lieutenant L. Sorenar

See Reports

*** Points ***


Base 9

AdrianB [Rhegor] 10
- (+1) For literal strength of character and reportedly keeping the rest of the party IC during the long faff by whining 
  about your broken arm.

CarlD [Philippe] 10
- (+1) For running from player to player for 10/15 minutes in heavy metal armour and excellent roleplay of 'Lawful Stupid'.
DavidS [Forge] 9
- Everywhere as usual. Don't be mean to my assassin!
DavidT [Simon] 9
- I confess to enjoying poking Simon with a demon - he reacts so well. Bend a knee indeed.

EmmaM [Prospera] 9
- Coped well with harrassment by the GMs for their own amusement. Look forward to future victimisation at every opportunity 
  that I have.
JamesH [Heinous] 9
- The consistent damage machine - sorry we didn't have too much to challenge you. I very much enjoyed watching your 
  blindfolded antics.

JamesS [Solymer] 10
- (+1) An excellent and entertaining prayer and a very good attempt at diplomacy that was working until the unfortunate 
  interruption, also my commiseration on what would have been excellent and decisive use of Destroy Undead had I not been an 
  evil and sadistic GM.
JamesT [Bae'ella'gor] 9
- Apparently created some rather confused zombies with Freeze - play nice with my monsters. :)

JonT [Nathaniel] 9
- Tut. Diplomatic faux pas indeed.

MarcusO [Fazer] 10
- (+1) For tied together shoelaces. The devil is in the detail.

MatthewW [Matthew] 9
- Still turning up everywhere and getting stuck in - very much approved of.

RichardH [Sarevok] 10
- (+1) Successful completion of all objectives, including chastising Master Celeratis despite the fact he was undead at the 


Base 5

StephenE 7
- Monster Ref.

DanJ 7
- Monster Ref.

AdrianC 5

ChrisR 5

DoriB 5

FlorianS 5

JohnB 5
LawrenceH 4 (Base 4 - arrived late)

MatthewJ 5

PaulW 5

PeterW 5

RobertB 5

*** Comments ***

1) Perhaps consider approaching encounters more warily or casting up things like Bless as soon as as dangerous a threat as a 
ghoul (or in this case several) is identified.

2) The party disregarded the alien breeding ground - despite Nathaniel and Solymer briefing the entire party about how 
dangerous they were, those sworn to prevent threats to Barony citizens left behind a group of aliens that were behaving 
strangely by not moving to attack the party. Whilst I'm sure (and aware of some considered) there were reasons, half the 
party are still oathsworn to protect the lands of the Barony and the aliens represented a dangerous infestation.

Avant-Garde: Narnia - The Return to Narnia (29/01/2006)

*** Mission ***

*The Temple of Justice, half a day journey from Yeovil* 
Ten figures stand in a circle, in the centre of which is a scrap of yellow hair. A white robed figure steps forward and 
"Druids are you ready?" Three of the figures, clad in simple clothes and pieces of fur nod. 
"Mages? are you too, prepared?" Three more figures, with Warden symbols on their robes, nod. 
"Then we shall begin." 
He leads his two brothers in a complex and lengthy ceremony. Candles are lit, incense burnt and offerings made. Power is 
called into the circle and poured into the mane of the lion. 
There is a flash of lightning from the clear sky and a resounding thunderclap that knocks the group off their feet. When they 
recover their senses, the circle is empty, the hair vaporised. 
No one speaks, they just look to the Lorekeeper, who sighs. 
"I'll go look at some books shall I?" he says.


See Reports

*** Points ***


Base 8

AdrianC [Castlemaine] 8

CarlD [Philippe] 8

ChrisR [Bear] 8

DavidT [Simon] 9
- (+1) Good guarding, good reacting to blows. Also good effort to get a grasp of the situation you found yourself in command 

DominicD [Cumberland] 8

EmmaM [Prospera] 8
JamesT [Bae'ella'gor] 8

JonT [Nathaniel] 8

LawrenceH [Onyxbalm] 7
- (-1) Need your ritual circle to be marked clearly.

MatthewW [Matthew] 8
RichardH [Sarevok] 8

Stephen$ [Ekmet] 8

WarrenJ [Anders] 8


Base 4

DavidS 8
- Monster Ref.

AdrianB 5
- (+1) For the rhino.

AndyT 4

DoriB 5
- (+1) For the white witch.

DougS 4

FlorianS 4

MarcusO 4

RobertB 4

StephenE 4

TimB 4

*** Comments ***


Avant-Garde: Narnia - The Lion and the Witch (22/01/2006)

*** Mission ***

There's been a report come in from a nearby village about some missing children. The Avant-Garde are almost specialists in 
this sort of thing, so you are being sent. Be there by Sunday Morning. 
On behalf of Warden Darkforge.


See Reports

*** Points ***


Base 10

AdrianC [Castlemaine] 11
- (+1) For being everywhere during the misty battle. 

CarlD [Philippe] 11
- (+1) Solid second warrior.

ChrisR [Bear] 10

DominicD [Cumberland] 10

JamesS [Solymer] 10

JamesT [Bae'ella'gor] 10

MatthewW [Matthew] 11
- (+1) For fantasic fighting.

MikeR [Saldor] 11
- (+1) For getting to the throatslit, general usefulness.

RichardH [Sarevok] 11
- (+1) For keeping up mighty behaviour and performing well despite low rank.

RuthS [Jysella] 10

Stephen$ [Ekmet] 11
- (+1) Good use of power.

TimB [Dem] 10

WarrenJ [Anders] 10


Base 5

DavidS 10
- Monster Ref.

CarolineC 6
- For Lucy, cute badger ritual and knowing the book well enough to correct the GM :>)

DanJ 5

DanM 5
- Good centaur.

DoriB 6
- (+1) For Susan and mummy badger.

DougS 6
- (+1) For Peter and satyr.

FlorianS 5
- Good centaur.

JamesW 5

JonT 6
- (+1) For daddy badger.

MarcusO 6
- (+1) For centaur and the lampost.

RobertB 6
- (+1) For sneak attack dwarf.

StephenE 6
- (+1) For wolf leader, rhyming satyr and Mr Beaver.

*** Comments ***


Avant-Garde: The Font of Madness I (15/01/2006)

*** Mission ***

Good day. 
I'd be most grateful if those of the 115th Avant-Garde available for duty could assemble at the keep near the village of 
Little Dale to investigate two accusations of oppression in the area. This expedition will be inside Barony lands, however is 
close to the border and contains dense woodland that has proved bally difficult to keep safe for the afternoon trot in the 
Even so, I expect this'll be a bit of a stroll for the most part. A chance to get some fresh air and swap a tall tale or two, 
Will have a bit more detail on the day - see you there! 
Lorekeeper Tobin Whitt

Report Submitted By: Warden Lance Corporal Custos 
To: Warden Lieutenant Barrage 
...*in amongst other experiment status reports*... 
Experiment 5-4a was disrupted by a patrol of "Avant-Garde", led by one Pathfinder Lance Corporal Anneri. The said Pathfinder 
Lance Corporal was unable to retain control of her men sufficiently to carry through her own orders of non-interference and 
either should be charged with incompetence, or else several individuals be charged with insubordination. Namely one Seeker 
Juilin Fortrayre in particular, however also a male Pathfinder in green with short dark hair and a particularly mangy manner, 
a Seeker in a ridiculously awkward to wear leather jacket and ludicrous eye pieces and a Seeker bearing a depressingly mild 
manner and foolish unwillingness to get out of the way quickly. 
An individual by the name of Saldor was particularly insulting and disruptive, refusing to present any credentials and 
disregarding orders and hints to be silent and allow adults to converse. In retrospect I would conclude he is noble borne and 
would appreciate being forewarned as to which noble family I've upset by disrespecting him. 
I would however commend the wizards of the patrol, who whilst somewhat squeamish appeared at least interested in the 
experiments and proved competent enough to have bypassed the defences on the experiment. 
I have reacquired the assets involved, less one that was slain by one of those actually following instructions, though it has 
set progress back two days. Consequently I am accelerating the tests. Hopefully no more of the batteries will discorporate as 
I am running low - please allocate me an assistant whom I can teach the necessary spells to gain me more. 
...*report continues*... 
Yours in service, 
Warden Lance Corporal Custos 
XXIV Bombardiers, Research Division

See Reports

*** Points ***


Base 9

CarlD [Philippe] 10
- (+1) Paladin stoicness, a couple of players and half the monster crew salute your total disregard for your own safety in 
  the face of elementals threatening many dropped and neutralised party members.
DavidT [Simon] 9
- The ever solid Guard, I particularly enjoyed your reaction to the demons attempts to seduce you to the dark side. Its not 
  often I see a raging guard when G'Mord isn't around.

DoriB [Anneri] 10
- (+1) Coping with Saldor, a deliberately challenging patrol for the commander, you stood up to it better than I expected a 
  Pathfinder character to do. Well done. Handling the party specific problems is above and beyond.

DougS [Juilin] 9
- Consistent in your characterisation throughout, it was interesting to watch your reactions to the different extremes of the 
  heavily Ordered encounter set and the heavily Chaotic encounter set.

JamesS [Solymer] 9
- A testament to why GMs consult players, though you were well concealed from the monsters throughout the game, several 
  players have commented to how much they enjoyed roleplaying with you. When I did see you though I saw some timely Destroys 
  and a healer willing to go into harms way to check on the wounded. Excellent in that regard.
JamesT [Bae'ella'gor] 9
- You're starting to show the benefits of diversity to a mage now, with a usefully broad range of rune skills and a couple of 
  spells that in this game were very useful that a Tower Water mage just wouldn't have. I look forward to seeing how the 
  character develops.
JonT [Nathaniel] 9
- A mission critical Order miracle, given Saldor was, erm..., indisposed, to deal with the chaos portal and an otherwise 
  solid addition to the fighting line. Please concentrate on pulling your blows a bit more though.
LawrenceH [Onyxbalm] 9
- Several players have complimented your consistent usefulness at controlling flanking attacks with well placed Grips. 

MatthewW [Matthew] 9
- Was very pleased to see that when the salamander fight got tough you went forward, not backward, despite losing your 
  shield. Keep it up.
MikeR [Saldor] 10
- (+1) Costume. The Salamander fight would have seen players on the floor without you, very probably a couple of character 
  deaths too. However you made up for that afterwards by attacking your own party. How very Balanced. However most of all I'm 
  pleased to see what is essentially a newbie (though you're kind of a speshul case) in kit that's as good, if not better, 
  than that of the experienced lrpers.

PeterW [Hawthorn] 9
- Not much I can say if you insist on being stoic whenever I throw sprite worship at you.

RobertB [Loukakis] 9
- Typically identifiable, Loukakis remains a character always doing interesting things, though I think I had you disgusted 
  enough with Warden Custos to mostly shut you up, amazingly. ;) 

Stephen$ [Ekmet] 9
- Whilst several fights were pretty disastrous environments for you, you managed to have a useful tool for each occasion.
TimB [Dem] 9
- Sorry I ruined your chance to shine by inadvertently prompting you on the holy water.


Base 5

StephenE 9
- Monster Ref.

AdrianC 5

DanJ 5

DarrenE 5

FlorianS 5

KatieB 5
MarcusO 5

MatthewJ 5

*** Comments ***


Avant-Garde: The Trail of the Dead (08/01/2006)

*** Mission ***

Some Humacti sought our counsel recently concerning an undead that has been troubling them in an unusual manner. 
They told us that they dealt with a ghost in the usual fashion, yet despite their best efforts the ghost would return. Whilst 
it is not unheard of for the forces of Death to return a favoured servant, the Humacti felt uneasy as it was happening too 
swiftly and because the ghost did not act as they believe Death's favoured servant should. 
We have determined that Life believes the ghost should not be a tortured soul, and that Life is willing for the ghost to 
return to give us a chance to free it. The motivation for the dark forces of Death to return the ghost are unfortunately not 
known to us. 
We were content to solve this riddle in our own time. However, the ghost has now started to move with purpose. Please, kind 
folks, escort the ghost so that gentle souls in its path are warned to make way and come to no harm. If you see the chance to 
free this tormented soul then grasp it - but should Death's dark purpose become clear, thwart it! 
Temple of Life
(Request sanctioned by the Defenders of the Kingdom)

Rest easy - the patrol has stated that there are no signs of any trouble in the graveyard. A concerned noble who has a good 
reputation with areas that have been marked by Death has said that he will be looking at relocating some of his men to pray 
for the souls there and assist our local patrol. 
It sounds like our fears that the ghost would wreak havoc were unfounded, but you were a necessary precaution. On the note of 
the so called 'druids', they are currently snivelling in cells after resurrection. I have no doubt that their parents will 
pay to make sure their wayward children are not exiled and they will not dabble in dark arts because they seem trendy again.
With luck, they will serve as a cautionary tale. 
There will be further questions about the courier - pompous ass though he may be, he was still an important man. From the 
state of him, he would not have survived the journey back, but the results of his meetings with the Amazons are now as lost 
as his soul. What were the circumstances that led to him rising as an undead? 
If this grave matter can be explained - as I'm sure it can be, then we can thank you for a job well done. 
Defenders of the Kingdom

How could we have been so blind? 
A blessed child, ignored and abused for all this time, snatched from us not once but twice by Death! How wicked are we, that 
we would be capable of such acts of cruelty and neglect both to a woman whose sorrow reached the ears of a god of life, and 
the child that he blessed her with? How ignorant that we did not realise that a child of life had graced this world, and then 
watched as she was ripped away from us for eternal torment after suffering all of her short life for an imagined sin?
If my tears left me with the strength, I would curse you all! And ... I would curse us even more... aaaaaahhhh... 
Temple of Life

In Death's hands, the child of life is a gaping wound in the side of a life god. The corruptor delivered as we believed he 
would - the gamble was well considered. 
Our worth as mortal agents has again been proven - we will freely return the boon granted by our dark druid brethren in 
aiding our distractions in the path of the corruptor, and our foes are even grateful for our offers to observe the land of 
our victory. We said we would claim those lands, and so we have. 
Death Cultists

See Reports

*** Points ***


Base 10

AdrianC [Castlemaine] 11
- (+1) Well roleplayed character progression leading to him snapping - poor little ghost...

DoriB [Anneri] 11
- (+1) For the interaction with the ghost and the emotion displayed.

EmmaM [Prospera] 10

JamesW [Jimmy]

JonT [Nathaniel] 10

MarcusO [Fazer] 10

RuthS [Jysella] 11
- (+1) Distinctive character, keeness to roleplay and combat effectiveness.

StephenE [Tanner] 11
- (+1) The lynchpin of the party. No heroics at the end. Being the ordered lead on an unorthodox mission. To be honest, we 
  wouldn't have expected anything less, but here's the point anyway... 


Base 5

AilsaB 10
- Monster Ref.

JoeS 5
- Monster Ref.

AlexT 5

CarolineC 5
- Hope you enjoyed yourself, and we all look forward to seeing you again.

DanJ 6
- (+1) Annoying goblin.

DavidS 5

DougS 5

ElizabethG 5

FlorianS 6
- (+1) Annoying goblin.

JohnB 5

MatthewJ 5

PeterW 6
- (+1) Annoying goblin.

RobertB 6
- (+1) Annoying goblin.

*** Comments ***

1) Failing a larp often means party death or abandonment of the larp. Whether or not you failed depends on your character, 
however we hope that this one will be remembered and certainly the end was not as clear cut as many games...

2) The signpost in the bowl was studied by the ghost for over 5 minutes and AilsaB waited until about half the party had 
checked what she was looking at until she moved on. Unfortunately, we cannot force players to talk to each other about 
things and players have commented that they are not in the habit of having to think too much. Heh heh heh...

The Crystal Maze (18/12/2005)

*** Mission ***

*as you walk past the message board you are surprised to see a notice containing a moving picture and are even more surprised 
when a bald figure appears on the message and begins to speak* 

Greetings Adventurers, are you interested in beating the Kingdoms most devilish quiz designed to test your physical 
endurance, wits, cunning, intellect, magical prowess, dexterity and much more. This is a call for souls who wish to gain fame 
and work together within a team to gain the magnificent top prize. Newly relocated to the Barony of Baron Van Heusen The 
Crystal Maze is looking for contestants for a special opening broadcast. For the chance to meet me, Richard O'Brien and 
Mummsy contact our organiser at the address above.

*the figure disappears and is replaced by a rotating crystal and a musical theme uncannily like that of the Crystal Maze. At 
the bottom of the message is the following message* 

The Crystal Maze is under new management and is now sponsored by the Circle of Magic. Whilst every effort has been undertaken 
such that the tasks will provide a suitable test for experienced Barony patrol members the organisers and the Circle take no 
responsibility for injuries that occur during the game.

The organisers and the sponsors, The Circle of Magic, express their shock at the occurrences during the reopening of the 
Crystal Maze. They express their deepest condolences to Daenaram's friends and family for their loss. They explain that the 
site for the maze was chosen quickly but they did know that catacombs sat beneath it. They had asked for advice from the 
Temple of Humact on this matter and previously none of the dead in the catacombs had risen, hence only one priest being 
posted within the chapel standing at the catacombs other opening. The organisers therefore considered the site to be safe. 
The organisers are happy to announce that the team successfully completed the maze despite the intruders and will give the 
team leader, Jarak, the prize a fantastic trip to a location of your choice. 
The Temple of Humact have issued a public declaration that the followers of Malice are considered to be a high threat and are 
investing efforts into deciphering tomes collected on previous encounters with the cultists, held in the Temple of Freedom 
and Temple of Balance. The cultists belief that Raam, son of Malice will rise is as yet unproven but remains a worrying 
possibility. The Temple of Humact thank the Crystal Maze's contestants for removing the immediate threat and as such arrange 
danger pay of 1 groat for each member of the team.

See Reports

*** Points ***


Base 12

DanJ [Blackwing] 14
- (+1) Great roleplay of the rabies and rage.
  (+1) Consistantly high standard of roleplay throughout the day, shame you didn't get the dagger. 

DominicD [Aurinyan] 12

DougS [Daenaram] 14
- (+2) For what I'm told was an emotional death scene for an excellent character and for taking your perm death with no fuss.

FlorianS [Rain] 12

GaryE [Sun Ju] 13
- (+1) For your interactions with Bregan and a high standard of roleplay throughout the day.

JamesW [Nab] 12

KatieB [Morrigan] 14
- (+1) For carrying out the last rites of the dead couple in the catacombs, with Bregan very loudly objecting. 
  (+1) For Daenaram's death scene which I missed but am told was fitting.

LawrenceH [Salogel] 11
- (+1) Fantastic use of power in the first game, I didn't realise Salogel was that hard.
  (-2) Awful roleplay of a severed leg after I let you off almost certain perm death.

RobertB [Jarak] 13
- (+1) Your roleplay of 'Jarakina' was slightly disturbing :-) 

ShaunG [Mantis] 12

StephenE [Bregan] 13
- (+1) A great portrayal of a fanatical humact, maybe Bregan can get some sleep now he's offloaded the mace.

TimB [Iussis] 12


Base 6

DarrenE 9
- Monster Ref.

MarcusO 9
- Monster Ref. Thank you for playing Dicky O'Brien as MikeR said "Marcus is a Legend".

AilsaB 8
- (+1) Thanks for sorting out the make up. 
  (+1) For the selection of screaming monsters.
AlexT 4 (Base 4 - arrived late)

CarlD 6

ChrisH 6

EmmaM 7
- (+1) Thanks for the gargoyle, perfect portrayal of my exploration into kit creation.

JohnB 7
- (+1) For Mummsy and the gargoyle. You are wrong. Feminising Jarak, what next? 

JonT 6

MatthewH 7
- (+1) A solid start in a difficult system, since you're in Bath there's no reason not to come along more regularly.

MatthewW 6
MikeR 6
- Watch out with the hand attacks, as far as I can tell the incident involving JamesW was an accident so just be careful.

*** Comments ***

1) The prize is an item of Mass Recall that allows those affected to go to any location in the 'known world', this location 
must be decided before the next game that the holder plays and agreed with the GMs. The item can only be used by contestants 
of the Maze. 

2) Those characters that accepted the gift of life receive 3 life permanently on the condition that they follow the oaths of 
the Humacti. If they break the restrictions of the Humacti they will immediately lose the bonus. Characters which accepted 
the gift will also detect as touched by life when discern spiritual influence is used on them.

Avant-Garde: When the Beech stole Christmas (11/12/2005)

*** Mission ***


The presents were returned. Everyone was happy.

Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer druid, 
Had a very shiny nose, 
And if you ever saw it, 
You would even say it glows. 
All of the other druids, 
Used to send him scouting away, 
They never let poor Rudolph, 
Join in any healing games. 

Then one foggy christmas eve, 
Spruce's beer was stolen away, 
"Rudolph with your nose so shiny, 
Won't you fetch the barony?" 
Then all the druids loved him, 
As the party went to fight the tree, 
"Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer druid, 
You'll go down in history!"

See Reports

*** Points ***


Base 6

CarlD [Philippe] 6
Duncan [Daman] 6

EmmaM [Prospera] 7
- (+1) Competence and reactions to situations.

JamesH [Heinous] 6
JamesS [Solymer] 6

JamesT [Bae'ella'gor] 6

JonT [Nathaniel] 6

MarcusO [Fazer] 6

MatthewW [Matthew] 6

MikeR [Saldor] 6

RobertB [Loukakis] 6 

Stephen$ [Ekmet] 6

TimB [Dem] 6

TomM [Dūrion] 6

WarrenJ [Anders] 6


Base 3

DavidS 6
- Monster Ref.

AndyT 3

ChrisR 2 (Base 1 - arrived late)
- (+1) Tree.

DanJ 3

DominicD 3

DougS 4
- (+1) Roast Hog.

FlorianS 3

JamesW 3

LawrenceH 3

SamM 4
- (+1) The best present.

*** Comments ***


The Return to Upper Bogglehampton (04/12/2005)

*** Mission ***

Pathfinder Corporal Smoke
XIXth Holy Infantry 

Mission report 

Am sorry to report that we were unable to get close to the Upper Bogglehampton Graveyard to investigate the Seer's claim. A 
force of Undead, thirty to forty strong appeared from the mist, splitting the Sergeant from the rest of the patrol, and it 
took almost all of our magic and miracles, plus the loss of Pathfinder Mole's right arm before we could recover him and 
return to Sentry Post Alpha. 
We will regroup and try again tomorrow. 


Pathfinder Corporal Smoke 
XIXth Holy Infantry 

Mission report 

We set out from sentry point Beta at the break of day. Fog was so thick, the pathfinders could barely see each other. After 
about an hour of searching, we got to the edge of what was Twerton. The Seer was correct, it is inhabited, but when we tried 
to approach over the wall, we were hurled back by a magical force. It was powerful, but seemed to be air magic based, not 
Dark or Necromantic. We headed back towards Beta point, but got lost in the fog again, emerging by sentry point Charlie 
instead. Both Zombies and Skeletons were encountered, but avoided. We felt there was something worse out in the fog, but it 
was keeping it's distance.
Tomorrow, we'll try and get near the Anarchy Temple.


Guard Lieutenant Putt 
XIXth Holy Infantry

To Captain Wedge 

Yesterday's patrol has still not returned to any of the sentry posts. The following Patrol members are officially MIA:
Pathfinder Corporal Smoke 
Pathfinder Moley 
The Barbarian, McKrill 
Guard Rusted-Metal 
Guard Soxx 
Cleric Day 
Cleric Ann D. Ivy 
Mage Ina Propreate 
All members of the Holy XIXth. 

Their mission, to investigate the concentrations of magic to the North-East of the Graveyard site has been recorded as a 
My condolences to the families of these brave souls, and please let me know if I can pitch in, in anyway.


To all available patrol members, mercinaries, college mages and anyone else, 

Heavy undead attacks all along the Upper Bogglehampton wall. Send help! Lots of help!

Captain Wedge 
XIXth Holy Infantry

The moon fades back to being it's proper phase. The howls in the forest change to shouts of confusion, then anger. As you get 
close to the wall, you are met by the survivors of the Holy XIXth, including Glen Eagles and St. Andrew.

See Reports

*** Points ***


Base 13

AdrianC [Thorfen] 13
- The most mobile of the four strong guard unit.

AilsaB [Cheska] 14
- (+1) The rose, the death ritual and rejection of 'dirty' life. 

AlexT [Carlsberg] 13
- Great support healer and Bless supply. Also commended for dealing with destroying the bindings.

AndyT [Rumour] 14
- (+1) Fantastic scouting. For a low ranking character, Rumour didn't shy away from anything.

ChrisN [Cyrus] 14
- (+1) Superb in the pre-game ritual. Great facing down angry werewolves. 

DanJ [Blackwing] 14
- (+1) Use of werewolf as holepunch. Good and effective use of Magic Sight.

DanM [Touton] 15
- (+2) Yes, it was a good larp to be a Humacti, but you rose to the occasion very well. Good all-round performance.

DarrenE [Skyla] 14
- (+1) Good roleplay of Balance in the uberdeath ritual and the spirit binding afterwards.

DominicD [Aurinyan] 13
- Invaluable in the Forest of Invisibility and good reactions to the changing light conditions. 

DoriB [Zephyra] 14
- (+1) Good use of Frosty. Please consider buying self to touch Magic Sight.

DougS [Daenaram] 13
- Fantastic scouting again. Also good skirmishing.

FlorianS [Rain] 14
- (+1) Great Ritualing and good performance in the Forest of Invisibility.

JamesW [Nab] 13
- The flanks of my monsters were never safe. Great restraint in the Forest of Invisibility.

JoeS [Moron] 14
- (+1) Great roleplay when Cheska went missing. Solid guarding.

JohnB [Breeze] 14
- (+1) Protecting the party in the Forest of Invisibility and well placed Sleep spells.

KatieB [Morrigan] 14
- (+1) Brilliant through the Forest of Invisibility. Great as a spirit binding and respectful of the death goddess.

MarcusO [Raven] 13 
- Enjoyed the Raven's 'attempts' on the female members of the party and treatment of Goblins. Oh, and stratigically not 
  dealing with Headman Bob.

NatalieW [Talia] 14
- (+1) Talking to trees. Entangling the subdued werewolves.

PeterW [Fiddilo] 13
- Good guarding and solid protecting all day long.

ShaunG [Eagleson] 13
- Solid core of the biggest shield wall I've seen.
StephenE [Lomax] 14
- (+1) Ritual, Ace of Spades, ghoul slaying 101 and the 'removal' of Headman Bob.

TimB [Interfector] 13
- Good roleplay with the death ritual. Iffy roleplay about following orders, IC repercussions. 

WarrenJ [Mathonwy] 13 
- Good party leadership and use of high level healing miracles. Kept things moving IC.


Base 7

DavidS 13
- Monster Ref.

Beth$ 9 
- (+2) Organising me and making sense of incomplete notes.

CarlD 7
- Good performance all round. 

ChrisR 8
- (+1) Frosty gave all the players something to think about, even when the rest of the monsters weren't there. Also, a fine 

EleanorH 9
- (+2) Also enthusiastic and great as the young werewolf.

EmmaM 9
- (+2) Enthusiasm and dedecation to getting into each and every character.

JamesH 8
- (+1) Great as the young werewolf. Solid monstering.

JamesS 8
- (+1) Thanks for playing a vampire at short notice with a short and sketchy brief.

JamesT 7
- Good fighting. Always ready to go in as another wave.

LawrenceH 7 
- Fine monstering. I understand you managed to lick an elf, well done!

MatthewJ 8
- (+1) Dedecation to ghouling and a great goblin scout.

MatthewW 8
- (+1) Great as my Goblin Mayor, just right.

MikeR 8
- (+1) Short lived but dangerous avatar of anarchy and good monstering all round. 

RobertB 9
- (+2) Alf the friendly werewolf and being an absolute star. 

RuthS 4 (Base 4 - left early)
- Describing the world to players and a great banshee.

Stephen$ 7
- Again, good fighting.

*** Comments ***

1) The silvered weapons: These weapons will remain silver for three LARPs, or one 36HR LARP. Remember to mention it to the GM 
when using the weapon. Evaluates as silver.

Avant-Garde: Final Fantasy II - Reunion (27/11/2005)

*** Mission ***

After the disappearance of the silver-haired man (and the artefacts he stole from the temple of Pelor - thought to be
the remanats of Sephiroth) by a previous patrol, the party are to correct this mistake. They are to seek out the three 
silver-haired men and stop them. Failure is not an option, innocent people are dying for your mistakes.

Good show! Bloody good show! That's what I like to see Tanner good lad. You took all three out, impressive from all accounts. 
What? Dragon? Bloody hell!!! 
Warden Lt Darkforge

See Reports

*** Points ***


Base 12

AdrianC [Castlemaine] 13
- (+1) Good roleplay concerning an accidental killing of a party member.

CarlD [Philippe] 12

ChrisR [Bear] 12

DarrenE [Asharu] 12

DoriB [Anneri] 12
DougS [Juilin] 12

JamesS [Solymer] 12

LawrenceH [Onyxbalm] 12

MatthewW [Matthew] 12

RichardH [Sarevok] 12

RobertB [Loukakis] 12

StephenE [Tanner] 13
- (+1) For taking the IC dressing down as a true ordered follower of the military, and using it to drive Tanner all day.


Base 6

JamesW 12
- Monster Ref.

AilsaB 7
- (+1) For playing 'Whiny' for us. Thankyou, and sorry for the bishi death-toll on the day.

DanJ 8
- (+2) Getting Kadaj exactly how he was supposed to be over the campaign. Also for cool suggestions and get beaten on all 
  day :)

DanM 6

DavidS 7
- (+1) For cool suggestions (also running over from the week before) and roleplaying characters you had never seen before and 
  with minamal briefing, yet keeping them true to their digital selves. Thankyou!
EmmaM 6

FlorianS 7
- (+1) For playing 'Grumpy' for us. You got the fighting style down safely, thanks.

MarcusO 6

*** Comments ***


Avant-Garde: Final Fantasy II - Missing Children (13/11/2005)

*** Mission ***

There are missing children along several of the local villages. Investigate the cause of this and return the children. It has 
also been discovered that Archmagnus Rufius, a former high up in the college, has contacted the Barony asking for a meeting. 
He seems to want to help with the Geostigma situation.

Although the half-orc gladiator could not show restraint, the mission was completed to a good standard. The children have 
been ressurrected and returned to their families. We do not know the motive behind what the silver-haired trio were doing, 
but it is most definately hostile. The contact with Rufius is good, we hope he can help bring a swift resolution. The party, 
for the most part, should be commended. 

See Reports

*** Points ***


Base 10

AlexT [Axe] 10

CarlD [Philippe] 10

ChrisR [Bear] 10

DanM [Ug] 10

DavidT [Simon] 10

EleanorH [Sallicia] 10

JamesS [Solymer] 10

LawrenceH [Onyxbalm] 10

MatthewW [Matthew] 10

ShaunG [Monty] 10

TomM [Dūrion] 10


Base 5

KatieB 7
- Monster Ref.

JamesW 8
- Monster Ref.

AilsaB 7
- (+2) For organising the waves of monsters while KatieB and I were having fun NPCing with the party. Thankyou!

AndyT 5

ChrisN 5

DanJ 5

FlorianS 5

JamesH 5

JohnB 5

MarcusO 5

RobertB 5

StephenE 5

*** Comments ***

1) Rituals - Please bring a phys rep circle along if your performing rituals and make certain they last the correct length of 
time if you are going to perform them. If your not sure what to do with them, ask somebody who you've seen do them, we have 
some very good ritualists in the club.

2) I know we can't be IC all the time, but the majority of the time would be nice. Half of LARP is roleplay (waits to get 
hit), so please try to stay IC. This isn't at anyone in particular and those of you who it doesn't apply to will know who you 
are. It's no big problem at the moment, but it may become one in the future.

Avant-Garde: Final Fantasy II - Rumors and Plague (06/11/2005)

*** Mission ***

Seek out Arch Druid Catsclaw to discover the facts behind this plague. Also calm any peasants at villages you pass through, 
whether angry or in panic.

To All 

There is a discease spreading among the population. If anybody contracts it, report to the Temple of Justice. There have been 
no fatalities thus far, and it is not contageous.

That is all 

On Behalf of His Lordship 
Baron Van Heusen

What!?! Geostigma, bloody nonsense. What!?! BLOODY HELL!
Warden Lt Darkforge

See Reports

*** Points ***


Base 7

AdrianC [Castlemaine] 7

AlexT [Axe] 8
- (+1) Fantastic costume & character.

Beth$ [Heulwyn] 8
- (+1) Effective use of Fire Darts.

CarlD [Philippe] 7

DanJ [Valentine] 7

DavidT [Simon] 7

DominicD [Cumberland] 8
- (+1) Fantastic roleplay of the teacher on larps, we enjoyed it very much.

DoriB [Anneri] 7

EmmaM [Prospera] 7
- Again, good pathfinding.

JohnB [Dylan'shin] 7

LawrenceH [Onyxbalm] 8
- (+1) Good use of grips and other spells. I'm on the verge of giving you a minus point for over use of Earth Merge, but I 
  won't. Let this be a warning :) 

RobertB [Loukakis] 8
- (+1) Fantastic character and report.

StephenE [Tanner] 7

Stephen$ [Ekmet] 7


Base 3

JamesW 7
- Monster Ref.

AndyT 3

ChrisN 3

FlorianS 3

KatieB 3

MarcusO 3

MatthewW 3

MikeR 3

SamM 3

TimB 3

WarrenJ 3
- Thankyou for the help during the day.

*** Comments ***


Avant-Garde: Aliens (30/10/2005)

*** Mission ***


After the Alien Queen falls, a resounding scream echoes throughout the hive. A while later the Predators arrive to collect 
their dying champion. Once the Predators are gone, the party finds the hive deserted on their way out. With the death of the
Queen, the other Aliens appear to have panicked and scattered. The corpses of the villagers are spotted easily, stuck to the 
walls with some kind of resin. The bodies are recovered and returned to the Temple of Justice. Resurrection is doubtful, 
however the Marshals promise to try their best. The first patrol is also recovered and resurrected without problem. 

Subsequent patrols find the hive completely deserted and no sign of the Predator clan. Farm records in one of the empty 
villages indicate that approximately four hundred livestock are missing. Estimations of the number of animals in the forest 
that fell victim to the Aliens, and how many the Predators may have killed, still leaves over one hundred and fifty Aliens 
still at large. The villages and the surrounding area for the next ten miles is considered an extreme danger zone and the 
military is attempting to quarantine the area as best they can. 

The Alien creatures you encountered have not yet been identified. No such creature appears on record. There are theories they 
are a new kind of demon, but the matter is still being investigated. The existence of an egg laying Queen is troubling 
indeed, as well as the fact that the infection cannot currently be detected. 

The Predator clan however, is referenced several times in old history texts within the Temple of Freedom. These hunters have 
appeared several times in barony history, usually alone. Their race and origins are unknown and no encounters have been 
reported for over a hundred years. No remains have ever been recovered as the creatures appear to destroy themselves when 
near death.

See Reports

*** Points ***


Base 12

AdrianC [Castlemaine] 13
- (+1) An excellent job of keeping the party from fragmenting and fighting each other. Despite it being in your guild 
  description, you get a bonus point for doing this while dealing with five barbarians.

DarrenE [Asharu] 12
- I didn't observe you in action much, but the spell primed recall that saved you from the facehugger was very clever indeed.

DavidT [Simon] 13
- (+1) For taking on a Predator Champion who was three times your rank and actually going on the offensive against something
  you had no hope of beating. You certainly earned the hero ability you got as a reward.

Duncan [Daman] 12
- Well done for keeping in character for an extended period of time, however I have heard rumours of threatening party mages 
  without provocation. I'm aware a barbarian should certainly not like mages, but as a freedom shaman don't be so quick to 
  want to kill them.

EleanorH [Sallicia] 12
- Becoming quite a dependable guard by standing at the front and taking whatever the monsters dish out.

EmmaM [Prospera] 13
- (+1) For having the guts to actually slit the throat of an Alien Queen. I certainly didn't expect anyone to try that.

JamesH [Heinous] 12
- Excellent accent and a fearless barbarian warrior. What else can I say?

JamesS [Solymer] 12
- I didn't notice you much, sorry, but some extra life healing is always good to have.

JonT [Nathaniel] 11
- (-1) Unfortunately, although I didn't witness the event, I've heard you attacked Fazer after he woke you up. I understand 
  that you are not a temple Justice priest, however I don't consider Fazer's acts of stupidity to be provocation enough to 
  hurt him. A Justice priest should try to prevent fights within his party, not start them.

LawrenceH [Onyxbalm] 12
- While you may not have had much impact in many of the fights, gripping the facehugger was a nice touch as they were 
  potentially the most dangerous creatures out there.

MarcusO [Fazer] 12
- (-1) You may have worked out that FlorianS and StephenE were NPCs, and happily clobbered them, but that's metagaming so a 
  negative for you.
  (+1) But you get a bonus for being a good sport and taking their place under the facehugger.

MatthewW [Matthew] 12
- More guards is always a good thing for the party to have. I didn't see you fight much myself, but you filled the role of a 
  guard well. 

MikeR [Saldor] 13
- (+1) Fainting when the chestburster emerged, crying like a child when the barbarian hit you and panicking when a facehugger 
  jumped on your back. I have not failed to be amused by Saldor yet. Clearly deserving of a bonus.

RobertB [Loukakis] 13
- (+1) A very impressive report, however the main reason for your bonus point is the flying goggles.

SamM [Durain] 12
- The party leader? You had quite a challenge with so many highlanders to keep control of, yet the party did stick together 
  so well done for handling a tough job.

Stephen$ [Ekmet] 12
- Another I didn't observe in action much, however I think it was you that did help greatly in destroying the eggs from a 
  safe distance so well done for that.



DanJ 9
- Monster Ref.

JamesW 9
- Monster Ref.

AdrianB 6
- Sorry you didn't end up as the body of the Queen, but thanks for bringing along other kit I'd asked for, even though I 
  forgot to use it, again. 

AilsaB 7
- (+1) A great job as the "voice" of the Alien Queen, and a good monster all day long.

AlexT 6
- You failed to bring me Axe, but thanks for monstering. The more drones the better.

AndyT 6
- Thanks for being an NPC and dying.

ChrisR 6
- A great job as the first Predator taking on Aliens outside their hive. Unfortunately it was too dark for the players to 
  tell what was really going on, but thanks for the effort all the same.

DanM 6
- Thanks for frequently being a drone. Sorry you didn't get to use your shield, but thanks for bringing it.

DominicD 6
- Thanks for being a drone so often. Shame you still didn't get to play a Halloween game.

DoriB 6
- Another good Alien. Thanks for being there.

DougS 6
- Thanks for being one of my Royal Guard, despite the fact JamesW was likely to plough through you if he felt like it. 

FlorianS 6
- As with StephenE, no bonus since you started as a player, but your deaths really did help rile the players.

JohnB 6
- Well done for carrying on after dark, even though you can't see in the dark.

KatieB 6
- As with DougS, thanks for being the second Royal Guard and delaying the players as best you could.

MatthewJ 4 (Base 3 - left early)
- (+1) I heard you pulled off a brilliant bit as a facehugger. 

ShaunG 7
- (+1) A fantastic effort as the infected mage. That bit turned out just as I'd hoped thanks to you.

StephenE 6
- I won't give you or FlorianS a bonus as you got to spend some time as players as a reward. But thanks for helping panic the 
  party in that role. 

TimB 6
- Another dependable monster. Thanks for bringing kit, although I was rushed at the end and forgot to use it, sorry.

*** Comments ***

1) Monsters. Firstly, I am aware the monsters became somewhat bored towards the end, and I apologise for this. I know my 
briefings were less than perfect, but thanks for all giving it your best. Unfortunately I wanted more monsters early on than
I did later, so chalk it down to bad planning on my part. Given that the monsters pretty much always had to fight with claws, 
I heard no complaints of unsafe hand attacks which is very impressive indeed. Thanks for doing a great job and helping make 
my first LARP a reality. 

2) Players. A party with five barbarians is bound to have some infighting, but you managed to all stick together through it 
all, so well done. Even though FlorianS and StephenE were NPCs and it was mainly the fault of MarcusO that they died, the fact 
remains that two characters were perm-dead after the game and I must stress that this is something players should try to 
prevent in future (mainly YOU, MarcusO!). That aside, your defensive formation in the bowl was impressive, and saved you from 
any serious number of facehugger victims.

Avant-Garde: Training III - The Rebel Threat (23/10/2005)

*** Mission ***


Congratulations. You successfully rescued three of four hostages and also cleared the area of the remaining 19th Hassani 
Drakens. The two that escaped are insignificant compared to the loss of their leader and what is believed to be the majority 
of their forces. 
This mission was the first combat field test of the Avant-Garde unit outside controlled conditions, and you all performed 
admirably. I am extremely proud of this unit and its achievements.
Marshal Flynn Medar

See Reports

*** Points ***


Base 8

DavidS [Arthur] 9 
- (+1) For your superb handling of the 27th Eagles leader diplomacy encounter. Also, well done for 'handling' the Dodgy Bob 
  problem in the village. Very justice aligned.

DoriB [Anneri] 8 
- More great scouting. Always present exactly where the monsters didn't want you to be!

DougS [Juilin] 9 
- (+1) For your part in the plan to thwart Dodgy Bob. Absolutely fantastic idea, and it caught me completely by surprise. 
  Well done. Also, great roleplay throughout the day as well. 

JamesH [Heinous] 9 
- (+1) For your roleplay of losing your sword in the final encounter. Annoyed Highlander shouts abuse, hits things with fists 
  and then allows himself to be captured so he can get angry some more, all with a great Scottish accent!

JamesS [Solymer] 8 
- Nice roleplay of a character concerned with the wellbeing of his fellow party members. I'm sure that your healing saved 
  more than a few lives in the last encounter.

JamesW [Jimmy] 10 
- (+1) For spectacularly breaking Dodgy Bob in the village. Not only did you and Juilin come up with a well thought out and 
  practical plan to thwart him, but you avoided meta-gaming by losing your dagger, you proved him guilty rather than guessing 
  and you even arranged a date with the headman's daughter. 
  (+1) For both your setting up of the Eagles diplomacy encounter by pretending to be a lost traveller and also your hostage 
  exchange scenario at the end.

JonT [Nathaniel] 8 
- Try to stay upright more. After all, you are one of the major party healers! Good fighting, healing and attitude, 
  nevertheless. Well done.

Katie$ [Deutrix] 9 
- (+1) For good front line fighting as well as for staying in the thick of it when all hell broke loose. Remember to watch 
  your flanks though, it's all too easy to be backstabbed when you're concentrating on keeping formation. 

MatthewJ [Kiloe] 9 
- (+1) For the great timing of the fire darts. They damn well hurt! Cool costume too.

MatthewW [Matthew] 8 
- Good solid performance in defending the weaker party members, exactly what a guard gets paid for! 

PeterW [Hawthorn] 8 
- I didn't see much of you out there but I'm told you were effective. Well done.

SamM [Durain] 9 
- (+1) For a good stab at leading the party. I know from past experience how difficult it is. Both my attempts proved to be 
  dismal failures. Good fighting nonetheless, and maybe have another go at leading the party in the future. 

Stephen$ [Ekmet] 9 
- (+1) For all of the well timed weapon destroys. Those really gave the party the edge it needed in the fights with the 
  Eagles. It also demonstrates effective management of standing, keep up the good work! 

WarrenJ [Anders] 8
- Good show following Jimmy after he was captured and for that final bit of roleplay. Also, good scouting throughout the day.


Base 4

RobertB 6
- Monster Ref.

ShaunG 6
- Monster Ref.

AdrianB 5 
- (+1) For the skeleton incident. Nothing freaks players out more than a downed skeleton which refuses to get up. 

AdrianC 5 
- (+1) We shall fight them on the beaches. Great Churchill speech. Only sorry that I didn't hear it myself. As with Alex, 
  thanks for the safety calls during the last fight.

AilsaB 4 
- Typical villagers daughter going off after the merest whiff of money. Nicely done.

AlexT 5 
- (+1) For being the unerring voice of the 27th Eagles. Tally Ho, what, what! Thanks for safety calls during the last fight 
  as well. 

AndyT 4 
- As always, great monstering. Thanks.

ChrisN 5 
- (+1) For the fantastic 27th Eagles leader and the roleplay of the negotiation. That could so easily have gone wrong, so 
  thanks for making it work.

ChrisR 4 

DanJ 4 
- Sorry for not having an SOC role for you this week.

DanM 4 
- Hostages should keep quiet when told to! Thanks for lying dead on wet ground for at least fifteen minutes after you were 

Duncan 4 

FlorianS 4 
- You like casters too much. Perhaps that necromancer encounter was a little too close to Rain for comfort. Great monstering
  throughout the day, thanks. 

MarcusO 4 

NatalieW 6 
- (+1) For not killing players
  (+1) For not breaking my plot. A big thank you for that last encounter. You only killed a hostage after he refused to obey
  you, you captured Heinous in a fair manner and then you roleplayed the capture of Jimmy really well. I have to admit, I did 
  not foresee the crazyness of three party members offering themselves up for hostages but you handled the situation calmly 
  and refrained from killing any of the players.

TomM 4
- Good solid monstering, thanks.

*** Comments ***

1) I was really impressed by the party this week. Your combined roleplay of nearly every encounter was spot on. You also 
succeeded in your mission and recovered three of the hostages. Try and watch the party cohesion, though. There were a couple 
of times when the party went to pieces mid combat, although cunning applications of weapon destroys saved the day in the end!

Avant-Garde: Training II - The Escort (16/10/2005)

*** Mission ***


Firstly, let me say how impressed I was by your overall handling of this mission. Not only did you safely escort your target
to their destination, but you also neutralised the bandit threat in the immediate area. Your decision to avoid the bandit 
confrontation until your assigned mission had been completed was well made. 
Your scouting manoeuvres which resulted in the interception of Private Snipes (Special Operations Command) were well executed 
and in a real combat scenario your escort target would have been well protected from harm. 
Finally, although your containment of the bandit threat in the area was not total, you successfully recovered the stolen 
scrolls and a patrol sent in after you ascertained that their leader had been killed. It appears that he cut his own throat, 
so your assault must have been quite thorough. 
I look forward to further successes from this unit. 
Marshal Flynn Medar

See Reports

*** Points ***


Base 8

AdrianC 9 
- (+1) For being very restrained IC about the tree goblins and mostly the seemingly black-clad man, we goaded you, but you 
  didnt take the bait IC, well done ;-)

Beth$ [Heulwyn] 8 
- Good first outing, I hope you enjoyed it.

CarlD [Philippe] 8
- I liked the fact that you refused the help of the druids because you couldn't promise to always protect nature, well done.

DavidT [Simon] 8 
- Good work within the party, look forward to seeing you again.

DoriB [Anneri] 9
- (+1) Very effective and active scout, working well within the pathfinder team. Great costume as well. (I like the hat...)

DougS [Juilin] 8
- Another solid outing for Juilin, I look forward to seeing him progress throughout the year.

EleanorH [Sallicia] 9 
- (+1) Really good leadership of the party, you kept people in their place, made the decisions and pulled people up when they 
  were out of line. Good work.

EmmaM [Prospera] 9
- (+1) Another great outing, combining both usefulness with good roleplay. Prospera is the definitive might aligned scout!

JamesH [Heinous] 8 
- Good Highland roleplay, very dangerous when needed, very restrained when needed (but roleplayed well as a restrained 
  barbarian) and the accent was good as well.

JamesS [Solymer] 8
- Good roleplay and a good asset to team freedom :-)

JamesW [Jimmy] 9
- (+1) Great teamwork scouting, and saving Anders from the goblins. Careful about getting separated from the party in combat 

JonT [Nathaniel] 8 
- No negative as you are new to the system, however it is not really justice aligned to actively partake in torture or to 
  slaughter a bandit that has surrendered willingly. Remember that priests do have to obey their path and there are penalties 
  for going against them. 

MatthewW [Matthew] 8
- Another good performance both IC and OOC - you should consider joining the guards ;-)

MikeR [Saldor] 9 
- (+1) For the good roleplay of being drunk and scared in the end fight, very wrong, very irritating, very well done!

RichardH [Sarevok] 8 
- Good roleplay of might yet again, you followed orders but gave them as well, and made sure people knew if you thought they 
  were wrong. Careful with vocals however, remember that a fear 2 requires 2 words on top of the "rank 2", as I remember you 
  saying "fear rank 2".

SamM [Durain] 9
- (+1) Durain was pivotal in making the (correct) decision to deliver Pilgrim and come back for the bandits and for that you 
  get the bonus. Good understanding of the situation. 

StephenE [Tanner] 8
- Very effective character. I liked the costume as well. Wardens are grim!

Stephen$ [Ekmet] 8 
- Yet more fiery death! Didn't see as many destroys going out, but sometimes it is not always a valid option. As you gain 
  rank your spell list grows and you will be able to do more things in more situations anyway. 

WarrenJ [Anders] 8 
- Good teamwork with the other scouts, however getting cornered and captured by goblins was not so great. Personally, I blame 
  the daggers. 


Base 4

RobertB 6
- Monster Ref.

ShaunG 6
- Monster Ref.

AlexT 4

AilsaB 4 
- Thanks for being a dead body for what ended up being quite a long time.

AndyT 4

ChrisR 4

DanJ 5 
- (+1) For being the SOC black Clad man and scaring the party both IC and OOC, well done! 

DanM 4

DavidS 5 
- (+1) For your suggestion of adding the scolls for the party to retrieve, thanks.

DominicD 4 
- Good solid monstering, thanks.

FlorianS 4
- Thanks for monstering.

JohnB 5 
- (+1) For dragging along a BUNCS bod, even if she decided it wasn't her thing. Thanks.

KatieB 4 
- Thanks for being a dead body for what ended up being quite a long time.

LawrenceH 4

TimB 4 
- Thanks for monstering, though you looked quite disheartened when we asked you to do so. Quite unfair given you have played 
  10 of the last 12 games.

*** Comments ***


Avant-Garde: Training I - The Enclosure (09/10/2005)

*** Mission ***


Avant-Garde (Group B) Training Exercise I successfully completed.
I hear that it was this group that was used to deal with the Temple of Chaos threat, you did so very well and I am impressed. 
This bodes well for your careers within the Avant-Garde.
Upon interrogation of the captured priest of chaos we have ascertained that he is indeed a member of their temple. They 
likely formulated the plan to dispel the enclosure barriers on a whim. Such is the nature of their temple.
I expect you all to attend the Training Exercise II next week.
Guard captain Elwood, Unit Commander CXV-AG

See Reports

*** Points ***


Base 8

CarlD [Philippe] 8
- Didn't see too much of you out there, but you seemed to keep yourself out of trouble which is always good.

ChrisN [Marcus] 9
- (+1) Brilliant character and very efficient leader. Try and remember to keep the hit-rate down a bit more though, and 
  remember you still have to pull parried blows.

DavidS [Arthur] 8
- Very naive (unarmed!) justice priest... Many start out that way, we shall see how long it takes...

DavidT [Simon] 8
- Good solid guard. You took the hits and made sure you got healed.

DougS [Juilin] 8
- Brilliant character as always, I expect the armour will help a lot.

EleanorH [Sallicia] 8
- Well done for your ambidexing, and also for your hiding of your swords from those nasty weapon destroying Chaos Priests!

EmmaM [Prospera] 9
- (+1) Brilliant Pathfinder, you kept your eyes open and you spotted the enemy. Also, good roleplay of a might aligned 
  character, well done!

JamesS [Solymer] 8
- Some trouble with battle boarding at first but this was sorted out in the end. Hope to see you next week!

JamesW [Jimmy] 8
- Flouncy. Good work, though you need to remember to keep your eyes open for monsters as well as fighting them!

Joe$  [Phillic] 8
- Very competent scout, though you need to remember to stay in-character more often. Good first time out though.

JohnB [Bramble] 8
- Never play a character with a weapon! It always ends in tragedy :-(

JonT [Nathaniel] 8
- I noticed you went down quite a lot, but you didn't die so you were obviously doing things right. Willing to drop yourself
  in overcastting to keep others alive, very justice aligned.

Katie$ [Deutrix] 8
- Good first time out, I hope to see you out again.

NatalieW [Volla] 8
- Very unique costume, Very half-ogre! Remember that half-ogres have a gruff, hoarse voice though.

TimB [Dem] 8
- Reasonable scout, though you missed some sneaky orcs that the newbie scouts picked up on...

MatthewW [Matthew] 8
- Good first time out, solid warrior.

MikeR [Saldor] 8
- Didn't see too much of you out there I'm afraid, seemed quite neutral within the party, but then this is a very balanced 

RichardH [Sarevok] 9
- (+1) Good roleplay of a Priest of Might, and good use of Fear and Control Undead to the party's advantage. Also, a really 
  good Report! Very might aligned, I enjoyed reading it a lot :-)

RuthS [Jysella] 8
- Good solid combatant, using your spear well.

SamM [Durain] 8
- Solid first game. Look forward to seeing you back!

Stephen$ [Ekmet] 9
- (+1) Good first time out, especially the well timed destroys. Good understanding of when to use mana and when to save it.


Base 4

RobertB 6
- Monster Ref.

ShaunG 6
- Monster Ref.

AdrianB 4

AdrianC 4

AilsaB 4

AlexT 4
- Good work with playing the boss orc 'Mad Tim McAxestien' ;-)

AndyT 4
- Thanks for playing Nab McAxestien ;-)

ChrisR 4

DanJ 4

DarrenE 4

DominicD 4

DoriB 4
- I'm glad you had so much fun! It showed by your shear enthusiasm ;-)

Duncan 3
- (-1) For hard hits as mentioned by some of the new players. You are a great roleplayer and for that I commend you, but 
  pulling your blows is still an unresolved issue.

FlorianS 4

KatieB 5
- (+1) Brilliant work as Jusa Natayelle, loads of thanks for looking after the party on their first day out!

LawrenceH 4

MarcusO 2 (Base 2 - arrived late)
- Go-Karts need petrol :-P Thanks for coming up in the end!

PeterW 4
- Thanks for your help on the monster crew.

StephenE 4

TomM 4

WarrenJ 4
- Thanks for playing fair with the new players, I know it's hard to 'dumb-down' weapon skill yet you still managed it well!

*** Comments ***

1) For such a large turnout and with so many new players I was very happy with how smooth the whole larp went. Very impressed 
with the overall competency and safety of all our new members, as well as being equally impressed that so many older members 
made it down to monster! Thanks a lot folks and I hope to see the same next week!

Versus (02/10/2005)

*** Mission ***

Attention! A patrol is needed to deal with a group of teleporting bandits that are raiding villages all around the barony!
We have learned that they are travelling by a portal directly to the villages and that is why they are so hard to catch, but 
luckily we have learned of their next target - The village of Fresh. Travel to this village, evacuate the villagers, and wait 
for the bandits to arrive via their portal. You can then kill them and travel through the portal to find out where they come 
from. Oh, and dont worry, we have full confidence in your ability to find a way back...

Mission successful, well done to all involved. The bandit raids have stopped and you dispatched a large demonologist cult as 
well. I also hear that G'Mord won a duel against himelf 3 times! Or so he tells me.

See Reports

*** Points ***


Base 10

DanJ [Blackwing] 11 
- (+1) For a good combat with yourself, it was fun to watch and that after all was the point of the parade larp. 

DanM [Touton] 11 
- (+1) For another impressive combat. Subduing your double into the ground as well as the attempt at Destroy Undead 16 on 
  him was amusing. 

Duncan [Xensharn] 11 
- (+1) For yet another perfect roleplay of the Path of Might and having the guts to say exactly what you thought of 
  Interfector to (actually in) his face for leaving the Temple. Despite the fact that you knew he was about 4 times your 
  rank! I'll let you off the fact that you forgot half your miracles on your character sheet because its been a while since 
  you played him.

FlorianS [Rain] 10 
- Your twinks to win against your double were interesting and very well thought out. I'm not going to give you bonus points 
  for twinking though :-P Your fight was over very quickly, but I can hardly blame you... Rain versus Rain was the most 
  dangerous fight by far.

MarcusO [G'Mord] 12 
- (+2) For advertising BLADES on your shield, but mainly for the brilliantly roleplayed combats with yourself! Even if you 
  did lose twice :-P

TimB [Interfector] 10 
- Good combat all round. Warden Interfecter seems somehow nicer than when he was High Master, which is good roleplay for his 
  change to Warden. Careful how often you use subdue to knock out players though, it should be used sparingly. Very safe 
  fighting as well, with well pulled blows.


Base 5

RobertB 7 
- Monster Ref.

ShaunG 8
- Monster Ref.

AdrianB 6 
- (+1) For the good combat with Touton. Well thought out and a good roleplay of Touton!

AndyT 7 
- (+2) For the nice armour, it looked impressive on the parade. Mainly though for the perfect roleplay of G'Mord, and winning 
  against the odds, twice! 

ChrisR 5 
- Good solid monstering, thanks.

DougS 6 (Base 4 - left early)
- (+1) For the (expected) good roleplay of the Master Demon. 
  (+1) For the good combat with Blackwing. Daggers EVERYWHERE!!! 

LawrenceH 5 
- Generally good, thanks for monstering. Good kit as well, though try and remember to pull your blows more in combat.

MatthewJ 5 
- I liked your Harm 8 and Harm 4 demons. They were... insane :-) Sorry you didnt get to play as one of the character doubles.

TomM 3 (Base 3 - left early)
- Sorry you had to leave early, but thanks for monstering nonetheless.

*** Comments ***

1) Lots of pluses and few negatives, mainly because everyone was really really good, so well done! A good show for BLADES on 
the parade and I was impressed how well it worked. I hope to see more proper parade LARPS in the future! Oh, and one more 
apology for giving the players an impossible riddle :-( The question should have been when was King Rauss BORN...